“Prelude” a – moll M. Carcassi sheet music for beginners
“Tutorial” Guitar Lesson No. 9
Prelude Carcassi and dynamic shades
In this lesson we will learn how to play a beautiful prelude by the Italian guitarist Matteo Carcassi. It should be noted that this is a great opportunity to learn how to play the guitar with several picks. Three simple enumerations that make up this beautiful miniature are a good exercise for the fingers of the right hand. As you noticed in previous lessons, the main goal of the guitar tutorial is to learn how to play the instrument without knowledge of musical literacy, learning only the location of the notes on the guitar neck and stave. Of course, at a certain stage we will move on to theory, but having a certain practice of playing the instrument, the theory will not seem so dry and incomprehensibly uninteresting. Everyone studied and is studying a foreign language at school, but not everyone knows this language. The reason is simple – the teacher’s emphasis on correct pronunciation and knowledge of the rules stifled the desire to practice at the first stage of training. Students know the rules, but do not speak, because they are afraid to make a mistake – when talking, they have to think immediately about the rules and about the correct pronunciation of words. For the time being, bypassing theory, we are learning to put chords and play picks. Playing simple chords and fingerpicking on the guitar is good practice for a beginner guitarist and will bring results in no time. And so we move on to lesson number 9 of the Tutorial on the guitar.
Prelude Carcassi Video
Dynamic shades in music
Pay attention to the dynamic shades exposed under the musical line. They are denoted by the Latin letters mp, mf and represent the gradation of the volume of the performed work. In addition to these shades in this miniature, there are some others.
(fortissimo) – very loud
(forte) – loudly
(mezzo forte) – moderately (not very) loudly
(mezzo piano) – not very quiet
(piano) – quiet
(pianissimo) – very quiet
When moving from one gradation to another, the terms crescendo (gradually increasing sonority), diminuendo (gradually weakening) are used. They can simply be depicted as signs: