Dice: instrument composition, origin, playing technique, use
Bones is a percussion folk musical instrument. The class is a percussive idiophone. The English version of the name is bones.
Case length 12-18 cm. Thickness – no more than a centimeter. There are separate long variations with wavy endings. The material of manufacture is the ribs of livestock. The rib of a sheep, cow, goat was usually used. Modern models are carved from hardwoods.
The tool is ancient, originally appeared among the Celts. Came to Spain in the Middle Ages. Brought to South America by colonists. Has gained distribution in the Middle East, Mongolia, Greece.
The instrument has become widespread throughout the world, but the playing technique has remained unchanged. The performer holds a pair of bones in each hand. One pair consists of a fixed bone and a movable one. Keeping the dice from touching in a neutral position is an important element of the Play. During the Play, the musician performs waving actions with his hand. The sound is extracted by striking the moving part against the fixed part from rhythmic swings.
The Irish traditional technique is unique to the island. Irish musicians play exclusively with one hand. Much attention is paid to musical articulation.
In the XNUMXth century, the instrument appeared in popular music. Bones appeared in the genres of blues, bluegrass, zydeco. Popular artists: Brother Bones, Scatman Crothers, The Carolina Chocolate Drops.