Noise |
Noise (German Gerdusch, French bruit, English noise) – a single sound, indefinite in height, formed by many different in frequency and strength, as a rule, unstable, periodic. and non-periodic. oscillating movements produced by one or more vibrators. In acoustics, there are:
1) continuous over the spectrum, covering the entire audible range, the so-called. white sh.;
2) broadband radio – low-frequency, medium-frequency, high-frequency;
3) narrowband, so-called. color, Sh. Many punch. instruments emit broadband SH: e.g. big drum – low-frequency, snare drum – mid-frequency, triangle – high-frequency; in the sound of the timpani, narrow-band noise sections are distinguished with a predominance of c.-l. one tone. Sh. on these instruments arises in connection with the complexity of the configuration of the oscillating body, the heterogeneity of its manufacture. Sh., as a rule, is an integral part (along with partial tones) of the sound of muses. tools with defined pitch: eg. on fp. Sh. is caused by vibrations of the rod and the head of the hammer, and is also determined by the rigidity of the strings. especially in low register; on the violin – creaking, rustling of the bow, torsional vibrations. string movements; on the flute, in the labial pipes of the organ – by vortex-like vibrations of the air stream cut off by the labium. In the 20th century the desire to diversify the noise palette of orchestras by introducing new instruments, including special electromusics, intensified. devices; experimental creativity appeared. directions that widely use Sh., for example. bruitism, concrete music, electronic music, timbre music, sonoristics (see Sonorism), etc.
References: Krasilnikov V. A., Sound waves in air, water and solids, M.-L., 1951, M., 1954; Simonov I.D., New in electric musical instruments, M.-L., 1966; Volodin AA, Electronic musical instruments, M., 1970; Meyer E., Buchmann G., Die Klangspektren der Musikinstrumente, B., 1931.
Y. H. Pargs