Music Terms – G
G (German ge; English ji) – 1) letter designation. salt sound; 2) treble clef
Gabelgriff (German Gabelgriff) – fork fingering (on a woodwind instrument)
Gagliarda (Italian galliard), Gaillarde (French Gaillard) – galliard (old fast dance)
Gagliardo (Italian gallardo) – violently, strongly
Gai (French ge), Gaîment, gatment (geman), Gaio (it. gayo) – fun, lively, lively
Gala (it. gala) – celebration, performance-gala (ceremonial performance); concerto gala (it. concerto gala) – an unusual concert
Galant (fr. Galan), Galantamente(It. galantamente), Galante (galante) – gallantly, elegantly, gracefully
Gallop (English gallop), Galop (French halo), Galopp (German gallop), Galoppo (Italian galloppo) – gallop (dance)
Galoubet ( fr. Galube) – a small longitudinal flute
Gamba (it. Gamba) – abbr. from viola da gamba
Gamma (it. gamma), Gamme (fr. gam) – gamma, scale
Gamma naturale (it. gamma naturale), Gamme naturelle (fr. gam naturel) – natural scale
Gamut (eng. gamet) – range [ voice or instrument]
Gang (German gang) – passage; literally a passage
Ganz (German ganz) – the whole, the whole
Ganzen Bogen (German ganzen bogen) – [play] with the whole bow; the same as mit ganzem Bogen
Ganze Note (German ganze note), Ganztaktnote (ganztaktnote) – a whole note
Ganze Pause (German ganze pause) – a whole pause
Ganze Takte schlagen (German ganze takte schlagen) – conduct whole
measures of Gänzlich ( German ganzlich) – completely, completely
GanzschluB (German ganzschluss) – full cadence (on the tonic)
Ganzton (German ganzton) – whole tone
Ganztonleiter (German ganztonleiter), Ganztonskala (ganztonskala) – whole-tone gamut
Garbato (Italian garbato) ,con garbo (con garbo) – politely, delicately
Garder (fr. garde) – save
Gassenhauer (German gassenhauer) – 1) street song; 2) fashionable song;
3) in the 16th century – Gauche vocal serenade (French gosh) – 1) left [hand]; 2) awkward, awkward [Debussy]
Gaudioso (It. Gaudioso) – joyfully
Gavotta (It. Gavotta), Gavotte (French Gavot, English Gavot), Gavotte (German Gavotte) – Gavot (French dance)
Gay (English . gay) – fun, cheerful
Gazouiller (French gazouye) – twitter, murmur, babble
Geblasen (German geblazen) – perform on a wind instrument
Gebrochen(German gebrochen) – arpeggiating; literally breaking
Gebunden (German gebunden) – connected (legato)
Gedackt, Gedakt (German Gedakt) – closed labial pipes of the organ
Gedampft (German gedempft) – closed, muffled sound
Gedeckt (German gedekt) – closed sound
Gedehnt (German. gedent) – stretching, drawn out
Gefährte (German geferte) – 1) the answer is in the fugue; 2) imitating voice in the canon
Geflüster (German gefluster) – whisper, rustle; wie ein Geflüster (vi ain gefluster) – like a whisper, rustle [Mahler. Symphony No. 8]
Gefühl (German Gefül) – feeling, feeling
Gefühlvoll (German Gefülfol) – with feeling
Gegenbewegung (German gegenbewegung) – 1) the opposite movement of voices; 2) addressing the theme of Gegenfuge (German gegenfuge) – contra-fugue
Gegengesang (German gegengesang) – antiphon
Gegensatz (German gegensatz) – opposition [in fugue]
Gehalten (German gehalten) – restrained
Geheimnisvoll (German geheimnisfol) – mysteriously
Gehend (German geend) – an indication of a moderate pace; the same as andante
Gehende Viertel (German geende viertel) – the pace is moderate, counted in quarters; similar symbols. found in the works of German composers of the 20th century.
