F#M chord on guitar: how to put and clamp, fingering
In this article, we will analyze how to play and hold an F#M chord on a guitarhow it looks and see its fingering. Do not confuse this chord with the FM chord – they are different chords! However, they are very similar: FM has barre on the first fret, F#M has barre on the second fret.
F#M chord fingerings
F#M chord fingerings
As you can see from the picture, we must hold the barre on the second fret, i.e. with your index finger, hold down all the strings of the second fret and, in addition, hold down the 4th and 5th strings at the 4th fret.
How to play (hold) an F#M chord
What is the correct way to put and hold the F#M chord?
looks like that:
I remind you that this chord is very similar to the FM chord, or rather, it is even ITS FULL COPY, only one fret further (higher). Here the barre is on the second fret, and in the FM chord it is on the first. And so they are identical.