• How to Choose

    How to choose a radio microphone

    Basic principles of operation of radio systems The main function of a radio or wireless system is to transmit information in a radio signal format. “Information” refers to an audio signal, but radio waves can also transmit video data, digital data, or control signals. The information is first converted into a radio signal. The conversion of the original signal into a radio signal is carried out by changing the  radio wave . Wireless microphone systems typically consist of three main components : an input source, a transmitter, and a receiver. The input source generates the audio signal for the transmitter. The transmitter converts the audio signal into a radio signal and transmits it to the environment. The receiver “picks up” or receives the radio signal…

  • How to Choose

    How to choose a vocal microphone

    A microphone (from the Greek μικρός – small, φωνη – voice) is an electro-acoustic device that converts sound vibrations into electrical ones and is used to transmit sounds over long distances or to amplify them in telephones, broadcasting and sound recording systems. The most common type of microphone and at the moment is a dynamic microphone , the advantages of which include their good quality indicators: strength, small size and weight, low susceptibility to vibrations and shaking, a wide range of perceived frequencies, which makes it possible to use this type of microphone as well as in studios and outdoors when recording open concerts and reports In this article, the experts of the store “Student” will tell you how to…