Gehör (German geher) – hearing
Geige(German Gaige) – 1) the old name of bowed instruments; 2) violin
Geigenharz (German Geigenharz) – rosin
Geigenprinzipal (German Geigenprincipal) – one of the registers of the organ
Geistliche Musik (German Geistliche Musik) – cult, music
Geloso (It. Dzheloso) – jealously
Gemächlich (German gemahlich) – calmly
Gemäß (German gemes) – respectively, according to [something]
Gemäß dem verschiedenen Ausdruck in den Versen piano und forte (German and Italian gemes dem fershidenen ausdruk in den ferzen piano und forte) – in accordance with the content of the poems ( text) to perform either quietly or loudly [Beethoven. “Man of the word”]
Gemäßigt(German gemesicht) – restrained, moderately
Gemere (it. dzhemare) – mournfully
Gemessen (German gemessen) – exactly, definitely, measuredly
Gemischt (German hemisht) – mixed
Gemischter Chor (hemishter kor) – mixed choir
Gemütlich (German. gemutlih) – calmly; literally cozy
Genau (German Genau) – exactly, for example, Genau im Takt (Genau im tact) – rhythmically accurate
Generalbaß (German generalbas) – bass general
Generalmusikdirektor (German generalmusikdirector) – in German countries. lang. chief musical director of the opera. theater or symphony. orc.
Generalpause (German generalpause) – general pause
Genere (Italian genere), Genre (French, English genre) – the genre
of Gènero chico (Spanish Henero Chico) is a genre of music. performances in Spain Generoso (it. jeneroso) – nobly
Genis (it. dzhenis) – althorn [Verdi. “Othello”]
Gentil (French janti), Gentile ( it. dzhentile), Gently (eng. gently) – gently, calmly, softly
Genus (lat. genus) – genus, inclination,
variety chromatic scale
Genus diatonicum (genus diatonicum) – diatonic scale
Genus enharmonicum(genus enharmonicum) – enharmonic scale (ancient term – 1/4-tone scale)
Gepeitscht (German gepaicht) – with a blow of a whip; wie gepeitscht (vi gepaicht) – as if with a blow of a whip [Mahler. Symphony No. 6]
Gerissen (German gerissen) – abruptly
Gesamtausgabe (German gezamtausgabe) – complete works
Gesamtkunstwerk (German gazamtkunstwerk) – a work of art based on the synthesis of arts (Wagner’s term)
Gesang (German gesang) – singing, song
Gesangvoll (gesangfol) – melodious
Geschlagen (German Geschlagen) – striking
Geschlecht (German Geschlecht) – inclination [major, minor]
Geschleppt(German Geschlept) – tightening
Geschliffen (German Geschliffen) – stretched, stretched, slow
Geschwind (German Geschwind) – soon, hastily, quickly
Gesellschaftskanon (German Gesellschaftskanon) – household, easily executed canon
Gesteigert (German Geschteigert) – increased, strenuously
Gestopft (German geshtopft) – closed, stalled sound (reception of playing the horn)
Gestoßen (German gestossen) – abruptly
Gestrichen (German gestrichen) – lead with a bow; same as arco; weich Gestrichen (weich geshtrichen) – gently lead
the Gesungen (German gesungen) bow – melodious
Geteilt(German Getailt) – division of homogeneous stringed instruments, voices of the choir into 2 or more parties
Getragen (German Getragen) – stretched
Gettato (it. Dzhattato) – a stroke on bowed instruments; literally throw
Gewichtig (German gevihtich) – hard, important
Gewinnen (German gevinnen) – to achieve; an Ton gewinnend (an tone gevinnand) – achieving a greater sound by adding the sound
Gewirbelt (German gevirbelt) – to play with a fraction [on percussion instruments]
Gewöhnlich (German gevonlich) – usually, in the usual way
Gewonnen (German gevonnen) – achieved; im gewonnenen Zeitmaß (im. gevonnenen zeitmas) – at the achieved pace
Gezischt (German getzisht) – hiss Gezogen (German hecogen) – tightening, slowly
Ghiribizzoso (It. giribizzoso) – whimsically, bizarrely
Giga (It. jig), gigue (French jig) – jig: 1) starin, fast dance ; 2) the old bowed instrument
Giocondo (it. jocondo), Giocosamente (jokozamente), Giocoso (jocoso), Gioiso (joyozo) – joyfully, cheerfully, playfully
Gioviale (it. joviale), con giovialità (con jovialita) – cheerfully, fun
Gitana (Spanish hitana) – gitana, gypsy; gypsy dance
Gitarre (German guitar) – guitar
Giù(it. ju) – down; in giù (in ju) – downward movement [with a bow, hand]
Giubilante (it. jubilante), con giubilo (con jubilo) – solemnly, joyfully, jubilantly
Giuoco (it. juoko) – game, joke
Giusta (it. justa) – pure [quart, fifth, etc.]
