Musical lexicography |
from the Greek lexixos – related to the word and grapo – I write
Theory and practice of compiling music. dictionaries; the branch of musicology that deals with the development and scientific justification for different types of music dictionaries and their construction. L. м. also called the collection of reference publications (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.) P.). Main principle L. м. – the arrangement of the material (in the form of articles or terms) in strict alphabetical order. According to the type of construction, selection and presentation of the material, dictionaries are divided into universal scientific reference publications covering all areas of music. culture (muz. encyclopedias representing a body of knowledge, and music. encyclopedic. dictionaries, as a rule, are more concise in volume), and industry-specific – dedicated. any one of its sections (biographical, terminological dictionaries, operas, music. instruments, violin makers, etc. P.). It is not always possible to clearly distinguish between music. encyclopedias and music-encyclopedic. dictionaries. Some publications called dictionaries, for example. “Grove’s Dictionary of music and musicians”, in fact, are muses. encyclopedias; Happy Birthday. sides, for example, “Encyclopédie de la Musique…” A. Lavignac and L. La Laurencie in the strict sense of this term is not such, representing a collection of widely deployed and freely arranged essays on the history and theory of music, muses. tools, pedagogy, aesthetics. This or that selection in the musical-lexicographic. art works. phenomena of the past and present, dec. kind of information, coverage of historical. facts, their aesthetic. assessments are invariably based on the achievements of musicology of this historical. era and are associated with its general ideological and scientific. level. L. м. originates in a certain historical musical development stage. writing – notation and related music. terminology. Its origin was due to music. practice – the need of musicians to understand the meaning of one or another obsolete or borrowed from others. music language. term – initially in the form of an explanation of incomprehensible words (gloss) in the margins of the manuscript, and then a combination of incomprehensible words (i.e. Mr. glossaries are the forerunners of modern. dictionaries). At an early stage, L. м. develops within the framework of general lexicographic. works. The origins of L. м. date back to ancient times. The Bible already contains descriptions of various ice tools and how to use them. Music theoretician. terms used in dr. Greece. Later, many of them were adopted by the theorists of the Middle Ages and entrenched in muses. practice. With the development in the early Middle Ages, prof. cult music authors of general lexicographical. works begin to give them an interpretation of a number of terms used in music. practice in lat. language. The known importance for the development of L. м. during the late Middle Ages had dec. kind of school guide. In one of the earliest glossaries (“Dictionarius…”) J. Garlandia (written after 1218) in the section “Music and musicians” are titles. ice tools, including h sister and brother. Means step in the development of L. м. was the work of the Franco-Flemish composer, theorist and teacher J. Tinktoris, Definition of Musical Terms (Terminorum Musicae Diffinitorium, ed. approx. 1474), which is the first musical terminology. dictionary and remained the only one of its kind until the 18th century. In the beginning. 17th century, with the heyday of the Italian. instrument music, in Germany, new Italian. ice термины (adagio, concerto, forte, tremolo и т. P.). Much credit for their interpretation belongs to M. Pretorius, who brought the Italian. terms in his work (“Syntagma Musicum”, Bd 3, 1619) in alphabetical order interspersed with Latin. start L. м. how they are independent. music industries. writing put muses. Czech Dictionaries T. B. Yanovka (1701), Frenchman S. de Brossard (1703), especially valuable for studying the history of the emergence of the French. ice terminology dictionary of the German I. G. Walter (1732) – the first musical encyclopedic. edition. From later editions of the 18th century. stands out “Musical Dictionary” (“Dictionnaire de la Musique”, 1767) J. G. Rousseau, originally conceived as a series of articles for the French. “Encyclopedia” and is of great value not only in connection with the definitions of muses contained in it. terms and concepts, but also with an attempt to aesthetic. interpretations and characteristics. At 19 in. L. м. is being developed more and more. For this stage of evolution, L. м. characteristic, on the one hand, is the publication of multi-volume muses. encyclopedias (G. Schilling, E. Bernsdorf, G. Mendel, A. Reisman, etc.), and on the other hand, the emergence of numerous branch muses. dictionaries: dictionaries of operas, operettas, music. instruments, violin makers, music. topics, national dictionaries of composers, musicologists, performers, dictionaries, dedicated. specially modern. music, etc. Among modern hem. encyclopedic. dictionary and reference publications stand out: “Musical Lexicon” (“Musiklexikon”) X. Riemann (1882), one of the most popular publications of this kind, repeatedly reprinted and translated into other languages. languages (the prominent musicologists A. Einstein, W. Gurlitt and others; latest edition (vol. 1-3, with two additional. volumes, 1959-75) is a music. encyclopedia); “Dictionary of Music and Musicians” by J. Grove (i.e. 1-4, 1878-89, last edition – vol. 1-9, 1954); “Music in its past and present” (“Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart”), ed. F. Bloom (vol. 1-15, 1949-1975, ongoing); Yugoslav. “Musical Encyclopedia” (“Muzicka Enciklopedija”), ed. Й. Andreysa (i. 1-2, 1958-64, vol. 1-2, 1970-74); “Musical Encyclopedia” (“Enciclopedia della musica”), published by Ricordi (vol. 1-4, 1963-64, vol. 1-6, 1972-74). Each of these publications differs in its own characteristics (the composition of the dictionary, the type and volume of articles). From biographical ice dictionaries stand out: “Dictionary” T. Baker (1900), later published in an expanded form, ed. N. Slonimsky; “Dictionary of Czech Musicians”, “Dictionary of Composers and Musicologists of Romania” by V. Cosmas; from reference books on modern music – the dictionaries of Iglifil-Hull, A.
