Vladimir Vitalyevich Voloshin |
Vladimir Voloshin
Vladimir Voloshin was born in Crimea in 1972. Music, mostly classical, has been constantly sounding in the house since childhood. Mother is a choir conductor, father is an engineer, but at the same time a self-taught musician. Impressed by his father’s playing, Vladimir tried to master the piano on his own from the age of six, and by the age of eight he had composed his first pieces. But he began to play music professionally only at the age of fifteen.
Having graduated from a music school as an external student in two years, he entered the Simferopol Musical College in piano class. At the same time, he began to take composition lessons from the famous Crimean composer Lebedev Alexander Nikolaevich and, having completed an external accordion course with the brilliant theorist Gurji Maya Mikhailovna, two years later he entered the Odessa Conservatory in the composition class of Professor Uspensky Georgy Leonidovich. Two years later, Vladimir was transferred to the Moscow Conservatory, and Professor Tikhon Nikolaevich Khrennikov, interested in his works, accepted him into his composition class. Vladimir Voloshin graduated from the conservatory under Professor Leonid Borisovich Bobylev.
During the years of study at the conservatory, Voloshin successfully masters various musical forms, genres, styles and, contrary to modern trends, finds his own style, which develops the traditions of S. V. Rachmaninov, A. N. Skryabin, S. S. Prokofiev, G. V. Sviridov . During these years, he wrote a number of romances based on verses by Russian poets, the Obsession Sonata for piano, a cycle of variations, a string quartet, a sonata for two pianos, piano etudes and plays.
At the final exam in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, his symphonic poem “The Sea” was performed, inspired by the images of the Crimean nature. After the Moscow premiere at the BZK, the poem “The Sea” was repeatedly performed with success in Russia and Ukraine and entered the main repertoire of the Crimean Symphony Orchestra.
After the conservatory, Vladimir Voloshin trained for a year as a pianist with Professor Sakharov Dmitry Nikolaevich.
Since 2002, Volodymyr Voloshin has been a member of the Union of Composers of Ukraine, and since 2011, a member of the Union of Composers of Russia.
The next creative success of the composer was a piano concerto – a virtuoso work based on Russian song material. Professor T. N. Khrennikov, fascinated by the concerto, wrote in his review: “This capital work of large form in three parts continues the traditions of the Russian piano concerto, and is distinguished by bright thematics, clarity of form and virtuoso piano texture. I am sure that thanks to these qualities, the concerto will add to the repertoire of many concert pianists.”
One of the pianists who also praised the work was the outstanding contemporary musician Mikhail Vasilyevich Pletnev: “Your sincere statement in the musical language that lives inside you is dearer to me than the computer-like and ugly harmonies characteristic of the so-called modern style.”
Vladimir Voloshin’s compositions, including Romantic Variations on a Theme Folia, a cycle of Children’s Pieces, Concert Etudes, two notebooks of Lyric Pieces, romances for voice and piano, symphonic pieces, are included in the repertoire of many contemporary musicians.