Music Terms – C
C (German tse, English si) – 1) the letter designation of the sound do; 2) a sign depicting a measure in 4; 3) name. keys to
Cabaletta (it. cabaletta) – 1) a small aria; 2) in the 19th century – the stretta conclusion of the aria or duet
Cabaza (Portuguese cabaza), Caba ç a (cabasa) – cabana (percussion instrument) Caccia (Italian caccha) – wok genre. music of the 14th-16th centuries. (2-3 voices canon), literally, hunting
Cachée (French cache) – hidden [octave or fifth]
Cachucha (Spanish kachucha) – kachucha (Spanish dance)
Cacofonia (it. kakofonna), Cacophonie (fr. cacophony), Cacophony (English kakofeni) – cacophony, discord
Cadence (French cadence, English cadence) – 1) cadence; 2) cadence
Cadence authentique (French cadence otantique) – authentic. cadence
Cadence évitée (cadence evite) – interrupted cadence
Cadence imparfaite (cadence emparfet) – imperfect cadence
Cadence parfaite (cadence parfet) – perfect cadence
Cadence plagale (cadence plagal) – plagal cadence
Cadenza (it. cadence) – 1) cadence; 2) cadence
Cadenza autentica (cadence authentic) – authentic. cadence
Cadenza d’inganno (cadenza d’inganno) – interrupted cadence
Cadenza imperfetta (cadenza imperfetta) – imperfect cadence
Cadenza perfetta(cadence perfatta) – perfect cadence
Cadenza plagale ( cadence plagale) – plagal cadence Cadre en fer
( fr. frame en fair) – cast iron frame at the piano drum Caisse claire (French cas claire) – snare drum Caisse claire avec corde (cas claire avec cord) – snare drum with string Caisse claire grande taille (cas claire grand thai) – oversized snare drum Caisse claire petite taille thai) – snare drum is reduced, size Caisse claire sans timbre (cas claire san timbre) – snare drum without strings Caisse roulante
(French kes rulant) – cylindrical (French) drum
Cake-walk (English keikuok) – kekuok (dance)
Calameilus (lat. kalamelus), Calamus (kalamus) – reed flute
Calando (it. kalando) – subsiding, decreasing the power of [sound]
Calata (it. calata) – an old Italian dance
Caidamente (it. caldamente) – with heat, ardently
Call and response (English call and rispons) – antiphonal structure of some songs of North American blacks (spirituals, labor, songs ) and jazz forms, mainly blues; literally call and response
Calma (it. kalma) – silence, calmness; Con calma (con calma) Calmato(calmato), Calmo (calmo), Calme (fr. Calm) – quiet, calm
Calmando (It. Kalmando) – calming down
Calore (It. Calore) – warmth, heat, heat; Con calore (con calore), Calorosamente (calorosamente), Caloroso (caloroso) – animatedly, with heat, with fire
Cambiando (it, cambiando) – changing; for example, Cambiando il tempo (cambiando il tempo) – changing the tempo
Cambiare (cambiare) – change, change; for example, Cambiare il tempo (cambiare il tempo) – change the pace
of Cambiata(it . cambiata ) – cambiata ( auxiliary note on a weak beat)
Camera (it. camera ) – room, chamber , Cameso corporation (cameso) – a percussion instrument of Latin American origin Camminando (it. camminando) – slowly, calmly Campana (it. campana) – Campane bell ( campane ) – Campanello bells (it. campanello) – Campanelli bell (campanelli) – campanaccio bells ( it. campanaccio) – alpine bell
Campane tubolari (It. campane tubolari) – tubular bells
Cancan (Fr. Cancan) – French. 19th century dance
Cancionero (Spanish: Cancionero), Cantional (Late Latin Cantional ) – cantional (collection of songs, chants)
Candidamente (It. candidamente) – artlessly,
truthfully stick with a kapok head [Stravinsky. “Soldier’s Story”]
Cangiare (it. kanjare) – change, change
Cangiando (kanjando) – changing
Cangiate (kanjate) – change
Canon (Latin canon, French canon, English kenen), Canone(it. canon) – canon
Canon á l’écrevisse (fr. canon al ekrevis), Canon retrograde (canon retrograde) – canon canon