Giusto (it. Giusto) – correct, proportionate, accurate; tempo giusto (it. tempo justo) – 1) tempo according to the nature of the piece; 2) without deviating from the meter and tempo
Glänzend (German glenzend) – brilliantly
Glasharmonika (German glyasharmonika) –
Glee glass harmonica (English gli) – kind of polyphony,
Gleich songs(German gleich) – 1) even, the same; 2) immediately
Gleicher Kontrapunkt (German Gleicher counterpoint) – smooth counterpoint (note against note)
Gleichmäßig (German Gleichmassich) – evenly, evenly
Glide (English glide) – 1) smooth movement; 2) chromatic scale
Glide the full bow (English glide di full bow) – smoothly lead along the strings with a full bow
Gli ornamenti ad libitum (It. – lat. Ornamenti hell libitum) – decorate a melody or passage at will
Glissando (glissando, from glisser – glide) – glissando
Glissando full length of bow (English glissando full tape ov bow) – smoothly lead with the whole bow
Glissando mit der ganzen Länge des Bogens(German glissando mit der ganzen lenge des bogens) – smoothly lead with the whole bow
Glissando touches blanches (fr. glissando touches blanches) – glissando on the white keys
Glissé (fr. glisse) – glissando
Glisser tout le long de I’archet (fr. glisse to le long delarshe) – smoothly lead with the whole bow
Glocke (German glocke) –
Glocken bell (gloken) – Glockengeläute bells (German
glockengeleute ) – chime of bells
Glockenspiel (German glockenspiel) – a set of bells
Gloria (lat. Gloria) – “Glory” – the initial word of one of the parts of the Mass
Glosa (Spanish Glosa) – a type of variation in Spanish music of the 16th century.
Gluhend(German gluend) – fiery
Gondoliera (It. gondolier), Gondellied (German gondellid) – crown, song of the boatmen
Gong (It., French, English gong), Gong (German gong) – gong
Go on at once (eng. go he et one) – immediately go [to the next part of the essay]; the same as attacca
Gorgheggio (it. gorgedzho) – throat trill
Gorgia (it. gorja) – wok. decorations, coloratura (a term of the 16th century)
Gospel, gospel songs (English gospel, gospel son) – religious songs of the north. Amer. blacks
Grâcee (French Grace) – grace, grace
Grace (Eng. Grace), Grace note (Grace Note) – melism
Graceful (English greysful), Gracieusement (French Gracezman), Gracieux ( Gracieux ) – gracefully, gracefully
Gracile (It. Gracile) – thin, weak gradation, gradualness [with effort. or reduce. sound and movement] Gradevole (it. gradevole) – nice Grado (it. grado) – step, degree Grado ascendente (grado ashendente) – moving up a step Grado discendente (grado dishendente) – moving down a step Graduate (lat. Graduale) – Gradual – a collection of Catholic choral chants. Mass Gradually
(English Graduel), Gradualmente (It. Gradualmente), Graduellement (French Graduelman) – gradually
Gradually dying away (English Gradually Dayin Away) – gradually fading
Gradus (lat. Degree) – step
Gran (It. Gran), Grande (grande), Grand (fr. grand, english grand) – big, great
Gran cassa (it. grand cassa) – big drum
Grandamente (it. grandamente), Grandement (fr. grandman) – majestically, solemnly
Grand cornet (fr . gran cornet) – one of the registers of the organ
Grandezza (it. grandetstsa) – greatness;con grandezza (it. con grandezza) – majestically
Grandioso (it. grandiose) – majestic, magnificent, grandiose
Grandisonante (it. grandisonante) very sonorous
Grand jeu (fr. grande) – the sound of “full organ” (org. tutti)
Grand Opéra (French Grand Opera) – Grand Opera
Grand’organo (Italian grand’organo), Grand orgue (French grand org) – the main keyboard of the organ
