Reduced intervals |
Reduced Intervals – intervals, to-rye on chromatic. a semitone is smaller than the small and pure semitones of the same name. In the diatonic The system contains one reduced interval – a reduced fifth (tritone) on the VII degree of natural major or on the II degree of natural minor. In harmonic. major and minor also contain a diminished seventh (at the 4th degree). U. and. are also formed from a decrease in chromatic. semitone peaks of a small or pure interval or from an increase in chromatic. semitone of its base. In this case, the tone value of the interval changes, while the number of steps included in it and, accordingly, its name remain the same. For example, a small sixth e – c (3 tones) turns into a reduced sixth e – ces or eis – c (XNUMX ½ tones), enharmonically equal to a pure fifth. When reversing a reduced interval, an increased interval is formed, for example. a diminished third turns into an augmented sixth. Like simple intervals, compound intervals can also be reduced.
With a simultaneous decrease in the top and an increase in the base of the interval by chromatic. semitone is formed twice the reduced interval. For example, a minor seventh c – b (5 tones) turns into a twice reduced seventh cis – heses (4 tones), enharmonically equal to a small sixth. A doubly reduced interval can also be formed by lowering the top of the interval or raising its base by chromatic. tone. For example, a pure fifth c – g (3 ½ tones) turns into a twice diminished fifth c – geses or cisis – g (2 ½ tones), which is enharmonically equal to a pure fourth. When reversing a twice-decreased interval, a twice-increased interval is formed.
See Interval, Interval Reversal.
V. A. Vakhromeev