Chamber Orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory |
Chamber Orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory

The Chamber Orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory was organized in 1961 by the People’s Artist of the Armenian SSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize, Professor M. N. Terian. Then it included students and graduate students of the conservatory, pupils of D. F. Oistrakh, L. B. Kogan, V. V. Borisovsky, S. N. Knushevitsky and M. N. Terian himself. Two years after its creation, the Chamber Orchestra successfully performed at the International Competition of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki. 1970 became a landmark in the history of the orchestra, when the International Competition for Youth Orchestras organized by the Herbert von Karajan Foundation took place in West Berlin. The success of the Chamber Orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory exceeded all expectations. The jury unanimously awarded him the XNUMXst Prize and the Big Gold Medal.
“The performance of the orchestra is distinguished by the accuracy of the system, fine phrasing, a variety of nuances and a sense of the ensemble, which is the undoubted merit of the leader of the orchestra – an excellent musician, master of the chamber ensemble, a wonderful teacher, Professor M. N. Terian. The high professional level of the orchestra makes it possible to perform the most complex works of Russian and foreign classics, as well as works by Soviet composers,” said Dmitry Shostakovich about the orchestra.
Since 1984, the orchestra has been led by the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor G. N. Cherkasov. Since 2002, S. D. Dyachenko, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in three specialties (classes of S. S. Alumyan, L. I. Roizman, in opera and symphony conducting – L. V. Nikolaev and G. N. Rozhdestvensky) .
For the period from 2002 to 2007. The Chamber Orchestra performed 95 concerts and performances. The orchestra has taken part in 10 international festivals, such as:
- XXII and XXIV April Spring Art Festival in Pyongyang, 2004 and 2006
- II and IV International Festival “The Universe of Sound”, BZK, 2004 and 2006
- International Conservatory Week in St. Petersburg, 2003
- Ilomansi International Cultural Festival (Finland), (twice) 2003 and 2004
- International Festival of Contemporary Music “Moscow Meetings”, 2005
- XVII International Orthodox Music Festival in Russia, BZK, 2005
- III Festival of Spanish Music in Cadiz, 2005
- Festival “Three Ages of the Moscow Conservatory”, Granada (Spain)
The orchestra took part in 4 domestic festivals:
- Festival in memory of S. Prokofiev, 2003
- VII Music Festival. G. Sviridova, 2004, Kursk
- Festival “Star of Bethlehem”, 2003, Moscow
- Festival “60 years of memory. 1945-2005, Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory
The orchestra participated in three season tickets dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory. A live broadcast of the performance of the Chamber Orchestra with the famous violinist Rodion Zamuruev was carried out on the radio “Culture”. The orchestra has repeatedly performed on the radio of Russia, radio “Orpheus”.
The history of the Chamber Orchestra is rich in creative collaboration with the luminaries of musical art – L. Oborin, D. Oistrakh, S. Knushevitsky, L. Kogan, R. Kerer, I. Oistrakh, N. Gutman, I. Menuhin and other outstanding musicians. For more than 40 years of work, a huge repertoire of works by Russian and foreign classics, works by contemporary composers has been accumulated. The orchestra has toured in Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Holland, Spain, the Republic of Korea, Portugal, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, in Latin America, and everywhere its performances were accompanied by success with the public and high marks from the press.
The soloists were professors and teachers of the conservatory: Vladimir Ivanov, Irina Kulikova, Alexander Golyshev, Irina Bochkova, Dmitry Miller, Rustem Gabdullin, Yuri Tkanov, Galina Shirinskaya, Evgeny Petrov, Alexander Bobrovsky, Denis Shapovalov, Mikhail Gotsdiner, Svetlana Teplova, Ksenia Knorre . The list is long, it can be continued. And these are not only teachers of the Moscow Conservatory, but also Philharmonic soloists, young and bright musicians, laureates of international competitions.
The orchestra participated in the festival “International Conservatory Week” in St. Petersburg (2003), in the Moscow festivals “In Memory of Sergei Prokofiev” (2003), “The Universe of Sound” (2004), “60 Years of Memory” (2005), as well as a festival in Finland (Ilomansi, 2003 and 2004), etc.
The artistic director and the orchestra team were awarded four gold prizes at the April Spring International Arts Festival in the DPRK (Pyongyang, 2004).
The giftedness of the participants, hard daily work determined the richness and beauty of the sound, a true penetration into the style of the performed works. For more than 40 years of work, a huge repertoire of works by Russian and foreign classics, works by contemporary composers has been accumulated.
In 2007, a new artistic director and conductor of the orchestra, Honored Artist of Russia Felix Korobov, was invited. A competition was held and the new composition of the orchestra included not only students, but also graduate students of the Moscow Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky.
During its existence, the orchestra has repeatedly performed with many outstanding musicians – conductor Saulius Sondeckis, violinist Liana Isakadze, pianist Tigran Alikhanov, the ensemble of soloists “Moscow Trio” and others.
The ensemble’s repertoire includes music for chamber orchestra from the Baroque era to works by contemporary authors. The inspired playing of young musicians attracted many admirers, who will certainly be glad that in 2009 the orchestra received its subscription to the halls of the Moscow Conservatory.
Many composers write specifically for this group. In the tradition of the Chamber Orchestra – constant cooperation with the departments of composition and instrumentation. Every year the orchestra takes part in concerts of the Department of Composition in the Great Hall of the Conservatory.
The orchestra has toured in Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Holland, Spain, the Republic of Korea, Romania, Portugal, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Finland, Yugoslavia, Latin America, and everywhere its performances were accompanied by success with the public and high marks from the press.
Source: Moscow Conservatory website