Canon ad infinitum (lat. canon ad infinitum), Canon perpetuus (canon perpetuus) – endless canon
Canon cancricans (canon cancricans) – canon canon
Canon circuiaire (canon circulér), Canon perpétuel (canon perpetuel) – endless (circular) canon
Canon enigmaticus (canon enigmaticus) – enigmatic canon
Canon par augmentation (canon par ogmantasion) – canon magnified
Canon par diminution (canon par diminution) – canon in reduction
Canon per augmentationem (canon peer augmentationem) – canon in magnification
Canon per diminutionern (canon peer diminutionem) – canon in reduction
Canonicus (lat. canonicus) – canonical, ecclesiastical
Cantus canonicus (cantus canonicus) – church. singing
Canonique (French canon) – canonical
Canorо (it. canoro) – euphonious, melodious
Cantabile (it. cantabile) – melodious
Cantacchiare (cantakyare), Cantacchiando (cantakyando) – singing
Cantamento (cantamento) – singing
Cantando (cantando) – melodious singing
Cantante (cantante), Cantatore(cantatore) – singer
Cantare (cantare) – sing, sing
Cantata (It. cantata, English cantate), Cantate (French cantata) – cantata
Cantatilla (It. cantatilla) – small cantata
Cantafrice (It. cantatriche, French cantatris ) – singer [opera, concert]
Cantereliare (it. canterellare), Canticchiare (cantikyare) – hum, sing along
Canterellato (canterellato) – in an undertone, as if singing
Canterina (it. canterina) – singer; Canterino (canterino) – singer
Cantica (it. Canticle), Canticle (English canticle) –
Cantico song(it. cantico), Canticum (lat. canticum) – laudatory chants of the Catholic Church
Cantilena (it. cantilena), Cantilène ( fr .
cantilen ) – melodious, melodious
melody cantinellachcha) – The common song
Cantino (it. cantino) – the highest string in string for bowed and plucked instruments with a neck
Cantique (fr. cantik) – song, hymn
Canto (it. canto) – 1) singing, chanting, melody; 2) upper voice: treble, soprano
Canto a cappella (it. canto a cappella) – church. singing or unaccompanied choir singing
Canto carnascialesco(It. Canto carnashalesko), Canto carnevalesco (Canto carnevalesco) – carnival song
Canto cromatico (It. Canto cromatico) – singing using chromatic intervals
Canto fermo (It. Canto fermo) – Cantus firmus (main, unchanging melody in counterpoint)
Canto figurato (it. canto figurato) – one of the types of polyphonic singing
Canto gregoriano (it. canto gregoriano), Canto piano (canto plano) – Gregorian singing
Canto primo (it. canto primo) – 1st treble or soprano
Canto secondo (canto sekondo) – 2nd treble
Cantor (lat. Cantor), Cantore(it. cantore) – 1) sang in the choir of the Protestant church; 2) head of the church. choir
Canto recitatlvo (it. canto recitative) – recitative singing
Cantoria (it. cantoria) – choirs (room for choristers)
Cantus (lat. cantus) – 1) singing, melody, melody; 2) upper voice: treble, soprano
Cantus ambrosianus (lat. cantus ambrosianus) – Ambrosian singing
Cantus figuralis (lat. cantus figuralis), Cantus figuratus (cantus figurative) – one of the types of polyphonic singing
Cantus firmus (lat. cantus firmus) – cantus firmus (main, unchanged melody in counterpoint)
Cantus gemellus(lat. cantus gemellus) – a form of old, polyphony; the same as gymel
Cantus gregorianus (lat. cantus gregorianus), Cantus planus (cantus planus) – Gregorian chant
Cantus monodicus (lat. cantus monodicus) – monophonic singing
Canzonaccia (it. canzoneccia) – square song
Canzone (it. canzone) – 1) canzone, song; 2) an instrumental piece of a melodious character
Canzone a ballo (it. canzone a ballo) – a dance song
Canzone sacra (it. canzone sacra) – a spiritual song
Canzonetta (it. canzonetta) – a small song, a song
Canzoniere (it. canzonere) – a collection of songs
Canzoni spirituali(it. kantsoni spirituals) – spiritual chants
Capo (it. capo) – head, beginning
Capobanda (it. capoband) – bandmaster, spirit. orc.
