Introduction |
INTRODUCTION – a section that precedes the main theme of the work or one of its parts and prepares its appearance. This preparation may consist in anticipating the nature and intonations of the theme, or, on the contrary, in shading it by contrast. V. can be both short and lengthy, consist of only passages, chords (L. Beethoven, finale of the 3rd symphony), or contain bright music. a theme that acquires great importance in the further development of music (P. I. Tchaikovsky, 1st part of the 4th symphony). Sometimes the introduction becomes an independent finished piece of music. play – in instr. music (see Prelude) and especially in major vocal-instrumental and stage performances. prod., where it constitutes the genus of the overture. In the latter case, V. prepares no longer the initial music. theme, but the whole work, its general character, concept, and sometimes music. themes (for example, V. to the operas “Lohengrin”, “Eugene Onegin” are built on the thematic material of the operas themselves). See also Introduction.