How to learn to sing high notes
High notes can be challenging for beginning vocalists, especially those who did not sing in a choir as a child. You can learn to sing them correctly at any age. Learning will go faster if the vocalist already had singing experience during his school years.
Many performers begin to be afraid to hit high notes for various reasons, but in fact, with the help of special exercises, you can learn to hit them correctly and beautifully. A few simple exercises will help you learn to sing high in the upper part of your range without additional sound amplifiers or reverb. But first you need to figure out what is stopping you from singing easily and beautifully and staying on top in difficult head tessitura.
There can be many reasons for difficulty singing in the high range. The vocalist begins to become afraid of them due to both physical and psychological factors. At the same time, his voice can really sound ugly at the top notes. Here are some of the most common reasons why they are difficult to sing:
- Compensating for the lack of air and trying to control intonation, the vocalist begins to sing high notes not with a supported sound, but with ligaments. As a result, not only does the range of the upper part of the voice narrow, but it also quickly gets tired, a sore throat and a sore throat appear. The unpleasant sensation leads to the fact that the vocalist begins to experience fear of high notes. Forming a deep sound while breathing deeply will help save the situation. The test can be the feeling after singing. If your throat hurts (especially on high notes), it means that the vocalist has pinched the ligaments.
- The vocalist begins to subconsciously imitate singers with a similar voice, most often those whom he hears on the stage or in the minibus. Almost always, such performers sing high notes incorrectly, loudly or with severe strain on the ligaments, which can lead to difficulties in singing the top notes. Therefore, if you hear that a performer with a voice similar to yours is singing incorrectly, immediately turn on the player with instrumental music.
- Some teachers, trying to achieve a strong sound, begin to force it, especially on high notes. It sounds loud, but over time, singing too loudly can lead to hoarseness and occupational illnesses for singers. A test for the correctness of a loud sound on high notes can be singing quietly and softly in a high tessitura. It is impossible to sing quietly on the chords with a harsh attack of sound – the voice disappears. Therefore, the attack of the sound on high notes should not be forced, but soft, so that you can sing quietly and softly in the upper tessitura. To do this, you need to learn how to softly hit high notes in falsetto.
- We need to take them not from bottom to top, but from top to bottom. Singing in a low position is inconvenient for forming the head sound of notes, so even sounds of average height for the voice seem unattainable. and that you can sing higher. If you learn to sing in a high position, the top notes will sound easy and free.
- Most likely, the reason is age-related voice mutation. At this age, the voice may become duller and high notes begin to sound hoarse. After the mutation ends, this phenomenon goes away, so during the transition period you should not intensively practice vocals so that the voice restructuring takes place without injury, because injury to the ligaments during the mutation period increases the likelihood of complete loss of voice.
- It may appear after the vocalist becomes hoarse or loses his voice on high notes, or due to an incorrect psychological attitude. For example, a girl can convince herself that she is a contralto, and if so, then there is no need to sing high notes. You can overcome the “high note complex” with regular vocal exercises on a soft attack. Gradually, fear and tightness on high notes will go away.
- For many performers, high notes can indeed sound shrill, harsh, nasal, but all these sound shortcomings can be overcome with the help of proper soft singing, because they are based on a tightness in the voice, throat singing or improper sound formation. Regular vocal exercises solve this problem, and the voice begins to sound beautiful in all parts of the range.
- Sing them in a comfortable key and try to take the uncomfortable sound, imagining that it is average and that you can sing even higher. It’s better to regularly do exercises with jumps at large intervals, starting with fifths and above.
- You need to sing a completed fifth up and down, and then jump to the same interval and return to the note again.
- This way you can smooth out the problem area of the range and overcome your fear of high notes.
- You can even stop at it and sing it for as long as possible. The main thing is to avoid guttural sounds. You can make crescendos and diminuendos on it to learn how to control your voice in high tessitura.
- If you sing high notes, the nose and eye area will vibrate. With a sharp irregular sound there is no sensation of vibration.
- Then it will become easier for you to sing it and enjoy the beautiful sound of your voice.

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