Bartłomiej Pękiel |
Bartłomiej Pękiel
Served as envoy musician in Warsaw; in 1633-37 organist king. choir, from 1641 also assistant conductor, in 1649-55 Ch. Kapellmeister, at the same time directed the boys’ choir. From 1658 until the end of his life he headed the wok.-instr. chapel in the Wawel Cathedral in Krakow. Author of the first Polish cantata-oratorio “Listen, mortals!” (“Audite Mortales”, 2 hours, plot based on the legend of the Last Judgment). P. also belong to 9 masses (for chorus a cappella and wok.-instrumental), including 4 goals. “The most beautiful …” (“Missa pulcherrima ad instar Praenestini”), 13-goal. conc. “Lombard Mass” (“Missa concertata la lombardesca”), 6-goal. “Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord” (“Missa de resurrectione Domini”), etc. Polish spiritual songs are used in P.’s masses. Among other op. – motets (11 survived), osn. on cantus firmus from Gregorian chant, lat. songs. In some spiritual works. the effect of conc. Venetian style. He also wrote a number of secular Op. – OK. 40 dances for lute, 3 canons; he owns arr. Polish tribes. Prod. Items are distinguished by a developed contrapuntal. technique and are examples of the early baroque in Polish. music. During the life of P. was published only 6-goal. triple canon on Sat. “Musical sieve” (“Cribrum musicum”, 1643, Venice). P.’s manuscripts are kept in the libraries of Krakow, Gdansk, Berlin and Upsa-la. Op. P. were published by Yu. Suzhinsky in Poznan in the series “Monuments of Polish Sacred Music” (“Monumenta musices sacrae in Polonia”, including “Missa pulcherrima” (t. 3, 1889, t. 4, 1896); works published by the Publishing House of Early Polish Music in Warsaw in 1927-29 and in Krakow in 1950-70.
References: Бэлза И., История польской музыкальной культуры, т. 1, М., 1954; Opienski, H., La musique polonaise, P., 1918, 1929; Feicht H., Bartolomiej Pekiel, “Musical Review”, 1925, No 10-12; его же, «Audite Mortales» by Bartolomiej Pekiel, «Music Quarterly», 1929, No. 4; Music in the Polish Baroque period, в кн .: From the history of Polish musical culture, vol. 1, ch. H. Feicht, Kr., 1958, pp. 157-230.
Z. Lissa