Vertical |
Vertical (from lat. verticalis – sheer) is a conventionally figurative concept associated with the application of spatial representations to music and denoting harmonic. aspect of music. fabrics. V. includes any simultaneous sounding of two or more sounds, both literally (the sound of a chord) and figuratively (arpeggio, harmonic figuration). Simultaneity can be physical (in a chord) or psychological (in arpeggios and related figures), when the ear combines into a single voice sounds that appear sequentially and fit into the usual sound form, for example. triad or seventh chord. In decomp. music styles V. has diff. meaning. So, in the era of the dominance of polyphony (the Dutch school), its role was subordinate, while among the Impressionists (C. Debussy) it becomes paramount. The idea of V. is reflected in the polyphonic. the term “vertically movable counterpoint” (see. Movable counterpoint). The concept of “V.” opposed to the concept of horizontal.
References: Tyulin Yu., Teaching about harmony, L., 1939, M., 1966; his, Modern harmony and its historical origin, in Sat.: Questions of modern music, L., 1963; Kholopov Yu., Modern features of Prokofiev’s harmony, M., 1967.
Yu. G. Kon