Henryk Albertovich Pachulski |
Henryk Pachulski
In 1876 he graduated from the Warsaw Institute of Music, where he studied with R. Strobl (piano), S. Moniuszko and V. Zhelensky (harmony and counterpoint). From 1876 he gave concerts and taught. From 1880 he studied at the Moscow Conservatory with N. G. Rubinshtein; after his death in 1881, he interrupted his studies (he was a home music teacher in the family of H. F. von Meck), from 1882 he studied with P. A. Pabst (piano) and with A. S. Arensky (composition); after graduating from the conservatory in 1885, he taught there (special piano class, 1886-1921; professor since 1916).
He performed as a pianist, performing his own compositions, in which he continued the traditions of Russian classics, including P. I. Tchaikovsky, as well as S. I. Taneyev; the influence of F. Chopin and R. Schumann is also palpable. The main place in his creative work is occupied by piano works (over 70), mainly miniatures – preludes, etudes, dances (most of the pieces are combined into cycles, suites), as well as 2 sonatas and a fantasy for piano and orchestra. Many works are mainly of instructive and pedagogical significance – “Album for Youth”, 8 canons. Other compositions include pieces for symphony and string orchestras, 3 pieces for cello, romances to words by A. K. Tolstoy. He owns arrangements of a Polish folk song for mixed choir (“Song of the Reapers”), arrangements for piano in 2 and 4 hands, including 4th, 5th, 6th symphonies, “Italian Capriccio”, string a sextet and other works by P. I. Tchaikovsky, a string quartet by A. S. Arensky (Tchaikovsky considered Pahulsky’s arrangements to be excellent). Editor of the Polish section in the book Biographies of Composers from the 1904th-XNUMXth Centuries (XNUMX).
A. Ya. Ortenberg