Prosody |
from the Greek prosodia – accent, stress
In ancient grammar, the doctrine of accents and the length of syllables, which determines their “melodiousness”. Under the accent was understood not dynamic, but associated with the “speech melody” allocation of correspondences. syllable (see Melos). According to Dionysius of Halicarnassus (1st century AD), “speech melody” occupied the volume of a fifth. Over time, other Greek. language is saturated with dynamic. accents, while the meaning in it is melodic. accents are reduced, especially in everyday speech. In sublime poetic melodic speech. accents last longer. This is evidenced by the few records of excerpts from other Greek that have come down to us. music. The doctrine of P. was developed in great detail. To denote melodic accents (tonoi) and length of syllables (xronoi) were introduced special. signs, to-rye began to be used in the 9th century. They were the prototypes of the Byzantines. musical writing. In the subsequent time, P. began to be understood as ch .. arr. the length of syllables in other Greek. language. Since in new languages the length of syllables depends on the dynamic. accent, the application to them of the concept of “P.” is conditional. Some scientists included in the concept of “P.” any elements of versification and even versification itself, which deprived the term “P.” certainty. In the 20th century it is rarely used.