Veronika Dudarova |
Veronika Dodarova
A woman at the conductor’s stand… Not such a frequent occurrence. Nevertheless, Veronika Dudarova has already gained a strong position on our concert stage relatively long time ago. Having received her initial musical education in Baku, Dudarova studied piano with P. Serebryakov at the music school at the Leningrad Conservatory (1933-1937), and in 1938 she entered the conducting department of the Moscow Conservatory. Her teachers were professors Leo Ginzburg and N. Anosov. Even before the end of the conservatory course (1947), Dudarova made her debut at the console. In 1944 she worked as a conductor at the Central Children’s Theatre, and in 1945-1946 as an assistant conductor at the Opera Studio at the Moscow Conservatory.
At the All-Union Review of Young Conductors (1946), Dudarova was awarded a certificate of honor. In the summer of the same year, Dudarova’s first meeting with the Moscow Regional Philharmonic Orchestra took place. Subsequently, this ensemble was transformed into the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, of which Dudarova became the chief conductor and artistic director in 1960.
Over the past time, the orchestra has grown stronger and now plays a significant role in the concert life of the country. Especially often, the team led by Dudarova performs in the Moscow region, and also tours the Soviet Union. Thus, in 1966, the Moscow Orchestra performed at the Volgograd Festival of Soviet Music, and almost every year it participates in traditional musical festivals in Tchaikovsky’s homeland in Votkinsk.
At the same time, Dudarova regularly performs with other groups – the State Symphony Orchestra of the USSR, the orchestras of the Moscow and Leningrad Philharmonics, the best choirs of the country. In the diverse repertoire of the artist, along with the classics, an important place is occupied by the work of modern composers, and above all Soviet ones. T. Khrennikov wrote about Dudarova: “A musician with a bright temperament and a unique creative style. This can be judged by the interpretation of those works that the Moscow Symphony Orchestra performs … Dudarova is distinguished by an ardent passion for modern music, for the works of Soviet composers. But her sympathies are wide: she loves Rachmaninoff, Scriabin and, of course, Tchaikovsky, all of whose symphonic works are in the repertoire of the orchestra she leads. Since 1956, Dudarova has been regularly working on scoring feature films with a cinematography orchestra. In addition, in 1959-1960, she headed the orchestral conducting department at the Moscow Institute of Culture, and also led a conducting class at the October Revolution Music College.
“Contemporary Conductors”, M. 1969.