Benedetto Marcello |
Benedetto Marcello
Marcello. Adagio
Italian composer, poet, music writer, lawyer, politician. He belonged to a noble Venetian family, was one of the most educated people in Italy. For many years he held important government positions (member of the Council of Forty – the highest judicial body of the Venetian Republic, military quartermaster in the city of Pola, papal chamberlain). He received his musical education under the guidance of the composer F. Gasparini and A. Lotti.
Marcello belongs to over 170 cantatas, operas, oratorios, masses, concerti grossi, sonatas, etc. Among the extensive musical heritage of Marcello, “Poetic-harmonic inspiration” stands out (“Estro poetico-armonico; Parafrasi sopra i cinquanta primi salmi”, vol. 1- 8, 1724-26; for 1-4 voices with basso-continuo) – 50 psalms (to the verses of A. Giustiniani, a poet and friend of the composer), 12 of which use synagogue melodies.
Of the literary works of Marcello, the pamphlet “Friendly Letters” (“Lettera famigliare”, 1705, published anonymously), directed against one of the works of A. Lotti, and the treatise “Fashion Theater …” (“Il teatro alla moda, a sia metodo sicuro e facile per ben comporre ed eseguire l’opera italiana in musica all’uso moderno”, 1720, published anonymously), in which the shortcomings of the contemporary opera seria were subjected to satirical ridicule. Marcello is the author of sonnets, poems, interludes, many of which became the basis of musical works by other composers.
Brother Marcello – Alessandro Marcello (c. 1684, Venice – c. 1750, ibid.) – composer, philosopher, mathematician. Author of 12 cantatas, as well as concertos, 12 sonatas (published his works under the pseudonym Eterio Steenfaliko).