Music Terms – L
L’, La, Lo (it. le, la, le); L’, Le, La (fr. le, le, la) – the singular definite article
L’istesso tempo (it. listesso tempo), lo stesso tempo (lo stesso tempo) – the same pace
La (it., fr. la, eng. la) – sound la
La main droite en valeur sur la main gauche (fr. la main droite en valeur sur la maine gauche) – highlight the right hand more than the left
La mélodie bien marquée (fr. la melody bien marque ) – it is good to highlight the melody
Labialpfeifen (German labialpfeifen), Labialstimmen (labialshtimmen) – labial pipes of the organ
Lächelnd (German lochelnd) – grinning [Beethoven. “Kiss”]
Lacrima(lat., it. lacrima), Lagrima (it. lagrima) – a tear; con lagrima (con lagrima), Lagrimevole (lagrimevole), Lagrimoso (lagrimoso) – mournful, sad, full of tears
Lacrimosa dies ilia (Latin lacrimosa dies illa) – “Tearful day” – the opening words of one of the parts of the
Lage requiem (German lage ) – 1) position (position of the left hand when playing bowed instruments); 2) arrangement of chords
Lagno (it. lanyo) – complaint, grief
Lagnevole (lanevole) – plaintively
Lai (fr. le), Lay (eng. lei) – le (mid-century song genre)
Laie (German laye) – art lover
Laienmusiker (layenmusiker) – amateur musician
Laienkunst (layenkunst) – amateur
performance Laissant (fr. lessan) – leaving, leaving
Laisser (lesse) – leave, leave, provide
Laissez tomber (fr. lesse tombe) – one of the ways to produce sound on a tambourine ; literally throw
Laissez vibrer (French lesse vibre) – 1) play the piano with the right pedal; 2) leave the vibration of the strings on the harp
Lamentabile (it. lamentabile), Lamentoso (lamentoso) – plaintively
Lamentation (fr. lamantasion), Lamen tazione (it. lamentatsione), Lamento (lamento) – crying, moaning, complaining, sobbing
Ländler (German Landler) – Austrian nar. dance; the same as Dreher
Lang (German lang) – long
Lang gestrichen (lang geshtrichen), Lang gezogen (lang hetzogen) – lead with the whole bow
Langflöte (German langflöte) – longitudinal flute
Langhallend (German langhallend) – long-sounding
Langsam (German . langzam) – slowly
Langsamer werdend (langzamer verdend) – slowing down
Languendo (it. languendo), avec langueur (fr. avek langer), con Languidezza (it. con languidetstsa), Languido (languido), Languissant (fr. langissan), Languorous(eng. lengeres) – languidly, as if exhausted
Langueur (fr. langer), Languidezza (it. languidezza), Languor (eng. lenge) – languor, languor
Larga (lat. larga) – the highest duration in mensural notation; literally wide
Largamente (it. largamente), con larghezza (con largezza) – wide, drawn
out Larghezza (largezza) – the latitude
of Largando (it. largando) – expanding, slowing down; the same as allargando and slargando
Large (fr. larzh), Largement (larzheman) – wide
Large (eng. laaj) – large, large
Large side drum(laaj side drum) – oversized snare drum
Larghetto (it. largetto) – somewhat faster than largo, but slower than andante, in operas of the 18th century. sometimes used to denote gracefulness
Largo (it. largo) – widely, slowly; one of the tempos of the slow parts of the sonata cycles
Largo assai (largo assai), Largo di molto (largo di molto) – very wide
Largo un poco (largo un poco) – a little wider
Larigot (fr. larigo) – one of the
Larmoyant organ registers (fr . larmoyan) – tearfully, plaintively
Las (fr. la), Lassé (lyasset) – wearily
Lasciare (it. lashare) – leave, leave, let go
Lasciar vibrare (lashar vibrare) – 1) play the piano with the right pedal; 2) on the harp, leave the vibration of the strings
Lassan (Hungarian Lashan) – 1st, slow part of the chardash
Lassen (German Lassen) – leave
Lastra (Italian lastra) – lastra (percussion instrument)
Laúd (Spanish Laud) – lute ( ancient stringed plucked instrument)
Lauda (lat. Lauda), Laudes (laudes) – Middle – century. laudatory chant
Lauf (German Lauf) – passage, roulade; literally run
Laut (German Laut) – sound
Laut – loud, loud
Laute (German Laute) – lute (an old stringed plucked instrument)
Le chant bien en dehors(French le champ bien an deor), Le chant bien marqué (le champ bien marque) – it is good to highlight the melody
Le chant tres expressif ( French
le champ trez expressif) – play the melody very expressively trez akyuze) – emphasize the drawing (rhythmically)
Le dessin un peu en dehors (fr. Le dessen en pe en deor) – slightly highlighting the drawing [Debussy. “The Prodigal Son”]
Le double plus lent (French le double plus liang) – twice as slow as
Le le rêve prend forme (French le rêve pran forms) – the dream comes true [Scriabin. Sonata No. 6]
Le son le plus haut de (instrument (French le son le plus o del enstryuman) – the highest sound of the instrument [Penderetsky]
Lead(English liid) – decree. in parties on the leading character of muses. excerpt (jazz, term); literally lead
Leader (eng. liide) – 1) concertmaster of the orchestra and a separate group of instruments; 2) a pianist learning parts with singers; 3) conductor; literally leading
Leading-note (English liidin – note ) – lower introductory tone (VII stup.)
