Ivan Sergeevich Patorzhinsky |
Ivan Patorzhinsky
People’s Artist of the USSR (1944). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1942). He took singing lessons from Z. N. Malyutina; in 1922 he graduated from the Yekaterinoslav Conservatory. In 1925-35 he was a soloist of the opera theater in Kharkov, from 1935 – Ukr. t-ra of opera and ballet. P. is one of the outstanding representatives of the Ukrainian wok. school, had a strong, flexible, expressive voice of velvety timbre, bright artistic. talent. The singer was especially successful in sharp-characteristic, comical. and dram. parts in Ukrainian operas. composers (his partner was often M. I. Litvinenko-Wolgemut): Karas (“Zaporozhets beyond the Danube”), Vyborny (“Natalka Poltavka”), Chub (“The Night Before Christmas”), Taras Bulba (“Taras Bulba” by Lysenko; State Pr. USSR, 1942), Gavrila (“Bogdan Khmelnitsky” by Dankevich). Other parties include Susanin, Boris Godunov, Melnik, Galitsky, and Mephistopheles; Don Basilio (“The Barber of Seville”), Valco (“The Young Guard”). He performed as a chamber singer; performed arias from operas, romances, nar. songs. Since 1946 professor at the Kyiv Conservatory. Among the students are D. M. Gnatyuk, A. I. Kikot, V. I. Matveev, E. I. Chervonyuk and others.
References: Stefanovich M., I. S. Patorzhinsky, K., 1960; Kozlovsky I., I. S. Patorzhinsky, Theatrical Life, 1960, No 8; Karysheva T., I. S. Patorzhinsky, “MJ”, 1960, No 14; Tolba V., Luminary of the Ukrainian stage, “SM”, 1971, No 5; Ivan Sergeevich Patorzhinsky, (Sb.), M., 1976.
V. I. Zarubin