Backlash pause
When, according to the rules, you need to breathe during the performance of vocal music?
When explaining this type of pause, they say that this pause is taken, as it were, “to take a breath”, meaning “to take a breath”. We add that the backlash-pause accentuates the note well. It is indicated by a comma above the note .
Here is an excerpt from “The Captain’s Song” from the film “Children of Captain Grant” (music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach). The backlash pause sign, as well as the note to which it refers, are highlighted in red :

Please note: before the backlash, there is a sign above the note. – “farm”. This note lasts for quite a long time, breaking out of the general rhythm. The backlash-pause does not change the general rhythm .