Rhythmic division |
rhythmic division – division of music duration (timeоth share) into equal parts. Main a type of rhythmic note is the division into two parts: a whole note into two half notes, a half note into two quarter notes, a quarter note into two eighth notes, etc., as well as the division of tripartite durations into three parts: a whole note with a dot into three half notes, a half dotted for three quarter notes, dotted quarter note for three eighth notes, etc.

The main type of rhythmic division.
In addition, an arbitrary (conditional) division of the main is used. durations for different the number of equal shares that do not correspond to the dominant in this product. metric principle. divisions; thus, there are a duol, triplet, quartole, quintole, sextol, septol, octole, nonemol, decimol, as well as groups with a larger number of fractional durations that do not have special. titles. In an arbitrary R. d., fractional durations are shorter than their corresponding durations for an even division.
Examples of arbitrary rhythmic division:

F. Schubert. Serenade.

P. I. Tchaikovsky. “That was in early spring.” Romance.

P. I. Tchaikovsky. “Sleeping Beauty”.

A. N. Verstovsky. Excerpt from the opera “Vadim”.

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. “Sadko”, 2nd painting.
For example, a triplet of eighth notes is equal in time to two eighths of the main division, or one quarter; a quintuplet of sixteenths is the four sixteenths of a major division, or one quarter. In arbitrary rhythmic divisions of tripartite durations, the fractional beats are in some cases longer than the main beats, for example: two duol eighths are equal to three eighths of the main division, and so on (see examples). Rhythmic groups of arbitrary division may include pauses equal in duration to the fractional beats they replace, for example:

V. A. Vakhromeev