Ensemble |
from the French ensemble – together
1) A group of performers performing together. To A. carry hl. arr. few compositions in which each part is performed by one musician (the so-called chamber ensembles: duet, trio, quartet, quintet, etc.). There are established instr. compositions: fp. duet, strings. quartet, spirit quintet. instruments, etc. A. is also called the choir. and orc. collectives, united collectives of choir, orchestra and ballet.
In the 16-18 centuries. were widespread. polyphonic forms. A. In the era of the Viennese classics, characteristic ensemble genres developed that have retained their significance to this day. time (string quartet, violin duet with piano, etc.). For instr. A. music. romanticism is typical of the predominance of strings. tools. In the 20th century various colors are used. compositions, in particular numerous. A. involving the spirit. and blow. tools.
2) Ensemble performance. The art of an ensemble performance is based on the ability of the performer to measure his art. individuality, his perform. style, technical techniques with individuality, style, performance techniques of partners, which ensures coherence and harmony of performance as a whole.
3) Music. prod. for A. performers. Depending on the number of performers, a duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet, septet, octet, nonet, decimet are distinguished. A. is also called the finished number of the opera, oratorio, cantata, performed by a group of singers, accompanied by an orchestra or without accompaniment.
Литература: Ravizza V., The instrumental ensemble from 1400 to 1550 in Italy. change in sound. Publications of the Swiss Music Research Society, Ser. II, Vol. 21, Bern-Stuttgart, 1970.
L. E. Gackel
In opera: an episode in which several singers take part (duet, quartet, etc.). Sometimes not only soloists, but also secondary characters participate in climaxes (for example, in the final ensemble).
This is how the action is often built in Rossini’s operas (“The Barber of Seville”, “Italian in Algiers”). Tchaikovsky in the finale of Act 1 of The Enchantress used a rare type of ensemble – a decimet (10 soloists).
E. Tsodokov