Capolavoro (it. capolavoro) – a masterpiece
of Capotasto (it. capotasto) – capo: 1) nut for stringed instruments; 2) a device for rebuilding the strings
Cappella (it. cappella) – chapel, choir
Capriccio (it. capriccio, traditional pronunciation of capriccio), Caprice (fr. caprice) – caprice, whim
Capricciosamente (it. capricciozamente), Capriccioso (capriccioso), Capricieusement (French Capricieux), Capricieux(caprice) – whimsically, capriciously
Caracaha (Portuguese caracasha) – a percussion instrument of Brazilian origin
Carattere (it. carattere) – character; nel carattere di… (nel carattere di…) – in character…
Caratteristico (it. carratteristico) – characteristic
Caressant (fr. karesan) – caressing
Carezzando (it. karezzando), Carezzevole (carezzvole) – caressing, affectionately
Caricato (it. caricato) – exaggerated, caricatured
Carillon (fr. carillon) – 1) bells; en carillon (an carillon) – imitating the chime; 2) one of the registers of the
Carnaval organ (fr. carnival),Carnevale (It. carnevale), Carnival (English, kanival) – carnival
Carol (English kerel) – Christmas hymn, cheerful song
Carola (It. Carola) – old, round dance song
Carrée (French caret) – 1) note of square notation ; 2) a note equal in duration to 2 whole
Cartetlo (it. cartello) – the repertoire list of the opera house; Cartellone (kartellone) – theater poster, poster
Cases (fr. kaz) – frets on stringed instruments
Cassa (it. cash desk) – drum
Cassa chiara (it. cash desk chiara) – snare drum
Cassa chiara Con corda (casa chiara con corda) – snare drum with string
Cassa chiara formato grande (casa chiara grande format) – snare drum increase. size
Cassa chiara piccolo formato (cassette chiara piccolo format) – small snare drum
Cassa chiara senza timbro (cassette chiara senza timbro) – snare drum without strings
Cassa ruilante (it. cassa rullante) – cylindrical [French] drum; the same as tamburo ruilante , tamburo vecchio Cassation
( French cassation), Cassazione ( Italian cassation) – cassation (a genre of instrumental music of the 18th century ) Castagnette (it. castignette), Castanets
(English castenets) – castanets
Catch (English ketch) – a canon for several male voices with a comic text
Catena (it. catena) – a spring for bowed instruments
Catena di trilli (it. catena di trilli) – a chain of trills
Cauda (lat. cauda) – 1) in mensural notation, the calm of the note; 2) the conclusion in Wed – century. music; literally the tail
of Cavaletta (it. cavaletta) – cabaletta (small aria) Cavatina ( it
. cavatina ) – a short aria of a lyrical character
Ce rythme doit avoir la valeur sonore d’tm fond de paysage triste et glace (French se rhythm dua avoir la valeur sonor d’on von de landscape triste e glace) – rhythmic drawing in the character of a sad and cold landscape [Debussy]
Cedendo (it. chedendo), Cedente (chedente), Cedevole (chedevole) – slowing down; literally yielding to
Céder (fr. Sede) – slow down
Cédez (sede) – slow down; en cédant (an sedan) – slowing down; literally yielding to
Celere (it. chelere), Con ceieritá (con chelerita) – soon, quickly
Celerita (chelerita) – speed, speed, fluency
Celesta (it. celesta, eng. siléste),Celesta (French Celesta), Celesta (German Celesta) – celesta; literally heavenly
Cello (it. chello, eng. chzlou) – cello
Cembalo (it. cembalo) – cembalo, harpsichord; the same as clavicembalo
Center of the bow (eng. senter ov de bow) – [play] with the middle of the bow
