The main secrets of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In March, a piano was found in the city of Baden-Baden, which was supposedly played by W. A. ​​Mozart. But the owner of the instrument did not even suspect that this famous composer had once played it.

The owner of the piano put the instrument up for auction on the Internet. After a certain number of days, a historian from the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Hamburg decided to contact him. He reported that the instrument seemed familiar to him. Before this, the owner of the piano could not even think about what secret it kept.

W. A. ​​Mozart is a legendary composer. Both during his life and after his death, many secrets swirled around his person. One of the most important secrets, which still interests many today, was the secret from his biography. Many people are interested in whether Antonio Salieri actually has anything to do with Mozart’s death. It is believed that he decided to poison the composer out of envy. The image of an envious killer was especially firmly attached to Salieri in Russia, thanks to the work of Pushkin. But if we consider the situation objectively, then all speculation about Salieri’s involvement in Mozart’s death is unfounded. It is unlikely that he needed to envy anyone while he was the chief bandmaster of the Emperor of Austria. But Mozart’s career was not very successful. And all because in those days few people could understand that he was a genius.

Mozart actually had problems finding work. And the reason for this was partly his appearance – 1,5 meters tall, a long and unsightly nose. And his behavior at that time was considered quite free. The same cannot be said about Salieri, who was very reserved. Mozart managed to survive only on concert fees and production fees. According to the calculations of historians, out of 35 years of touring, he spent 10 sitting in a carriage. However, over time he began to earn good money. But he still had to live in debt, because his expenses were not commensurate with his income. Mozart died in complete poverty.

Mozart was very talented, he created at incredible speed. Over the 35 years of his life, he managed to create 626 works. Historians say that this would have taken him 50 years. He wrote as if he did not invent his works, but simply wrote them down. The composer himself admitted that he heard the symphony all at once, only in a “collapsed” form.

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