Polyladovost |
from the Greek polus – many and harmony
A complex mode that combines elements of different modes with one tonic. Simultaneously the sound of elements of different modes creates a multi-color effect specific to P.
S. S. Prokofiev. “Betrothal in a monastery”, the end of the 2nd picture.
This effect is most pronounced with a pronounced tonic, but it is also achievable with a less defined tonic, if the mixed modal scales are defined (for example, diatonic):
I. F. Stravinsky. “The Rite of Spring”, “The Game of Two Cities”.
P. is related to the chromatic-variant variability of steps in the frets of Russian. nar. music (“altered steps” with “chromatism at a distance”, A. D. Kastalsky); combining them within the same modal structure creates the possibility of their simultaneous sounding. Polymodal revolutions are sometimes found in late medieval and Renaissance polyphony (G. de Machaux), appearing under the influence of developing chromatism (modal two-layer, see Polytonality; musica ficta and musica falsa). Exclude. sample P. 1st floor. 16th century – “Jewish dance” by X. Neusiedler (usually cited as an example of polytonality), where the real P. is used as a special. will express. means (modal foundations e, h, dis):
In the Baroque and Classico-Romantic eras. P.’s period occasionally arises hl. arr. due to the combination of varieties of the same mode (for example, melody., natural and harmonic types of minor; J.S. Bach in the 2nd part of the “Italian Concerto” and others). P. is ubiquitous in the music of the 20th century. is natural. form of functioning of the chromatic modal system.
References: Kholopov Yu. N., On the modern features of S. Prokofiev’s harmony, in Sat.: Features of S. Prokofiev’s style, M., 1962; his, On three foreign systems of harmony, in Sat: Music and Modernity, vol. 4, M., 1966; Tyulin Yu. N., Modern harmony and its historical origin, in: Questions of modern music, L., 1963, in: Theoretical problems of music of the XX century, vol. 1, M., 1967; Dyachkova L. S., Polytonality in the work of Stravinsky, in: Questions of Music Theory, vol. 2, M., 1970; Koptev S.V., On the phenomena of polytonality, polytonality and polytonality in folk art, in collection: Problems of harmony, M., 1972; Rivano I. G., Reader in harmony, part 4, M., 1973, ch. eleven; Vyantskus AA, Fret formations. Polymodality and polytonality, in: Problems of Musical Science, vol. 11, M., 2.
Yu. Ya. Kholopov