What, apart from the audio equipment, is also worth having at the party?
See Lighting, disco effects at Muzyczny.pl
Almost all of us have been to a disco in a club at least once in their life. What makes us say after such an event that it was fun, great, etc. First of all, music comes to the fore, because it is the most important thing and it depends on it whether a given event is successful or not. Of course, good company, just like music, is a very important and in fact one of the basic factors influencing the fact that we will go to a given disco or party. And there is also a third very important element influencing our assessment of a given event, these are the disco effects, i.e. all those lasers, smoke, mists, scanners and confetti that give the disco its own atmosphere. Once, 30 or 40 years ago, there was much less of this equipment, and the lighting of, for example, a school disco organized in a gym, was mostly limited to two bulb colorophones, which bravely presented their charms placed on columns. Now the situation has changed dramatically and there is a lot of equipment on the market, and most importantly, you can buy good-quality equipment at affordable prices.
Where to start with such equipment completion?
We can assemble completely separate individual elements from different manufacturers, but we can choose a modular form of the set and then we buy individual elements of a given series as cash flows in. You must know that it is not easy to really illuminate a room well, especially if it is large and with different nooks and crannies. Real lighting masters play with it using different modules, some for the floor, some for the ceiling, and some for central lighting. Now I will present you a few mobile devices which, due to their small size and quick installation and easy operation, are willingly used not only by clubs, but also DJs and music bands who provide their services in various places.
Perhaps you would like to start your picking with something the most universal, which would allow you to achieve the effect of the whole with one piece of equipment. It is possible using the so-called hybrid of Spot and Washa. This combination allows you to simultaneously illuminate the dance floor and create a unique spectacle using spot light and gobo patterns. It is a great solution for bands, DJs and clubs. This type of device can illuminate even a large room in an interesting way. It is also worth investing in some lighting mounted on the beam, which will be our base of fixed points. Such a bar, approx. 90 cm wide, with 4 spotlights installed, will certainly be used in our lighting center. It would be good if such a device had a foot controller that would allow us to easily operate it even when our hands are busy, for example, playing the guitar, keyboard or operating the console. Of course, all such devices also have an automatic mode that reacts to music and rhythm, for example. Another cool thing is the beam head with a kaleidoscope effect for decorative applications. Such a head is equipped with several (usually 4) independently controlled LEDs, which, thanks to a rotating disc, disperse the stream, thus obtaining an interesting kaleidoscope effect. Of course, our set includes a standard laser. Usually, these devices emit a beam consisting of an average of 200 rays in two colors.
A very popular lighting device is the Stinger combining a Moonflower effect, a laser and a strobe in one spotlight. Let’s not forget about the smoke generator, which should be included in the basic composition of our equipment.
We must be aware that to achieve the best lighting results, you need full synchronization of all working elements into one whole. A single piece of this puzzle will not give us the desired effect. The example laser itself will not show its effect without the use of smoke. And finally, one more important remark. When buying an item, pay attention to the length of its one-time work. If a given device is to work all night long, we should buy equipment that has been equipped with an active cooling system, thanks to which it can work continuously without fear of overheating.