Simple Guitar Pieces for Beginners
A novice guitarist is always faced with the difficult question of choosing a repertoire. But today guitar notation is very extensive, and the Internet allows you to find a guitar piece for beginners to suit all tastes and abilities.
This review is devoted to works that are successfully used in teaching practice and always find a lively response from students and listeners.
When playing the guitar it is simply impossible to ignore the Spanish theme. Explosive rhythm, temperament, emotionality, intensity of passions, and high performing technique distinguish Spanish music. But it’s not a problem. There are options for beginners too.
One of them is the cheerful Spanish folk dance Alegrias (a form of flamenco). While working through Alegrias, the student practices the chord technique of playing, masters the “rasgueado” technique, learns to keep the rhythm and change it during the game, and hones voice guidance with the thumb of the right hand.
The play is short and easy to remember. It allows you to show not only a different character – from explosive to moderately calm, but also to diversify the volume – from piano to fortissimo.
M. Carcassi “Andantino”
Of the many Preludes and Andantinos by Italian guitarist, composer and teacher Matteo Carcassi, this is the most “pretty” and melodic.
Download sheet music “Andantino” – DOWNLOAD
The benefit, and at the same time, the complexity of this work is as follows: the student must learn to simultaneously use two methods of sound production: “apoyando” (with support) and “tirando” (without support). Having mastered this technical skill, the performer will be able to demonstrate correct vocal performance. A melody played with the apoyando technique will sound brighter against the background of a uniform arpeggio (picking) played with tirando.
In addition to the technical side, the performer must remember about melodiousness, continuity of sound, structuring musical phrases, and the use of various dynamic shades (changing the sound volume during the game and performing parts with different volumes).
F. de Milano “Canzona”
Boris Grebenshchikov introduced this melody to the general public, who wrote the lyrics to it. Therefore, it is known to many as the “City of Gold”. However, the music was written in the 16th century by the Italian composer and lutenist Francesco de Milano. Many have made arrangements of this work, but the review uses as a basis the version of the guitarist and teacher V. Semenyuta, who published several collections with simple pieces for guitar.
“Canzona” is well known, and students happily begin to learn it. The melody, leisurely tempo, and absence of serious technical difficulties allow you to quickly learn how to play this piece.
At the same time, the sound range of the “Canzona” melody will force the beginner to go beyond the usual first position. Here you already need to take sounds on the 7th fret, and not only on the first string, but also on the 3rd and 4th, which will allow you to better study the scale of the guitar and come to the understanding that plucked string instruments, and the guitar, in particular, have the same sounds can be produced on different strings and on different frets.
I. Kornelyuk “The City That Doesn’t Exist”
This is just a hit for a beginner guitarist. There are many variations of this song – choose according to your taste. Working on it expands the performing range and helps improve voice performance. To reveal the image and change moods, the musician must demonstrate various dynamic shades.
“Gypsy girl” variations for beginners, arr. E Shilina
This is quite a big play. All previously acquired skills and techniques of playing will come in handy here, as well as the ability to change the tempo and volume during the performance. Starting to play “Gypsy Girl” at a slow tempo, the performer gradually reaches a fast tempo. Therefore, get ready to practice the technical component.