Treble |
Late Lat. discantus, from lat. dis- is a prefix meaning division, dismemberment, and cantus is singing
1) A new form of polyphony in the Middle Ages. prof. music that originated around the 12th century. in France. Received the name by the name of the upper voice that accompanied the main. melody (Gregorian chant) in the opposite movement.
2) The highest multi-goal game. works. In the 16th century, when in madrigal singing, due to its complexity, the part of the treble was entrusted to castrato singers, the so-called. sopranos, this part was also called soprano.
3) Part in the choir or wok. ensemble, performed by high children’s or high female (soprano) voices.
4) High children’s voices. Previously, only the voices of the boys who sang the part of D. in the choir were called that. Over time, D. began to be called any high children’s singing voice (both boys and girls), and then soprano; its range is c1 – g2 (a2).
5) Dishkant – a high solo voice, performing an undertone in improvisation. decoration style. Dishkant is found in the Don Cossack songs and in the songs of the East. regions of Ukraine and Belarus, where it is also called a vowel or eyeliner.
6) At 16 – beg. 17th century the designation of the highest of the family of the same type of instruments (for example, treble-alto, treble-blackflöte, treble-bombard, etc.).
7) Organ register, embracing the upper half of the keyboard; often complemented by resp. bass register (e.g. oboe-bassoon).
I. Mr. Licvenko