Hungarian gamma |
Conventional name for a fret with two magnifications. seconds. “AT. G.” called also doubly harmonic. fret or “gypsy scale”. Used in Hungarian. and gypsy. nar. music. There are two types of B. g. “: minor mode, in Krom in comparison with natures. minor raised IV and VII steps, and twice harmonic. ok with uv. seconds on the II and VI steps, in Krom ch. the support coincides with the dominant of one of the types of minor (in example 2, with the dominant in f-moll).
Therefore, the second type of “V. G.” called also in the dominant mode of the minor (a term introduced by I. V. Sposobin). Both types of V. G.” are octave scales, which distinguishes them from other modal formations with SW. seconds, for example. such as the mode “Chargah” in the Azerbaijani Nar. music or double-dual mode in the Armenian monodich. music (consists of two fused tetrachords with an extra second in the middle of each link, with a scale range equal to a minor seventh).
References: Sposobin I. V., Elementary theory, M., 1951, 1958; Kushnarev X. S. Questions of history and theory of Armenian monodic music, L., 1958.
V. A. Vakhromeev