Abroad, reference books are becoming increasingly important, published under the name. “Wer ist wer?”, “Who’s who?”, “Who’s who in America?”, “Qui ktes vous?” (specially dedicated to music “Who’s who in Music”, 1949-50; “Who’s who in music and musicians, International directions”, 1962, etc.), as well as publications of the national. biographical dictionaries containing supplied bibliographic. lists notes about modern. prominent figures (including composers, performers, musicologists).
The first Russian music-lexicographic. the work was “Addition serving as an explanation of technical musical terms” (1773); This edition provides a translation and interpretation of the Muses. concepts and terms. Muses. terms and their definitions are available in the “Musical Dictionary, which contains the words and sayings used in music” and includes approx. 160 terms in alphabetical order (1795), in the book. “Music Theory or Discourse on this Art” G. G. Ges de Calvet (1818). E. A. Bolkhovitinov in the “Dictionary of Russian Secular Writers …” (1805, journal. “Friend of Education”, separate ed. – 1838, 1845) places biographies of a number of Russian. composers (I. E. Khandoshkin, D. S. Bortnyansky, D. N. Kashin and others). Biographies of a number of foreign composers are cited by D. F. Kushenov-Dmitrevsky in the book. “Lyric Museum …” (1831). V. M. Undolsky in “Remarks for the history of church singing in Russia” gives an alphabet of ancient musical terms. I. P. Sakharov in “Studies on Russian Church Chanting” (“Journal of the Ministry of National Education”, 1849, July) cites “A full collection of hook names, collected from different manuscripts, in alphabetical order” (565 titles). An important role in the development of Russian. Musicologist, composer, and cellist M. D. Rezvoy, who wrote music in 1835 articles for Plushard’s Encyclopedic Lexicon, to which he was the editor up to the 6th volume inclusive. Rezvoy was also the compiler of the dictionary of the first Russian. music dictionary. He completed this work in 1842 on behalf of the Department of Russian. language and literature of the Academy of Sciences. Although the dictionary was not published, its musical terminology. part is included in the “Dictionary of the Church Slavonic and Russian Language”, published by the Academy of Sciences (1847, vols. 1-4, 1867-68). With these works, Rezvoy laid the foundations of the Russian. scientific L. m. V. F. Odoevsky, who participated in the compilation of Plushard’s dictionary, prepared a corrected and expanded edition of A. Garras’ Musical Terminology. Diff. kind of music dictionaries were also published by P. D. Perepelitsyn, A. I. Rubts, HM Lisovsky, N. F. Findeizen, A. A. Ilyinsky, A. L. Maslov, A. V. Preobrazhensky, V. P. Kalafati and others . Means. milestone in the development of Russian. L. m. was the translation of muses. Dictionary of Riemann, ed. Yu. D. Engel with extensive additions concerning Russian personalities, terms, institutions, societies, etc.
The beginning of the owls I. Glebov (B. V. Asafiev) put the L. m. in his “Guide to Concerts …” (issue 1 – “Dictionary of the most necessary musical and technical designations”, 1919). In subsequent years, L. m. development. Among the owls dictionary and reference publications stand out: muz.-terminological. dictionaries of N. A. Garbuzov and A. N. Dolzhansky, containing new interpretations of the theoretical. terms “Encyclopedic musical dictionary” by B. S. Steinpress and I. M. Yampolsky (1959, 1966), “Dictionary of operas first staged and published in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR” by G. B. Bernandt (1962), bio-bibliographic. the dictionary “Who wrote about music” by Bernandt and Yampolsky (vols. 1-2, 1971-74, the publication is ongoing), dictionaries of composers and muses. terms published in nat. republics. Since 1973, the first Sov. “Musical Encyclopedia”.
