Show you how to change guitar strings

Show you how to change guitar strings

You have to change the strings on an acoustic guitar when the metal ones are corroded and the nylon ones are stratified. The regularity of their replacement depends on the frequency of playing the instrument: professional musicians do this every month.

If you use the guitar for a short time, one set will last for several years.

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What will be required

To change the strings on an acoustic guitar, use the following tools:

  1. Turntable for strings – made of plastic, helps to quickly change the strings.
  2. Twist for pegs.
  3. Nippers – with their help get rid of the ends of the strings.

Show you how to change guitar strings

step by step plan

Removing the strings

To remove the old set, you need:

  1. Loosen the pegs on the neck with a turntable or by hand so that they can be rotated comfortably. You need to twist until the strings begin to hang.
  2. Unscrew the string from the peg.
  3. The strings are removed from the plugs on the lower threshold. It is recommended to do this with a special tool, but not with wire cutters or pliers, so as not to damage the nut.

Show you how to change guitar strings

Installing new

Before mounting the purchased strings, it is necessary to wipe the neck , pegs and nut from dust and dirt. This can be done at other times, but the moment of changing the strings is also suitable. To install new strings, you need:

  1. Pass the string through the hole on the saddle from the side of the reel and tightly clamp with a stopper.
  2. Pass the string through the hole on the peg and leave 7 cm of the free end.
  3. Make one turn of the main string around the peg, pulling the remaining end – the peg should be on top.
  4. Make another 1-2 turns from the bottom of the peg, under the end of the string.

Show you how to change guitar strings

How to change strings on a classical guitar

Changing strings on a classical guitar follows the same procedure as changing strings on an acoustic guitar. But there are differences in the products themselves for the tool:

  1. It is forbidden to install metal strings on a classical instrument. Over time, they pull out the nut from tension and their own weight. An acoustic guitar, unlike a classical guitar, has a reinforced structure, so it can withstand stringing.
  2. For a classical instrument, nylon strings are purchased. They are lighter, do not stretch the neck , do not tear out the nut .

String Replacement Checklist – Useful Cheat Sheet

To correctly string the strings on a classical guitar, you should follow simple rules:

  1. You can not bite the stretched strings, otherwise they will bounce and hit painfully. In addition, the neck is damaged this way .
  2. In order not to damage the peg, you need to pull the 1st string by 4 turns, the 6th by 2.
  3. If the string begins to stretch, the peg must be turned more slowly, otherwise the pin will fly out.
  4. Installed strings cannot be tuned to the desired sound immediately to prevent breakage. If the caliber is less than 10, they are tuned a tone or two lower and wait 20 minutes. The string takes a normal position, stretches to the required parameters.
  5. In the first days after installation, the strings will stretch, so the instrument must be tuned.
  6. When changing strings for the first time, do not cut the ends with wire cutters to the limit. Due to inexperience, the musician can pull poorly, so it is recommended to leave the tips for several days. After making sure that the strings are well stretched, stretched out and began to play normally, you can cut the ends.

Possible problems and nuances

Changing strings on a guitar is associated with the following problems:

  1. The instrument does not sound like it should. If a nuance occurs even after the instrument has been tuned correctly, it is associated with low-quality strings. After installing new products, be sure to wait 20 minutes until they fall into place, naturally stretching out.
  2. Acoustic guitar strings cannot be used for classical guitar, otherwise the nut will break out.

Answers on questions

1. How to change guitar strings correctly?You need to determine the type of instrument and purchase the appropriate strings from the store. For classical guitars, these are nylon products, for acoustic ones, metal ones.
2. Can I put any strings on the guitar?It is impossible not to damage the instrument.
3. What should I do if the strings sound wrong after changing the strings?You should give them time to take natural traction.
4. Can I play the guitar immediately after changing the strings?It is forbidden. It is necessary to wait 15-20 minutes.
5. Why do new strings need to be adjusted after replacement?New strings take their shape on the instrument and therefore the instrument should be tuned within a few days after replacement.


Before you change the strings on a guitar, you need to find the right products for a particular type of instrument. It is recommended to purchase the same strings that were on the guitar.

Replacement must be done carefully.

Within a few days, the instrument will require adjustment.

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