Damaru: what is it, instrument composition, sound extraction, use
Damaru is a percussion musical instrument from Asia. Type – double-membrane hand drum, membranophone. Also known as “damru”.
The drum is usually made of wood and metal. The head is covered with leather on both sides. The role of the sound amplifier is played by brass. Damru height – 15-32 cm. Weight – 0,3 kg.
Damaru is widely distributed in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Renowned for its powerful sound. There is a belief that during the Play, spiritual power is generated on it. The Indian drum is associated with the Hindu god Shiva. According to legend, the Sanskrit language appeared after Shiva began to play the damaru.
The sound of the drum in Hinduism is associated with the rhythm of the creation of the universe. Both membranes symbolize the essence of both sexes.
The sound is produced by hitting a ball or leather cord against the membrane. The cord is attached around the body. During the Play, the musician shakes the instrument, and the laces hit both parts of the structure.
In the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, the damru is one of the borrowed musical instruments from the Tantric teachings of ancient India. One of the Tibetan variations was made from human skulls. As a basis, a part of the skull was cut out above the line of the ears. The skin was “cleansed” by being buried with copper and herbs for several weeks. The cranial damaru was played in the Vajrayana ritual dance, an ancient tantric practice. Currently, the manufacture of tools from human remains is officially prohibited by Nepalese law.
Another variety of damru has become widespread among the followers of the tantric teachings of Chod. It is mainly made from acacia, but any non-toxic wood is allowed. Outwardly, it may look like a small double bell. Size – from 20 to 30 cm.