Foreign publications
Termino-logical dictionaries: Tinctoris J., Terminorum musicae definitorium, Naples, (1474), last edition. Lexique de la musique (1951th century). Latin text, trans, French, P., 1701; Janovka Th. В., Key to the treasury of the great art of music…, Prague, 1715, 1703; Brossard S. de, Dictionnaire de musique, P., 1731; Rousseau JJ, Dictionnaire de la musique…, Gen., 1768, nouv. yd., P., 1, t. 2-1769, 1925; Vannes R., Essay on musical terminology. A universal dictionary. (En huit langues), P., 1; Lichtenthal P., Dizionario e bibliography della musica, v. 4-1826, Mil., 1926; Vrenet M., Dictionnaire pratique et historique de la musique, P., 1930, 1929; Sard A., Lexico technologico musical en varios idiomas, Madrid, (1928); Cernusбk G., Pazdнrkuv hudebnн slovnнk naucnэ, Brno, 1944; Apel W., The Harvard dictionary of music, Camb. (Mass.), 1969, 1956; Elsevier’s dictionary of cinema, sound and music in six languages: English, American, French, Spanish. Italian, Dutch and German, Amst. – L. – NY, 1961; Sandy R. de, Dictionnaire de musique, Bourges, 1961; Carter HH, A dictionary of Middle English musical terms, Bloomington, (1965); Katayen L., Telberg Val., Russian-English dictionary of musical terms, NY, (1967); Grant P., Handbook of musical terms, Metuchen (NJ), 1969; (Chetrikov S.), Musical terminological dictionary, Sofia, 1970; Steckl E., Russisch-Deutsches Fachwitterbuch der Musik, Zwickau, 1; Schaal R., Fremdwcrterlexikon. Musik. Englisch-Franzçsisch-Italienisch, Bd 2-1970, Wilhelmshaven, XNUMX.
Биографические музыкальные словари: Gerber EL, Historical-biographical Lexicon of Tonkьnstler, Tl 1-2, Lpz., 1790-92; его же, New historical-biographical lexicon of the sound artists, Tl 1-4, Lpz., 1812-14; Fйtis FJ, Biographie universale des musiciens et bibliographie gйnйrale de la musique, v. 1-8, Brux., 1837-44, P., 1874-78 (Suppl., sous la dir. A. Pougin, v. 1-2, P., 1878-80); Eitner R., biographical-bibliographical source encyclopedia of musicians and music scholars of the Christian era up to the middle of the 19th century, vols. 1-10, Lpz., 1900-04, vols. 1-11, Graz, 1959-60; Baker Th., Biographical dictionary of musicians, NY, 1900, 1940 (Suppl. by N. Slonimsky, 1949), 1958 (ed. N. Slonimsky, Suppl., 1965), 1965 (Suppl., 1971).
Encyclopedic Dictionaries of Music: Walther J. G., encyclopedia or musical library, Lpz., 1732, facsimiles. Edition, Kassel – Basel, 1953; Schilling G., Encyclopedia of the entire musical sciences, or universal encyclopedia of music, vol. 1-6, Stuttg., 1835-38, vol. 7 – Suppl., 1840-42; Julius Schuberth’s Musikalisches Conversations-Lexikon, Lpz., 1859, edit. by R Mъsiol, 1892 (ed. by Йm. Wroclaw); Musical Conversations Lexicon. An encyclopedia of the entire musical sciences… Reasoned and ed. by H Mendel, Bd 1-11, (V.) – Lpz., 1870-79, (Bd 12) – Ergänzungsband, V., 1883 (from the 8th volume compiled by A. Raysman); Riemann H., Musiklexikon, В., 1882, vols. 1-2, edit. by A Einstein, В., 1929, edit. by W Gurlitt, vols. 1-5, Mainz, 1959-75 (vol. 3 — factual part, vol. 4-5 — supplementary volumes); Grove’s Dictionary of music and musicians, v. 1-4, Suppl. and Index, L., 1878-89, v. 1-5, 1900, v. 1-5, 1927, v. 1-5, 1940, Suppl., 1940, N. Y., 1949, v. 1-9, L. – NOT. Y., 1954 (ed. by E Blom), Suppl., L., 1961; Della Corte A., Satti G. M., Dizionario di musica, Torino, (1925), 1959; Abert H., Illustriertes Musik-Lexikon, Stuttg., 1927; Moser H., Musiklexikon, W., 1932, Bd 1-2, Hamb., 1955, Anhang l-2, 1958-63; I. Kamburov, Dictionary of Illustrated Music, Sofia, 1933; The international encyclopaedia of music and musicians, ed. by O. Thompson, N. Y., 1939, 1946 (rev. ed. by N. Slonimsky), 1964 (rev. ed. by O. Sabin); Blom E., Everymans dictionary of music, Phil., 1946, rev. ed., L. – NOT. Y., 1954; Sohlman’s Music Lexicon. Nordic and general encyclopedia for music, music, life and dance, Volumes 1-4, Stockh., 