Groupetto |
ital. gruppetto, will reduce. from gruppa, lit. – Group
Type of melisma: melodic. an ornament consisting of 4 or 5 sounds and denoted by the sign so. The composition of the 5-sound G. includes the main (decorated) sound, the upper auxiliary, the main, the lower auxiliary, and again the main; in the composition of the 4-sound G. – the same sounds, except for the first or last. If help. the sound is alternating. step, then, respectively, an accidental sign is placed above or below the G.. In cases where the G. sign is above the note, the figure begins directly from the upper auxiliary and is performed at the expense of the main. sound. If the G. sign is between notes, then the figure begins with the first sound, which is considered the main (decorated) sound. G., located between notes of the same height, is performed due to the duration of the first sound; the same with sounds of equal pitch and duration. If G. stands between the sounds decomp. pitch, but of the same duration, it is performed at the expense of both sounds.

Allowed diff. melodic options. and rhythmic. transcripts of G., corresponding to the peculiarities of the style of music. works and arts. the intention of the performer. In classical music, the crossed-out G was also used. Its figure began with a lower auxiliary sound.

References: Yurovsky A., (Foreword ed.), in Sat.; French harpsichord music, M., 1934; the same, 1935; Bach K. Ph. E., Versuch uber die wahre Art das Klavier zu spielen, Bd 1-2, B. 1753-62, Lpz., 1925; Beyschlag A., Die Ornamentik der Musik, Lpz., 1908, M953; Brunold P., Traité des signes et agréments employés par les clavecinistes français des XVII et XVIII siecles, Lyon, 1925, Faksimile-Nachdr., hrsg von L. Hoffmann-Erbrecht, Lpz., 1957.
V. A. Vakhromeev