Auxiliary sound |
Auxiliary sound – the sound between the chord sound and its repetition, located one second above or below the chord. It is used mainly on a weak beat of the beat. Lower V. h. most often separated from the corresponding chord sound by diatonic or chromatic. little second. Upper V. z., as a rule, is diatonic, i.e. is separated from the chord by a second, formed by the neighboring upper step of the frettonality. V.’s transition z. to a chord in terms of harmony usually represents the resolution of dissonance to consonance. V. h. may be used simultaneously in several votes.
V. h. belongs to the field of melodic figuration. It underlies some melismas – trill, mordent (upper V. z.), reversed mordent (lower V. z.), gruppetto (upper and lower V. z.).
An auxiliary sound is also called a sound lying a second below or above the chord, introduced or left by a jump.
A special kind of V. h. is the so-called. V. h. Fuchs (see Cambiata).
Yu. G. Kon