1948-52; Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. General encyclopedia of music, ed. by F Blume, vol. 1-15, Kassel – Basel, 1949-(73) (изд. продолж.); Bonaccorsi A., New Cursi Music Dictionary, Mil., 1954; Окгаку Дзитэн (Муз. dictionary), i.e. 1-11, Tokyo, 1954-57 (in Japanese. lang.); Sandved K. В., The world of music, a treasury for listener and viewer, L., 1954 (изд. originally in Norwegian lang., Oslo, 1951, then into Swedish. яз., Kшbenhavn, 1955); его жe, The world of music, Mil., (1956); Larousse de la musique. Encyclopedic Dictionary, under the dir. by N. Dufourcq, v. 1-2, P., 1957; Aschehougs Musiklexikon, Bd 1-2, Kшbenhavn, 1957-58; General music encyclopedia, vols 1-6, Ahtw. —Amst., 1957-65; Encyclopedia of Music, dir. F. Michel, F. Lesure and V. Fydorov, v. 1-3, P., 1958-61 (ed. Fasquelle); Music Encyclopedia, Vol. 1-2, Zagreb, 1958-63, Vol. 1, 1971; Memories of music and musicians dictionary, Mil., 1959; Reiss I. W., Mala encyclopedia of music, ed. S. Sledzinskiego, Warsz., 1960 (1-е изд. под загл.: Podreczna Encyclopedia muzyki, Kr., 1946, page А — К); Encyclopedia of music Ricordi, v. 1-4, Mil., 1964, v. 1-6, 1972; Szabolssi V., Toth A., Music Lexicon, vol. 1-2, Bdpst, 1930-31, kцt. 1-3, 1965; Seeger H., Musiklexikon, Bd 1-2, Lpz., 1966; Honegger M., Dictionary of Music, c. 1-2, (P.), 1970; Ammer Сh., Harper’s dictionary of music, N.
National Music and Musicians: Afghanistan – Habib-i-Nuvwabi, Afghan Artists, Kabul, 1958 (in Afghan. write.); Belgium — Gregory E. G., Biographical gallery of Belgian musical artists of the 1862th and 1885th centuries, Brux., XNUMX, XNUMX, Suppl. 1887 and 1890; Vannes R., Souris A., Dictionary of (Belgian) musicians (composers), Brux., (s. a.); Bulgaria — Encyclopedia of Bulgarian Musical Culture, Sofia, 1967; Great Britain — Baptie D., Musical Scotland, past and present, being a dictionary of Scottish musicians, Paisley, 1894; West F. J., The Dictionary of British Musicians from the Earliest Time to the Present, L., 1895; Brown J. D. and S t r a t t o n S. S., British Biography, Birmingham, 1897; Padelford F. M., Old English Musical Terms, Bonn, 1899; Morris W. M., British violin-makers Classical and modern, L., 1904, 1920; Pulver J., A Dictionary of Old English Music and Musical Instruments, L., 1923; его же, A Biographic Dictionary of Old English Music, L., 1927; Palmer R., British Music. An Encyclopedia of British Musicians, L., 1948; Carter H. H., A Dictionary of Middle English musical terms, Bloomington, (1961); Venezuela – M’sicos venezolanos, Caracas, (1963); Germany – Lipovsky F. J., Bayerisches Musik-Lexikon, Munich, 1811; Kossmaly К., Schlesisches Tonkьnstler-Lexikon, Breslau, 1846-47; Ledebur С., Tonkьnstler-Lexikon Berlins from the oldest times to the present, В., 1861; Müller E. H., Deutsches Musiken-Lexikon, Dresden, 1929. German Democratic Republic – Komponisten und Musikwissenschaftler der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, V., 1959; Greece – Drieberg F., Wörterbuch der griechischen Musik …, V., 1835; India – Sachs C., Musikinstrumente Indiens und Indonesiens, B,, (1915); Wig Ravindra, Contemporary Musical Figures (India), Allahabad, 1954 (in Indian); Garga Lakshminarayan, Treasures of Our Music, ch. 1, Hatkharos, 1957 (Ind. write.- Biographical. dictionary 360 music. figures of India from ancient times to the present day); Ireland – A Handbook of Irish music, Dublin, 1928; Spain – Saldoni y Remendo V., Diccionario biobibliografico de m’sicos espaсoles, v. 1-4, Madrid, 1881; Redrell F., Bio-bibliographical Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Spanish, Portuguese, and Spanish-American Musicians and Music Writers (A — F), Barcelona, 1897; Lihori of J.S. R., Music in Valencia. Biographical diary and critic, Valencia, 1903; Италия – Regli F., Biographical Dictionary (Italian musicians, 1800-1860), Turin, 1860; Mayr J. S., Biografie discrittori e artisti musicali