Lebendig (German lebendich) – lively, lively
Lebhaft (German lebhaft) – lively
Lebhafte Achtel (lebhafte akhtel) – lively pace, count eighths
Lebhafte Halben (lebhafte halben) – the pace is lively, consider half
Lebhaft, aber nicht zu sehr (German lebhaft, aber nicht zu zer) – soon, but not too
Lecon(fr. Leson) – 1) lesson; 2) piece for exercise
Leere Saite (German leere zayte) – open string
Legato (it. legato) – legato: 1) connected game (on all instruments); 2) on bowed ones – a group of sounds extracted in one direction of bow movement; Literally connected
Legatobogen (German legatobogen) – league
Legatura (It. Legatura) – ligature, league; the same as ligature
Legend (English legend), Legende (French legend), Legende (German legend) – legend
Légendaire (French legend), Legendär (German legend), Legendary (English legendary) – legendary, in the character of the legend
Léger(French leger), Légèrement (lezherman) – easy, at ease
Légèrement détaché sans sécheresse (fr. legerman detashe san seshres) – slightly jerky, without dryness [Debussy]
Leggenda (it. legend) – legend
Leggendario (legendario) – legendary
Leggerezza (it. ledzharetstsa) – lightness; con leggerezza (con leggerezza); Leggero (leggero), Leggiero ( legiero ) – easy
Leggiadro ( it . legzhadro ) – elegant, graceful, elegant
Leggio (it. leggio) – music stand, console 1) the shaft of the bow;
col legno (colleno) – [play] with a bow pole; 2) wood, box (percussion instrument)
Leich (German Leich) – le (mid-century song genre)
Leicht (German Leicht) – light, easy, slightly
Leichter Taktteil (German Leichter takteil) – a weak beat of the beat
Leichtfertig (German Leichtfertig) – frivolously [R. Strauss. “Merry tricks of Till Eilenspiegel”]
Leichtlich und mit Grazie vorgetragen (German Leichtlich und mit grazie forgegragen) – perform easily and gracefully [Beethoven. “Flower Circle”]
Leidenschaftlich (German Leidenshaftshkh) – passionately, passionately
Leier (German Lyer) – lyre
Leise (German Layse) – quietly, gently
Leitmotiv(German leitmotif) – leitmotif
Leitton (German leitton) – lower opening tone (VII stup.)