Grand piano (English grand piano) –
Grappa piano (Italian grappa) – Accolade
Grave (Italian Grave, French Grave, English Grave), Gravement (French Gravman), Gravemente(it. gravemente) – significantly, solemnly, heavily
Gravita (it. gravita) – significance; con gravita (con gravita) – significantly
Gravitätisch (German gravitetish) – with the importance of
Grazia (It. Gracia) – grace, grace; con grazia (con gracia), Grazioso (graceful) – gracefully, gracefully
Great (eng. great) – big, great
Great organ (great ogen) – the main keyboard of the organ
Grell (German grel) – sharply
Grelots (fr. Grelo) – bells; the same as clochettes
Griffbrett (German griffbret) – neck of stringed instruments; am Griffbrett(am griffbret), auf dem Griffbrett (auf dem griffbret) – [play] at the neck (on bowed instruments)
Griff loch (German griffloch) – sound hole for wind instruments
Grob (German coffin) – roughly
Groppetto (it. groppetto ), Groppo (groppo) – gruppetto
Gros (fr. rpo), Gross (English grous), Groß (German gross), Grosso (It. Grosso) – large, large
Großartig (German grossartich) – grandiose
Grosse caisse ( fr. gross kes) – big drum
Gross flute (eng. grous flute) – transverse flute
Großer Strich(German grosser stroke) – [play] with a wide bow movement, full bow
Große Trommel (German grosse trommel) – bass drum
Groß gedeckt
( German gross gedekt) – one of the registers of the organ , dance)
Grotesk (German grotesque) – bizarre, fantastic, grotesque
Groteske (grotesque) – grotesque
Grotesque (French grotesque, English grotesque), Grottesco (Italian grotesque) – 1) bizarre, fantastic, grotesque 2) Grotesque
Ground (English ground), Ground bass (ground bass) – a recurring theme in the bass (basso ostinato)
Group(eng. group) – a small vocal and instrumental ensemble of pop music
Groupe (fr. group) – a group of notes, connected, with one viscous
Growl (eng. groul) – a technique for playing a brass instrument in jazz; literally buzzing
Grundharmonie (German grundharmoni) – basic harmony; in jazz, the harmonic scheme for improvisation
Grundlage (German grundlage) – basics, kind of [chord]
Grundstimme (German grundshtimme) – 1) bass as the basis of harmony; 2) one of the groups of registers in the body; literally the main voice of
Grundton (German grundton) – 1) the basics, the tone in the general bass; 2) in harmony – tonic; 3) in acoustics – the lower sound of the combination tone; literally
Gruppetto root tone(it. gruppetto), Gruppo (groupo) – gruppetto Gruppierung (German
grupperung ) – grouping [notes]
Guaracha (Spanish guaracha) – Cuban dance
Guerrier (French Guerrier), Guerriero (It. Guerriero) – militantly
Guida (it . guida) – 1) the theme of the fugue; 2) the initial voice in the canon
Guiro (Spanish gyro) – guiro (percussion instrument of Latin American origin)
Guisa (it. guiza) – image, appearance; a guisa – in the form, character, for example, a Guisa di giga (a guiza di jig) – in the character of the gig
Guitar (eng. gitaa), Guitare (fr. guitar), Guitarra(Spanish guitarra) – guitar
Guitare d’amour (French guitar d’amour) bowed instrument, Schubert wrote a sonata for him; the same as arpeggione
Gusto (it. thick) – the taste
of Gustoso (gustoso), con gusto (con thick) – with the taste of
Gut (German gut) – good, for example, Gut hervortretend (gut herfortretend) – well highlighting
Gut string ( eng. gat strin) – guttural string (fr.
gyutural ) – guttural [sound]
Gymel (eng. gimel) – gimel (form of old, polyphony); same as cantus gemellus