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strong beat, strong time, heavy beat – in the clock system, the first, metrically reference beat of the bar, before which a bar line is placed. In complex measures and mixed measures, there is also a relatively strong proportion, as it were, of the S. d. of local significance (for example, the third quarter note in 4/4 time). S. d. is emphasized by certain muses. means: rhythmic. stopping or energetic fragmentation of duration, the introduction of a new harmony, loud accent, deep bass, melodic. top. Thanks to the metric of inertia, the SD is perceived as logically isolated even in the absence of a real accent on it – in this case, it is endowed with an “imaginary accent” (I. V. Sposobin). The regularity of SD with a constant time signature is one of the organizing principles of music. forms.
V. N. Kholopova