Psychology musical |
Musical psychology is the discipline that studies psychology. conditions, mechanisms and patterns of music. human activities, as well as their influence on the structure of muses. speech, on the formation and historical. the evolution of music. means and features of their functioning. As a science, music theory is fundamentally related to the field of musicology, but it is also closely related to general psychology, psychophysiology, acoustics, psycholinguistics, pedagogy, and a number of other disciplines. Music-psychological. studies are of interest in several. aspects: in pedagogical., associated with the education and training of musicians, in musical-theoretical. and aesthetic, concerning the problems of reflection in music of reality, in socio-psychological, affecting the patterns of existence of music in society in decomp. genres, situations and forms, as well as in the actual psychological., which is of interest to scientists from the point of view of the most common tasks of studying the human psyche, his creative work. manifestations. In its methodology and methodology P. m., developed by owls. researchers, relies, on the one hand, on the Leninist theory of reflection, on the methods of aesthetics, pedagogy, sociology, and natural sciences. and exact sciences; on the other side – to the music. pedagogy and the system of methods for studying music that has developed in musicology. The most common specific methods of P. m. include pedagogical, laboratory and sociology, observations, collection and analysis of sociological. and socio-psychological. data (based on conversations, surveys, questionnaires), the study of those recorded in literature – in memoirs, diaries, etc. – data of introspection of musicians, special. music products analysis. creativity (composition, performance, artistic description of music), statistical. processing of received actual data, experiment and decomp. methods of hardware fixation acoustic. and physiological. music scores. activities. P. m. covers all types of music. activities – composing music, perception, performance, musicological analysis, music. education – and is divided into a number of interrelated areas. The most developed and promising in scientific and practical. relation: music-pedagogical. psychology, including the doctrine of music. hearing, music abilities and their development, etc.; psychology of music perception, considering the conditions, patterns and mechanisms of artistically meaningful perception of music; psychology of the creative process of composing music; psychology of musical-performing activity, considering the psychological. regularities of concert and pre-concert work of a musician, questions of the psychology of music interpretation and the impact of performance on listeners; social psychology of music.
In his historical The development of musical music reflects the evolution of musicology and aesthetics, as well as general psychology and other sciences related to the study of man. As an autonomous scientific discipline P. m. took shape in the middle. 19th century as a result of the development of experimental psychophysiology and the development of the theory of hearing in the works of G. Helmholtz. Until that time, questions of music. psychology were touched upon only in passing in the musical-theoretical, aesthetic. writings. In the development of music psychology, a great contribution was made by the work of zarub. scientists – E. Mach, K. Stumpf, M. Meyer, O. Abraham, W. Köhler, W. Wundt, G. Reves and a number of others who studied the functions and mechanisms of music. hearing. In the future, the problems of the psychology of hearing were developed in the works of owls. scientists – E. A. Maltseva, N. A. Garbuzova, B. M. Teplov, A. A. Volodina, Yu. N. Rags, O. E. Sakhaltuyeva. Problems of the psychology of music. perceptions are developed in the book by E. Kurt “Musical Psychology”. Despite the fact that Kurt relied on the ideas of the so-called. Gestalt psychology (from German. Gestalt – form) and the philosophical views of A. Schopenhauer, the material of the book itself, its specific musical and psychological. problems served as the basis for the further development of the psychology of music. perception. In this area, in the future, many works of foreign and owls appeared. researchers – A. Wellek, G. Reves, S. N. Belyaeva-Kakzemplyarskaya, E. V. Nazaykinsky and others. In the works of owls. music scientists. perception is considered as a complex activity aimed at adequate reflection of music and uniting the actual perception (perception) of music. material with music data. and general life experience (apperception), cognition, emotional experience and evaluation of products. An essential part of P. m. is muz.-pedagogich. psychology, especially the psychology of music. abilities, the research of B. Andrew, S. Kovacs, T. Lamm, K. Sishor, P. Mikhel, the works of S. M. Maykapar, E. A. Maltseva, B. M. Teplov, G Ilina, V. K. Beloborodova, N. A. Vetlugina. K ser. 20th century the problems of social psychology are gaining more and more weight (see Sociology of Music). She was given attention in her writings zarub. scientists P. Farnsworth, A. Sofek, A. Zilberman, G. Besseler, owls. researchers Belyaeva-Ekzemplyarskaya, A. G. Kostyuk, A. N. Sokhor, V. S. Tsukerman, G. I. Pankevich, G. L. Golovinsky and others. To a much lesser extent, the psychology of composer creativity and music has been developed. execution. All areas of music. psychology are united into a single whole by a system of concepts and categories of general psychology, and most importantly, by a focus on music. theory and practice.
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E. V. Nazaikinskiy