Cheatiriki: tool description, structure, history, use
Hitiriki is a Japanese wind instrument. Classification – aerophone. The sound is characterized by high volume and rich timbre.
The structure is a short cylindrical tube. The material of manufacture is bamboo and solid wood. Length – 18 cm. Sound range – 1 octave. The air compartment is made in a cylindrical shape. Due to the shape, the sound resembles the playing of a clarinet. There are 7 finger holes on the side. The pitch adjustment mechanism is located at the back.
The story began during the ancient Chinese Zhou Dynasty. Mentions of a similar tool “huja” are found in the northwestern region of China. Khuja was used to give a signal before the battle. Chinese historical materials refer to the sound as “menacing” and “barbaric”. Under the reign of Tang, the huja was modified and turned into a Chinese guan. The Chinese invention came to Japan in the XNUMXth century. Japanese craftsmen changed the design elements and turned out to be cunning.
Modern famous musicians use cheats in their compositions. Examples: Hideki Togi and Hitomi Nakamura. The area of use is folk songs, dance music, ritual processions, ceremonies.