How to keep musicians in a rock band?
Many rock band leaders cannot understand why their musicians don’t stay long in their group. It would seem that this is the person with whom you will work all your life. But time passes, and your guitarist or vocalist leaves the group. Some explain their departure by lack of time or children. And some don’t explain anything at all and simply stop attending rehearsals.
If this happens for the first time, then you can simply find a replacement musician and not think about anything. But if such departures are repeated, then it is worth thinking about the reasons. From personal experience I can say that they can be both in the leader of the group and in the musicians themselves. Here are a few options that I’ve encountered more than once.
Not the leader
It happens that the musician who assembled the group is a talented composer and poet. He has a lot of material and always has something to work on. But by nature he is not a leader. Therefore, he is generally not perceived as the leader of the group, they argue with him and do not allow him to move forward. Very often such people are used to achieve their goals.
For example, a band needs a bassist, but you can’t find one. You have a friend who plays songs with a guitar in the yard. You offer him to become a bass player. At first he refuses, because he has never held a bass in his hands. But you promise to teach him everything.
After a while, my friend actually becomes a pretty decent bass player. In addition, he has been dating your keyboard player for a long time and one fine day they both declare that they are promising, and your band is no good and they are not going to vegetate in it any longer. This couple takes away the second guitarist and drummer, and you are left with nothing and cannot understand why this happened.
Such a person is usually very jealous of his creativity and demands from musicians strict adherence to style and arrangements, which he usually comes up with himself. He is recognized as a leader, but after a while the musicians get tired of his demands. There are times when the entire team decides to leave. As a result, the leader is left alone with his music and not understanding why everyone suddenly abandoned him.
So what to do and how to behave so that musicians do not leave your band? Here are a few rules to follow:
- Don’t be too strict.
You can be a leader without trying to keep everyone on their toes. Ask the guitarist if it is convenient for him to attend rehearsals on this particular day. Maybe he really has no one to leave the child with. Just adapt to it. He will be grateful to you.
If you see that a musician cannot play this or that moment cleanly, suggest that they get together separately and work on it. There is no need to tell him that he is mediocre and nothing will come of him. This way you will definitely get him to leave you.
- Don’t invite just anyone.
An old friend from the yard, of course, is good. But before you hire a musician to join the group, study his musical tastes. It’s a very common occurrence when a musician is ready to play anything, just so as not to lose technique and be on task. Sooner or later he will definitely find his group and leave you. Therefore, find out whether the person wants to work with you and play what you write.
- Sign up and perform.
Any rock musician strives for popularity. If your comrades see that you want to achieve fame and are doing everything possible for this, they will be in solidarity with you. Even if it doesn’t work out as quickly as you want, don’t despair.
Walk towards your goal with confidence. Apply to festivals, perform in small clubs. Post your notes on the Internet. Your creativity will definitely be noticed, and you will be able to make your dream come true. And your musicians will definitely help you take your rightful place in the world of rock music.
That’s basically all I wanted to tell you about how to keep musicians in a rock band. Of course, these are not all the rules that must be followed. After all, people are different and each person must be approached individually. Just learn to understand people, and you will definitely find those who will be in solidarity and will go with you through life until the bitter end.