History of the triangle
Nowadays triangle received wide distribution. It belongs to the percussion group of orchestral instruments. It is a metal rod bent in the form of an isosceles triangle. One corner in it is not closed, that is, the ends of the rod do not completely touch. It is the form that determined its name. Although the first samples of this instrument did not have a triangular shape, they were trapezoidal and resembled a medieval stirrup. This is confirmed by the surviving images of English and Italian painters.
The concept of “triangle” is first encountered in 1389, in the property inventory of the city of Württemberg. It is difficult to say exactly when the instrument acquired the appearance known to us, but it is absolutely certain that by the beginning of the XNUMXth century. there were already three of its varieties, and then five.
Unfortunately, history has not been able to preserve accurate information about the origin of the triangle. According to one of them, he appeared in the East, in Turkey. It is first mentioned in the 50th century. In the orchestra, the triangle began to be used in the XNUMXs of the XNUMXth century. This was caused by an interest in oriental music.
In our country, the triangle appeared around 1775, due to its exotic, oriental flavor. For the first time it sounded in Gretry’s opera “Secret Magic”. It is known that in military music orchestras it arose much earlier. So, in Russia, in pre-revolutionary times, he was popular in the troops of Elizabeth Petrovna. In Russia, the triangle was also called a snaffle, but, fortunately, this strange name did not penetrate into the orchestra. In the works of the Viennese classics (Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven) it was used to imitate Turkish music. Many composers, trying to convey oriental images, enriched the sound palette of their works with the sound of this amazing instrument.
The role of the triangle in the orchestra. It is difficult to imagine a modern team of performers without the participation of the triangle. Nowadays, there are practically no restrictions on his repertoire for him. Indeed, as practice shows, it is used in music of various styles and genres. The triangle is characterized by the use of such techniques as tremolo and glissando, as well as the performance of simple rhythmic figurations. This musical instrument tends to enliven and enrich the orchestral sonority, giving it a solemn, majestic and brilliant character.
The sound of the instrument. The triangle is a tool that does not have a defined height. Notes for him, as a rule, are written of any duration without keys, on a “thread”. He has extraordinary timbre qualities. Its sound can be described as: sonorous, light, bright, transparent, sparkling and crystal clear. The performer who owns it must have a certain skill. It can influence the level of dynamics and create a certain character with its help, participate in the image of the most delicate sonority and contribute to the achievement of orchestral tutti.
Festive attribute. In Greece, on New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve, the triangle is a very popular instrument. Children gather in groups of several people, go from house to house with congratulations, sing songs (in Russia they are called “carols”, in Greece – “kalanta”), accompanying themselves on various instruments, among which the triangle is not the last place. Thanks to the brilliant coloring of the sound, its sound contributes to the creation of a festive mood and a fabulous atmosphere.