Vladimir Mykhailovych Yurovsky (Vladimir Jurowski).
Vladimir Jurowski
He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1938 in the class of N. Myaskovsky. Composer of high professionalism, Yurovsky refers mainly to large forms. Among his works are the opera “Duma about Opanas” (based on the poem by E. Bagritsky), symphonies, oratorio “The Feat of the People”, cantatas “Song of the Hero” and “Youth”, quartets, piano concerto, symphonic suites, music for Shakespeare’s tragedy “Othello » for reciter, choir and orchestra.
Yurovsky repeatedly turned to the ballet genre – “Scarlet Sails” (1940-1941), “Today” (based on the “Italian Tale” by M. Gorky, 1947-1949), “Under the Sky of Italy” (1952), “Before Dawn” (1955 ).
The plot of “Scarlet Sails” turned out to be close to the musical aspirations of the composer, who gravitates towards the romantic world of excited feelings. In characterizations of Assol and Gray, in genre scenes, Yurovsky created symphonic paintings that impress with emotionality and can easily be translated into the language of dance and pantomime. Particularly memorable are the seascape, the introduction to the ballet, the ballad of an old storyteller and the music of Assol’s dreams.