It’s easier to be a musician today
Technological amenities make our everyday life much easier. Today it’s hard to imagine a world without phones, the Internet and all this digitization. Even 40-50 years ago, a telephone at home was a kind of luxury in our country. Today, everyone on the march can enter the salon, buy a telephone, dial a number and use it right away.

This modernity has also entered the world of music very strongly. On the one hand, it very well, on the other hand, it causes a kind of laziness in us. It is definitely a big plus that we have the availability of equipment and much larger and wider possibilities of music education. It is thanks to the Internet and the multitude of online courses available today that everyone can learn to play without leaving home. Of course, the usefulness of going to, for example, a traditional music school, where under the teacher’s watchful eye, we will be able to improve our technical skills, should not be underestimated. Which does not mean that it is necessary to learn to play. Naturally, when using online courses, especially free ones, we may be exposed to not very reliable educational material. Therefore, when using this form of education, it is worth getting acquainted with the opinions of users of such a course.
Practicing the instrument itself also seems easier, especially when it comes to playing digital instruments. For example: in such pianos or keyboards we have various functions that are helpful in learning, such as a metronome or the function of recording what we are practicing and then recreating it. This is quite important because the metronome cannot be deceived, and the possibility of recording and listening to such material will perfectly verify any technical mistakes. The same book publications are also here from a shake-up. Once upon a time, several items from the school of playing a given instrument were available in a music bookstore, that’s all. Today, various publications, various methods of exercise, all of this has been greatly enriched.

The work of a professional musician and composer is also much easier. In the past, everything was written by hand in a sheet music book and you had to be an extremely talented musician and have an outstanding ear to hear it all in your imagination. Possible corrections were only possible after the orchestra had tested and played the score. Today, a composer, arranger without a computer and appropriate music software, basically a mother. It is thanks to this convenience that such a composer is able to verify and check how a given piece sounds in its entirety or how individual parts of instruments sound almost immediately. The powerful use of a sequencer in arranging is indisputable. It is here that the musician directly records the given part of the instrument. Here he edits it as needed and aligns it. He can, for example, check with one move how a given piece will sound at a faster pace or in a different key.
Technology has entered our lives for good, and in fact, if it suddenly ran out, many people would not be able to find themselves in the new reality. This of course makes us lazy because most of the operations are done by machines. Two hundred years ago, such a Beethoven probably never dreamed that there might be times like this for musicians, where a large part of the work is done for the musician’s machine. He did not have such facilities, and yet he composed the greatest symphonies in history.

Summing up, it’s much easier today. Universal access to educational materials. A whole range of instruments tailored to the individual financial capabilities of everyone willing to start learning. And much greater possibilities of fulfilling musical orders for composers and arrangers. First of all, they are able to develop even very complex composites in a shorter time. Only what seems to be more difficult is the possibility of breaking through in this industry. Due to the fact that everyone has access to education and instruments, there is much more competition in the music market than it was centuries ago.