Voice mutation in girls
If vocal teachers and parents take the problem of voice mutation in teenage boys quite seriously, then with girls things are different. However, this approach is not at all correct, since voice mutation in girls is no less serious.
What is the mechanism of voice failure in girls?
The mutation period, as a rule, is much shorter in girls than in boys. In addition, the signs of voice mutation are not very pronounced. This is due to the fact that the enlargement of the larynx in women occurs gradually.
Scientists have proven that the development of the larynx in women occurs before the age of 30. There are several turning points in development at which it is worth paying close attention to the hygiene and protection of the singing and speaking voice. Such crises are attributed to 12-15 years and 23-25 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.
The process of voice mutation in girls occurs quite quickly (2-6 weeks) and in a mild form. Sometimes perestroika is not noticeable not only to others, but also to the growing ones themselves. However, this does not mean that nothing is happening.
During the process of primary restructuring, the larynx of girls doubles in size, which is much less than that of boys (three-quarters of the original size).
In girls, the cricoid, arytenoid and thyroid cartilages grow rapidly. The uneven growth of individual parts and organs as a whole leads to some temporary changes that stabilize over time. In addition, the structure of individual parts of the vocal apparatus changes. For example, girls experience growth of the tongue and ossification of cartilaginous tissue.
The voice is lowered by several tones, usually by a third or fourth. At the same time, the range of the vocal voice becomes smaller. The timbre takes on color: it thickens, becomes deep and “meaty”. In some cases, the voice may take on an alto coloration that will disappear over time.
Features of voice failure in girls
The female body is subject to special laws throughout its life. The functions of all organs depend on the menstrual cycle, and the vocal apparatus is no exception. Voice mutation occurs during puberty and is closely related to the appearance of menstruation in girls.
During the period of bleeding, a hormonal surge occurs, which changes the processes taking place in the body. You ask: “What does voice and vocal training have to do with it?” The answer is simple. All body systems are interconnected. During menstruation, the body is weakened, a qualitative change in the composition of the blood occurs, and others. During menstruation, redness and inflammation of the larynx occurs, which, in combination with a mutation, can lead to disastrous consequences, including loss of voice.
What should you remember during the period of voice mutation in girls?
The period of growth of the body is the most important and difficult. Therefore, you should adhere to several rules:
- No overvoltage. This can apply to both the singing voice and the speaking voice. Any overload can cause serious problems. A mode of careful use of the voice and a clear load schedule is the first rule.
- Attentiveness. During this period, it is better to listen to the body and if even the slightest signs appear (overwork, reluctance to sing, hoarse, voice failure, etc.) it is worth reducing the load to nothing. It is important to feel your body and listen to it.
- Avoid singing lessons during menstruation. In a professional environment, sick leave is practiced during this period.
- It is better not to give up vocal lessons, but to continue with a reasonable load.
Undoubtedly, hygiene and protection of the vocal apparatus during the mutation period is the most important point. To preserve and increase your vocal capabilities during the mutation period, a gentle operating mode is necessary.