Bergamaschi nativi od oriundi…, Bergamo, 1875; Masutto G., I maestri di musica italiani del secolo XIX, Venezia, 1880; De Angelis A., L’Italia musicale d’oggi Dizionario dei musicisti, Roma, 1918, 1928; Terzo B., Dizionario dei chitarristi e luitai italiani, Bologna, 1937; Canada – Dictionnaire biographique de musiciennes canadiens, Quebek, 1922, 1935; Gingras C., Musiciennes de chez nous, Monreal, 1955; Colombia – Zapata S., Compositores Colombianos, Medellin, 1962; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – Wang Heung Ryong, Dictionary of Musical Terms, Pyongyang, 1958 (in Kor. write.); Netherlands — Letzer J. H., Musical Netherlands. 1850-1910. Bio-bibliographisch woordenboek, Utrecht, 1911, 1913; Norway – Шstvedt A., Music and musicians in Norway today, Oslo, 1961; Poland – Sowinski A., Les musiciens polonais et slaves anciens et modernes. Dictionnaire biographique, P., 1857; его же, Dictionary of Polish old and modern music, P., 1874; Сhybinski A., Dictionary of music in old Poland until 1800, Kr., 1949; Szulс Z., Dictionary of Polish luthiers, Poznan, 1953; Schдffer В., Almanac of Polish composers…, Kr., 1956; Сhominski J., Dictionary of Polish musicians, vol. 1-2, Cr., 1964-67; Description — Vasconcellos J. A., The Portuguese musicians, biography-bibliographia, v. 1-2, Porto, 1870; Viera E., Biographic Dictionary of Portuguese Musicians, v. 1-2, Lisbon, 1900; Amorim E., Biographical Dictionary of Musicians of Portugal, Porto, 1935; Mazza J., Biographical Dictionary of Portuguese Musicians, (Evora, 1949); Румыния — Соsma V., Roman Musicological Compositor, Buc., 1965; его же, Roman Musicians. Composers and musicologists. Lexikon, Buc., 1970; United States of America – Jones F. О., A Handbook of American Music and Musicians, N. Y., 1886, new ed., N. Y., 1971; (Pratt W. S.), American Supplement to Groves Dictionary, N. Y., 1920, 1928, 1949; Metсalf F., American Writers and Compilers of Sacred Music, N. Y., 1925; Kings Cl. R., Composers in America, 1912-1937, N. Y., 1938, 1947; Bio-Bibliographical Index of Musicians in the United States of America since Colonial Times, Wash., 1941, 1956; Howard J. T., Our contemporary composers. American music in the twentieth century, N. Y., 1941; Even D., American Composers Today, N. Y., 1949; Stambler I., Landon G., Encyclopedia of folk, country and Western music, N. Y., 1969; Shestасk M., The country music encyclopedia, N. Y., 1974; countries of Latin America – Dictionary of Latin American musicians, songs and dances, and musical instruments, in the book: Slonimsky N., Music of Latin America, N. Y., 1945; Turkey – Rona Mustafa, Fifty Years of Turkish Music (Bibliographic Dictionary of Turkish Songwriters), Istanbul, 1955 (in Turkish); Iman Mahmut Keman, Pleasant Sounds (biographical dictionary of Turkish musicians, 1785-1957), Istanbul, 1957 (in Turkish); Finland – Suomen säveltäjid, Helsingfors, (1945); France – Poueigh J., Musiciens français daujourdhui, P., 1921; Borby J. J., Dictionnaire de musiciens de la Moselle, Metz, 1929; Czechoslovakia — Ceskoslovensky hudebni slovnik, t. 1-2, Prague, 1963-65; Швейцария – Refardt E., Historical-Bibliographical Musician Lexicon of Switzerland, Lpz. — Z., 1928; Schuсh W., Swiss Music Book, Vol. 2 — Music Lexicon, edit. by W Schuch and E. Refardt, Z., 1939; Sweden – Olsen H. und O., Svenska Kyrkomusici, biographical reference book, Stockh., 1928, 1936; Югославия — Goglia A., Komorna musika u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 1930; его же, Domaйi violinisti u Zagrebu XIX i XX st., Zagreb, 1941; Боръевих В. R., Contributions to the biographical dictionary of Serbian musicians, Belgrade, 1950; Kovacevic K., Croatian composers and their djjla, Zagreb, 1960; Kucukalic Z., Characters of contemporary Bosnian-Herzegovinian composers, Sarbjevo, 1961; Composers and music writers of Yugoslavia. Members of the Association of Composers of Yugoslavia. 1945-1967.