Lene (it. Lene), con lenezza (con lenezza) – soft, quiet, gentle
Lenezza (lenezza) – softness, tenderness
Lent (French lan), Lente (lant), Lentement (lantman) – slowly, drawn
out Lentando (it. lentando) – slowing down
Lent dans une sonorité harmonieuse et lointaine (fr. liang danjun sonorite armonieuse e luenten) – slowly, harmoniously and like from afar [Debussy. “Reflections in the water”]
Lenteur (French Lanter), Lentezza (It. Lentezza) – slowness, slowness; avec lenteur(French avek lanter), con lentezza (it. con lentezza) – slowly
Lento (it. lento) – slowly, weakly, quietly
Lento assai (lento assai), Lento di molto (lento di molto) – very slowly
L’épouvante surgit, elle se mêle à la danse délirante (French lepuvant surzhi, el se mel a la dane delirante) – horror is born, it permeates the frenzied dance [Skryabin. Sonata No. 6]
Less (English forest) – less, less
Lesson (English less) – genre of pieces for harpsichord (18th century)
Lestezza (it. lestezza) – speed, dexterity; con lestezza (con lestezza), Lesto (lesto) – quickly, fluently, deftly
Letterale(It. letterale), Letteralmente (letteralmente) – literal, literally
Letzt (German letzt) - the last
Levare (It. Levare) – remove, take out
Levare le sordine (levare le sordine) – remove
the mutes Levé, Lever, Levez (fr . leve) – 1) raise the conductor’s baton for decree. weak beat of the beat; 2) remove
Liaison (fr. lezon) – league; literally the connection
Libera me (lat. libera me) – “Deliver me” – the initial words of one of the parts of the requiem
Liberamente (it. liberamente), Libero (libero) – freely, freely, at your own discretion; a tempo libero (a tempo libero) – at a free pace
Liber scriptus (lat. liber scriptus) – “Written book” – the initial words of one of the parts of the requiem
Libertà (it. liberta), Liberté (fr. liberte) – freedom, liberty; con libertà (it. con liberta) – freely
Libitum (lat. libitum) – desired; ad libitum (hell libitum) – at will, at your discretion
Libre (fr. libre), Librement (libreman) – freely, freely
Libretto (it. libretto, eng. libretou) – libretto
Libro (it. libro) – book, volume
License (French lisance), Licenza (Italian lichen tsa) – liberty; con licenza(con lichen) – at ease
Lié (fr. lie) – together, connected (legato)
Liebeglühend (German libegluend) – burning with love [R. Strauss]
Liebesflöte (German: libéflöte) – a type of star, flute (flute of love)
Liebesfuß (German: libesfus) – pear-shaped bell (used in the English horn and some instruments of the 18th century)
Liebesgeige (German: libeygeige) – viol d’amour
Liebeshoboe (German: libeshobbe), Liebesoboe (libesoboe) – oboe d’amour
Liebesklarinette (German: libesklarinette) – clarinet d’amour
Lied (German: lead) – song, romance
Liederabend (German: leaderabend) – song evening
Liederbuch(German leaderbuch) – 1) songbook; 2) a book of psalms
Lieder ohne Worte (German leader one vorte) – songs without words
Liedersammlung (German leader zammlung) – a collection of songs
Liederspiel (German leaderspiel) – vaudeville
Liedertafel (German leadertafel) – a society of lovers of choral singing in Germany
Liederzyklus ( German leadertsiklus) – song cycle
Liedform (German Lidform) – song form
Lieto (Italian Lieto) – fun, joyful
Lieve (Italian Lieve) – easy
Lievezza (Livezza) – lightness
Lift (English elevator) – long glissando in upward direction before taking sound (jazz term); Literally rise
Liga(Italian league), Ligatur (German ligatures), Ligatura (Italian – ligature), Ligature (French ligatures, English Ligachue) – ligature, league
Ligato (Italian ligato) – observing the leagues
Light (English light) – light, easy
Lignes additionnelles (French tench adisonnel), Lignes supplementaires (tench supplemanter) – will complement, lines [above and below the staff]
Lilt (English Lilt) – a cheerful, lively song
Limpid (English limpid), Limpide (fr lenpid), Limpido (it. limpido) – transparent, clear
Linea (it. linea), Linie (German line) – line
Lineare Satzweise (German lineare zatzweise) – linearity
Lingualpfeifen (German lingualpfeifen) – reed voices in the organ
Liniensystem (German line systems) –
