Variety show |
VARIETE (French variete, from Latin varietas – diversity, variegation) – a type of variety show of the 19-20 centuries. In the productions of T-ditch V., elements of theatre, music, and pop music are combined. and circus art. The name originates from the Variety trade show, opened in Paris in 1790. The origins of V. are connected with the Nar. t-rum. At first, V.’s performances were distinguished by satire. character, but soon they became purely entertaining, designed for a rich and idle audience; along with comedic elements, parody is constantly presented in them, which means. place is taken by eroticism. Small plays or scenes alternate with performances by reciters, singers, instrumentalists, dancers, acrobats, jugglers, magicians. The genre of revue was born and developed in V.’s tanks. In the bourgeois countries t-ry V. became widespread in the late 19th – early. 20 centuries, survived in the 20-30s. flourishing time. Well-known t-ry V. “Foliberger” and “Lido” in Paris, “Palladium” in London. In Russia, close to V. were “Theatre-buff” and miniature stores “Crooked Mirror” in St. Petersburg and “The Bat” in Moscow. In the USSR, t-ry type V. existed only until the middle. 1920s
In the West, the term “B.” It is also used in a broader sense, close to the term stage and covering cabaret and burlesque performances.
References: Моеllеr van den Bruck A., Das Varietй, В., 1902.