Modern music and musicians: Eaglefield-Hull A., A dictionary of modern music and musicians, L., 1919, the same, L. – NY, 1924 (deutsch übers. und Suppl. von A. Einstein – Das neue Musiklexikon, B ., 1926); Recupito MV, Artisti e musicisti moderni, Mil., 1933; Ewen D., Composers of today, NY, 1934, 1936; Prieberg F., Lexikon der neuen Musik, Münch., 1958; Schdffner V., Leksykon kompozytorw XX wieku, t. 1-2, Kr., 1963-65; Thompson K., A Dictionary of twentieth-century composers (1911-71), L., 1973.
References: Clement F., Larousse P., Lyrical or Historical Dictionary of Opйras, P., 1869-1881, 1905; Loewenberg A., Annals of opera. 1597-1940, Camb. 1943-1, Gen., 2; Jirouschek J., International Opernlexicon, W., 1955; Manferrari U., Universal Dictionary of Melodramatic Opera, v. 1948-1, Florence, 3-1954; Ewen D., Encyclopedia of the Opera, (NY, 55); его же, The New Encyclopedia of the Opera, L., 1955; Encyclopedia of spectacolo, v. 1973-1, Rome, 9-1954; Crowell s Handbook of World Opera…, NY, (62); Rosenthal H., Warrack J., Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera, L., 1961; Towers J., Dictionarycatalog of operas and operettas, v. 1964-1 , NY , 2 .
References: Beuamont С., A French-English Dictionary of Technical Terms Used in Classical Ballet, L., 1944; Wilson GBL, A Dictionary of Ballet, L., 1957, 1961; Kersley L., Sinclair J., A Dictionary of Ballet Terms, L., 1952, 1964; Dictionary of ballet and dance, net. Gasch S., Barcelona, (1956); Dictionary of Modern Ballet. Ed. Fernand Hazan, P., 1957 (Pres. — NY, 1959).
Musical instruments and instrumental masters: Jacquot A., Dictionnaire pratique et raisonné des instruments de musique anciens et modernes, P., 1886; Lütgendorff WL, Geigen- und Lautenmacher vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, Fr./M., 1904, Bd 1-2, 1922; Sachs K., Real-Lexikon der Musikinstrumente, B., 1913; Nachdruck Hildesheim, 1964; Dictionary of organs and organists, L., 1921; Prat D., Diccionario biografico-bibliografico-historico-critico de guitarras…, Buenos-Aires, (1933); Bone Ph. J., Guitar and mandolin…, L., 1914, L., 1954; Vannes R., Dictionnaire universel des luthiers, Brux., 1951, 1958; Avgerinos G., Lexikon der Pauke, Fr./M., 1964; Jalovec K., Enzyklopädie des Geigenbaues, t. 1-2, Prague, 1965.
Concert Music: Even D., Encyclopedia of concert music, NY, 1959.
Chamber music: Cobbet’s cyclopedie survey of chamber music, v. 1-2, L., 1929, v. 1-3, 1963.
Симфоний: Blaukopf K., Lexicon of the Symphony, Bregens-W., (195…).
Instrumental and vocal music (musical themes): Barlow H., Morgenstern S., A dictionary of musical themes, NY, 1948; theirs, A dictionary of vocal themes, NY, 1950.
Electronic Music: Eimert H., Humpert HU, Das Lexicon der elektronischen Musik, Regensburg, 1973.
Source: Longstreet S., Dauer AM, Knaurs Jazz Lexicon, Manchester. — Z., 1957; Feather L., The Encyclopedia of Jazz, NY, 1955, new ed., 1960; Wasserberger J., Jazzovэ Slovnik, Bratislava, 1966.
Contemporary vocal-instrumental ensembles: Lillian Roxons Rock encyclopedia, (NY, 1970).
