Is it possible to learn to hear, or How to fall in love with solfeggio?
Our article is devoted to how to learn to hear and guess intervals or chords by ear.
Perhaps every child likes to study where he succeeds. Unfortunately, solfeggio often becomes an unloved subject due to its complexity for some students. Nevertheless, this is a necessary subject, well developing musical thinking and hearing.
Probably, everyone who has ever studied at a music school is familiar with the following situation: in a solfeggio lesson, some children easily analyze and perform musical tasks, while others, on the contrary, do not understand what is happening from lesson to lesson. What is the reason for this – laziness, inability to move the brain, an incomprehensible explanation, or something else?
Even with weak data, you can learn how to build chords and scales, you can learn how to count steps. But what to do when it comes to guessing sounds by ear? What to do if the sound of different notes is not deposited in the head in any way and all sounds are similar to each other? To some, the ability to hear is given by nature. Not everyone is so lucky.
As in any business, in order for the result to appear, a system and regular training are important. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully listen to the explanations of the teacher from the first minute. If time is lost and in the lessons you fail to recognize intervals or chords, then there is no other option how to return to the beginning of the study of the topic, because ignorance of the basics will not allow you to master more complex sections. The best option is to hire a tutor. But not everyone can or wants to afford it.
There is another solution – to look for a suitable simulator on the Internet. Unfortunately, finding an understandable and convenient simulator is not so easy. We invite you to visit the site Perfect hearing. This is one of the few resources dedicated specifically to guessing by ear and is very easy to use. See how to use it here.
Try to start small – for example, learn to guess two or three intervals on this simulator and you will understand that auditory analysis is not so difficult. If you devote at least a couple of times a week to such training for 15-30 minutes, over time, five in auditory analysis are provided. It is interesting to train in this program. It’s like a game. The only negative is the lack of a function for determining the key. But we already want too much …