Horizontal |
Horizontal (French horizontal, from Greek orizon, genus orizontos, lit. – limiting) is a concept associated with the deployment of muses. prod. in time and opposed to the vertical – the concept that defines each given moment of many-goal. prod. G. emphasizes the changes that arise with the development of the muses. form as a process. Concepts indicating changes in the texture of music. prod. when deployed in time, were first introduced by S. I. Taneev in the theory of mobile counterpoint; The theory of horizontal (linear) development of melody by J.S. Bach was developed by E. Kurt. Priority in understanding music. form as a process belongs to BV Asafiev. In the 20th century in the doctrine of harmony, polyphony, melody, and other elements of music. language concept of G. finds wide application.
References: Taneev S. I., Movable counterpoint of strict writing, Leipzig, 1909, M., 1959; Asafiev B. V., Musical form as a process, book. 1-2, L., 1971; Tyulin Yu. N., Teaching about harmony, part 1, M.-L., 1937, add., M., 1966; Mazel L. A., O melody, M., 1952; Kurth E. Grundlagen des linearen Kontrapunkts. Einführung in Stil und Technik von Bachs melodischer Polyphonie, Bern, 1917, 1946 (Russian translation, M., 1931).
V. V. Protopopov