Primary source: Darrel RD, The Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia of Recorded Music, NY, 1936, 1948; Сlоugh F., Сuming GJ, The world encyclopaedia of recorded music of 1925 — March 1950, L., 1952-57, Suppl. 1-3, 1950-55, L., (1952)-57
Russian pre-revolutionary publications
Terminological musical dictionaries: An addition that serves as an explanation of technical musical terms, in the book: Methodical experience on how to teach children to read music as easily as ordinary writing, trans. from French, (M.), 1773; (Gerstenberg I.D.), A musical dictionary containing words and sayings used in music, in the book: A pocket book for music lovers for 1795, St. Petersburg, 1795; (Snegirev L. A.), Manual musical book, St. Petersburg, 1837, 1840 (appendix to his book: Piano method …, vol. 1, published under the pseudonym L. A. S.); Brief Musical Singing Dictionary, St. Petersburg, 1898, P., 1915; Antsev M.V., Music terminology, Vitebsk, 1904; Voronin V., Musical Dictionary (with the addition of an explanation of the structure of the strings of musical instruments), Vladimir, 1908.
Biographical musical dictionaries: Kushenov-Dmitrevsky D. F., On artists and virtuosos of music, in his book: Lyrical Museum …, St. Petersburg, 1831; Scar A., Biographical lexicon of Russian composers and musical figures, St. Petersburg, 1879, 1886; Lisovsky N., Dictionary of composers and musical figures, in his book: Musical calendar-almanac and reference book for 1890, St. Petersburg, 1889; (Findeizen N.), A Concise Dictionary of Russian Music Critics and Persons Who Wrote About Music in Russia, in the book: Musical Almanac Calendar for 1895, St. Petersburg, 1895; Biographies of composers from the 1904th to the 1th centuries. Foreign and Russian department, ed. A. Ilyinsky. Polish department, ed. G. Pakhulsky, M., 2; Illustrated Dictionary of Modern Russian Musical Figures, vol. 1907-08, Od., (1911-XNUMX); Maslov A., Researchers and collectors of Russian songs, in his book: An experience of leadership in the study of Russian folk music, M., XNUMX.
Encyclopedic musical dictionaries: Garras A., Manual musical dictionary with the addition of biographies of famous composers and amateurs, M., 1850 (reprinted many times; subsequent editions under the title “Musical terminology” contained only terminology, corrected and supplemented by V. Odoevsky, M., 1866); Cherlitsky I., A musical guide for artists and music lovers, containing a brief encyclopedia, i.e. the most important of the knowledge of music, an explanation of all foreign words and biographical sketches … St. Petersburg, 1852 (text in German, French and Russian. .); Perepelitsyn P.D., Musical Dictionary. Encyclopedic reference collection, M., 1884; Riman G., Musical Dictionary, trans. from the 5th German ed., add. Russian department …, trans. and all extras ed. Yu. Engel, (issue 1-19), M., 1901-04; Engel Yu., Brief musical dictionary, M., 1907; his own, Pocket Musical Dictionary, M., (1913); Kalafati V., Sputnik musician, St. Petersburg, 1911.
Among other musical dictionaries: (Findeisen N.), A Brief Dictionary of Folk Musical Instruments in Russia, in the book: Musical Calendar – Almanac for 1896, St. Petersburg, 1896; Preobrazhensky A., Dictionary of Russian church singing, St. Petersburg, 1896; Silvo L. G., Experience of an alphabetical index to ballets, pantomimes, divertissements and similar stage works composed and staged in Russia … (1672-1900), St. Petersburg, 1900.
Soviet editions
Terminological musical dictionaries: Glebov I., Guide to concerts, vol. 1 – Dictionary of the most necessary musical and technical designations, P., 1919; Tzadik I., Dictionary of foreign musical terms, ed. and with additional M. V. Ivanov-Boretsky. Moscow, 1935. Sezhensky K., Brief musical reference book, M., 1938; his own, A Brief Dictionary of Musical Terms, M., 1948, M. – L., 1950; Garbuzov N., Terminology on the elementary theory of music, M. – L., 1944 (on the cover: 1945); Ostrovsky A. L., Brief musical dictionary, L.-M., 1949; Ravlyuchenko S. A., Brief musical dictionary (reference book), M., 1950; Dolzhansky A.N., Brief musical dictionary, L., 1952, 1964; Dapkviashvili T.V., Dictionary of musical terms, Tb., 1955 (in Georgian); Steinpress B., Yampolsky I., Concise Dictionary of a Music Lover, M., 1961, 1967; Albina D., Muzikas terminu vardnica, Riga, 1962; Alagushev B., Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary of musical terms, P., 1969; Kruntyaeva T., Molokova N., Stupel A., Dictionary of foreign musical terms, (L.), 1974.