Linke stave (German link) – left
Linke Hand oben (link hand óben) – [play] left hand on top
Lip (English lip) –
Lip trill (lip trill) – 1) lip trill; 2) intonationally inaccurate trill (in jazz)
Lira (it. Lira) – lyre; 1) a family of bowed instruments (15th-18th centuries); 2) a set of metal plates (percussion instrument)
Lira da braccio (Italian lira da braccio) – hand lyre (bowed instrument 15-18 centuries)
Lira da gamba(it. lira da gamba) – foot lyre (bowed instrument of the 15th-18th centuries)
Lira organizzata (it. lira organizata) – lyre with a rotating wheel, strings and a small organ device; Haydn wrote 5 concertos and plays for her
Lira tedesca (Italian lira tedesca) – German lira (with a rotating wheel)
Lirico (Italian lyric) – lyrical, musical
Lirone (Italian lirone) – bowed double bass instrument (15-18 centuries BC) )
Liscio (it. lisho) – just
Listener (eng. lisne) – listener
Litania (lat. litania) – litany (chants of the Catholic service)
Litophone (German – gr. lithophone) – percussion instrument made of stone
Liturgia(Greek – Latin liturgy), Liturgie (French liturgies), Liturgie (German liturgies) – liturgy
Lituus (lat. Lituus) – trumpet of the ancient Romans
Liuto (Italian liuto) – lute (an old stringed plucked instrument)
Lively (eng. lively) – lively, lively, fun
Livre (fr. livre) – book, volume
Livret (fr. livre) – libretto
Lobgesang (German lobgesang) – laudatory song
Loco (lat. loco) – [play] as it is written ; the same as luogo locura (Spanish locura) – madness; con locura (con locura) – as in madness [de Falla. “Love is a sorceress”]
Loin (French Luen),Lointain (luenten) – far, distant, distant, remote, away; de loin (de luen) – from afar
Long (fr., eng. lon) – long, long
Longa (lat. longa) – 2nd largest duration in mensural notation
Long fall (eng. lon foul) – type of glissando (jazz , term)
Longway (eng. longway) – a kind of country dance
Lontano (it. lontano) – 1) distant, far; 2) behind the scenes; tuono lontano (tubno lontano) – distant thunder [Verdi. “Othello”]
Losange (French losange) – a diamond-shaped note of the mensural notation
Loud (English laud) – loud, sonorous
Lourd (French Lur), avec lourdeur(avek lurder), Lourdement (lurdman) – hard
Louré (fr. lure) – 1) portamento (at the instrument); 2) heavily, emphasizing the 1st beat of the measure
Loure (fr. lur) – lur: 1) old French. a musical instrument such as a bagpipe; 2) French dance 17th-18th centuries
Low (English low) – low, low [note]
Lower (loue) – lower [sound]
Lowered (lowed) – lower [tempered tone]
Luce (it. Luche) – 1) light; 2) the name of the instrument that changes the color of the hall; conceived (but not designed) by Scriabin and included in the score of
Luftpause (German Luftpause) – backlash-pause; literally air pause
Lugubre (it. lugubre) – sad, gloomy
Lullaby (eng. lalabai) – lullaby
Lumineux (fr. lumine), Luminoso (it. luminoso) – bright, bright
Luminosità (it. luminozita) – radiance; con luminosita (it. con luminosita) – shining [ Scriabin. Sonata No. 5 ]
Lunghezza (it. lungetsza) – length; con tutta la lunghezza dell’ arco (it. con tutta la lunghezza del arco) – [play] with the whole bow
Lungo (it. lungo) – long, long
Lunga pausa (it. lunga pause) – long pause
Luogo(it. lyugo) – [play] as it is written
Lusingando (it. lyuzingando), Lusinghierо (lusingiero) – flattering, insinuating
Lustig (German Lustig) – fun, funny
Lustigkeit (lustichkait) – cheerfulness
Lute (English lute), Luth (fr. lute) – lute (starin, stringed plucked instrument)
Luttuoso (it. lyuttuoso) – sad, mournful, woeful
Lux aeterna (lat. lux eterna) – “Eternal light” – the initial words of one of the parts of the
Lydische Quarte requiem (German Lidish quarte) – Lydian quart
Lydius (lat. Lydius) – Lydian mode
Lyra(Greek – lat. Lira) – lira; 1) antique plucked instrument; 2) folk instrument
Lyra mendicorum (lira mandicorum) – lira of the poor
Lyra pagana (lira pagana) – peasant lira
Lyra rustica (lira rustica) – village lira
Lyre (French lire, English lye) – lira
Lyric (English lyric), Lyrique (French lyricist), Lyrisch (German lyrish) – 1) lyrical; 2) musical