Pizzicato, pizzicato |
Italian, from pizzicare – to pinch
Reception of performance on strings. stringed instruments. It consists in the fact that the sound is extracted not by holding the bow, but by plucking the string with the finger of the right hand, as on a guitar, harp, and other strings. plucked instruments. The return to the former usual way of performance is indicated in the notes by the term arco (Italian, bow) or col arco (Italian, bow). R. can be performed both as separate sounds and double notes. On the violin and viola, the sounds extracted by R. are very dry and quickly fade out, they are more full-sounding and prolonged on the cello and double bass. As a rule, R. is used when extracting only sounds of short durations. Previously, R. was used, apparently, in dramas. madrigal “Duel of Tancred and Clorinda” (“Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda”) by Monteverdi (1624). Violin virtuosos of the 19th century introduced a special type of R., performed only with the left hand. This allows you to quickly alternate between the sounds of R. and arco; such a R. gives the sounds a somewhat hissing timbre. N. Paganini used the performance of R. with the left hand simultaneously with the extraction of sounds with a bow, which created the effect of a “duet” sound (“Paganini’s Duet for Solo Violin” – “Duo de Paganini pour le violon seul”, ca. 1806-08). This technique was later used by other composers (Gypsy Melodies by Sarasate). A number of orchestral pieces are known, in which the parts of the strings. instruments are performed only or in means. parts R. Among them – “Polka pizzicato” Yog. Strauss-son and Yoz. Strauss, R. from the ballet Sylvia by Delibes, in Russian. music – the 3rd part of the 4th symphony by Tchaikovsky, R. from the ballet Raymonda by Glazunov.