Biographical musical dictionaries: Rindeizen N., A brief review of singing clerks, composers and theorists of the 1th-1928th centuries, in his book: Essays on the history of music in Russia, vol. 1, M. – L., 1937; Solodukho Ya., Yarustovsky B., Soviet composers, vol. 1937, M., 1; Soviet laureates of international music competitions (compiled by M. I. Shulman), M., 1938; Soviet Composers, vol. 1938, L., 1940; Musicians – Komsomol members of Moscow (compiled by G. Gruzd), M., 1951; Chkhikvadze G., Composers Gruz. SSR, Tb., 1951; Composers of Soviet Ukraine, K., 1954; Koralsky A. Ya., Composers of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 1954; Soviet composers – laureates of the Stalin Prize, ed. V. M. Bogdanov-Berezovsky and EP Nikitin, L., 1955; Composers of Soviet Kazakhstan, Reference book, A.-A., 1955; Gravitis O., Brief Biographies of Latvian Composers, Riga, 1956; Lebedinsky L., Composers of Bashkiria, M., 1956; Armenian composers (compiled by R. A. Atayan, M. O. Muradyan, A. G. Tetevosyan), Yer., 1956; Composers Mold. SSR, Kish., 1957; Composers and musicologists of Soviet Latvia. Brief biographical data, Riga, 1957; Composers of Tajikistan, Stalinabad, 1959; Soviet composers. Brief biographical reference book (compiled by G. Bernandt and A. Dolzhansky), M., 1959; Khalilov R. G., Composers of Azerbaijan, Baku, 1960; Asinovskaya A., Akbarov I., Composers of Soviet Uzbekistan, Tash., 1961; Agababov S. A., Figures of musical art of Dagestan, Makhachkala, 1961; (Abasova E.), Young Composers of Azerbaijan, Baku, 100; Soviet composers, laureates of the Lenin Prize, L., 1962; Brief dictionary of teachers, in the book: 1965 years of the Leningrad Conservatory. Historical essay, L., 1966; Union of Composers of Azerbaijan, Baku, 1866; Zhuravlev D., Composers of Soviet Belarus. Brief biographical reference book, Minsk, 1966; List of teachers of the Moscow Conservatory. in special disciplines. (1866-1966), in the book: Moscow Conservatory, 1966-1966, M., 1967; Composers of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 1968; Composers of Soviet Moldavia. Brief biographical reference book, Kish., 1968; Toradze G. G., Composers of Georgia, Tb., 1969; Mukha A., Sidorenko N., Spilka composer in the URSR. Dovidnik, Kiev, 1969; Bolotin S., Biographical Dictionary of Wind Instrument Performers, L., 1970; Grigoriev L., Platek Ya., Modern conductors, M., 1; Creativity of composers and musicologists Est. SSR, Tal., 2; Bernandt G. B., Yampolsky I. M. Who wrote about music. Bibliographic dictionary of music critics and persons who wrote about music in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR, vol. 1971-74, M., 1974-XNUMX; Karklin L.A., Composers and Musicologists of Soviet Latvia, Riga, XNUMX.
Encyclopedic musical dictionaries: Kargareteli I. G., Musical Encyclopedia, Tiflis, 1933 (in Georgian); Steinpress B., Yampolsky I., Encyclopedic musical dictionary, M., 1959, 1966; Companion of a musician, Encyclopedic pocket dictionary-reference book (edited by A. Ostrovsky), M. – L., 1964, L., 1969.
Opera dictionaries: Bernandt G., Dictionary of operas first staged and published in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the USSR. (1736-1959), M., 1962; Gozenpud A., Opera Dictionary, M. – L., 1965.
Dictionaries of compositions of other genres: Romanovsky N.V., Choral Dictionary, L., 1968, 1972; Buluchevsky Yu., Fomin V., Ancient music. Dictionary-reference book, L., 1974.
Dictionaries of music competitions: Music competitions in the past and present. Handbook, M., 1966.
References: Koltypina G. B., Reference literature on music … Index of literature in Russian. 1773-1962, M., 1964; Lasalle A. de, Catalog du tout des dictionnaires de musique publiés en français in Dictionnaire de la musique appliquée a l amour, P., 1868; M.aghi-Dufflocq E., Dizionari di musica, “Bolletino Bibliografico musicale, 1933, Anno 8, No 3, p. 5-33; Schaal R., Die Musik-Lexika, in the book: Jahrbuch der Musikwelt, (B.), 1949; Coover J. B., Bibliography of music dictionaries, Denver Col., 1952; Albrecht H., “Der neue Grove”, und die gegenvärtige Lage der Musiklexikographie, “Mf”, 1955, Bd 8, H. 4.
I. M. Yampolsky