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Loudness is one of the properties of sound; the idea that arises in the mind of a person about the intensity or strength of sound when perceiving sound, vibrations by the organ of hearing. G. depends on the amplitude (or range of oscillatory movements), on the distance to the sound source, on the frequency of the sound (sounds of the same intensity, but different frequencies are perceived as different according to G., with the same intensity, the sounds of the middle register seem to be the loudest); in general, the perception of the strength of sound is subject to the general psychophysiological. the Weber-Fechner law (sensations change in proportion to the logarithm of irritation). In the music acoustics to measure the volume level, it is customary to use the units “decibel” and “phon”; in composing and performing. Italian practice. the terms fortissimo, forte, mezzo-forte, piano, pianissimo, etc. conventionally designate the ratios of the levels of G., but not the absolute value of these levels (forte on the violin, for example, is much quieter than the forte of the symphonic orchestra). See also dynamics.
References: Musical acoustics, total. ed. Edited by N. A. Garbuzova. Moscow, 1954. Garbuzov HA, Zone nature of dynamic hearing, M., 1955. See also lit. at Art. Musical acoustics.
Yu. N. Rags