Cercar la nota (it. Cherkar la nota) – “look for a note” – a manner in singing to take ahead of time in the form of a key increase, falling on the trail. syllable (as with portamento)
Cercle harmoniqtie (French sircle armonic) – fifth circle
Cesura (It. chezura), Césure (French sezur) – caesura
Cetera (It. Chetera) – sistrum (medieval stringed plucked instrument)
Cha cha cha (Spanish cha cha cha) –
Chaconne dance (French shacon) – chaconne: 1) starin, dance; 2) instrumental piece, comp. from a number of variations
Chalne de trilles (fr. sheng de trii) – a chain of trills
Chaleur (fr. chaler) – warmth, heat (hobby)
Chaleureusement (chalerézman) – with heat, hot
Chaieureux (chaleré) – hot, ardent
Chaiumeau (fr. shalyumb) – 1) flute; 2) the lower register of the clarinet
Chamber (eng. chaimbe) – chamber
Chamber concert (chaimbe konset) – chamber concert
Chamber music (chamber music) – chamber music
Change (eng. change) – change, change, change [instrument];piccolo change to 3rd flute [
piccolo change that teed flute) – change the small flute
to the 3rd
flute fr. chanzhe lezhe) – change of registers [in the organ]
Changing note (eng. changing note) – auxiliary note
Chanson (fr. chanson) – song
Chanson à boire (fr. chanson a boir) – drinking song
Chanson à parties (fr chanson a party) – a vocal work for several voices
Chanson balladee (fr. chanson balladee) – dance French. song
Chansonette (chansonette) – song
Chansonnier (fr. chansonnier) – French stage, singer, often songwriter
Chant (fr. chan) – 1) singing, song, chant; 2) vocal, and sometimes instrumental piece
Chantant (shant ) – melodious
Chanté ( shant ) – melodious
Chanter (shant) – sing, Chantonner ( shantone) –
sing – church. singing Chanterelle (fr. chantrell) – the highest string in string for bowed and plucked instruments with a neck; literally melodious Chanteur (fr. shanter) – singer Chanteuse (shantaz) – singer Chantey, Chanty
(English chanti) – choral sailor song; the same as shanty
Chant farci (French Shan Farsi) – Gregorian tunes, mixed. with tunes is not a cult, the origin of
Chant liturgique (French Chant liturzhik) is a church. singing
Chant populaire (French chan populaire) – Nar. singing, song
Chantre (fr. chantre) – church. singing
Chant sur le livre (French Chant sur Le Livre) – improvised counterpoint (16th century)
Chapel (English Chapel), Chapelle (French Chapel) –
Chaque Chapel (French Shak) – each, every
Chaque mesure (Shak mazur) – each bar
Charakterstück (German karaktershtyuk) – a characteristic piece of
Charleston(English chaalstan) – Charleston – Afroamer. dance
Charleston Becken (English-German chaalstan bekken) – pedal cymbals
Charme (French charm) – charm; avec charme (avek charm) – charmingly
Charme (charme) – enchanted [Scriabin. “Prometheus”]
Chasse (fr, shas) – wok genre. music of the 14th-16th centuries. (2-, 3- voice canon); literally hunting
Che (it. ke) – which, which, that, only, except
Chef d’attaque (fr. chef d’attack) – orc accompanist. (1st violinist)
Chef de choeur (fr. chef de ker) – conductor of the choir
Chef d’oeuvre (fr. masterpiece) – masterpiece
Chef d’orchestre (fr. chef d’orchestra) – conductor
Chevalet(fr. chevale) – stand (for bowed instruments)
Cheville (fr. chevy) – peg
Cheviller (cheviyo) – peg box (for bowed instruments)
Chevrotement (fr. chevrotman) – voice tremor
Chiaro (it. chiaro) – light, clear, pure
Chiave (it. chiave) – 1) key; 2) valve (for wind instruments)
Chiave di basso (chiave di basso) – bass clef
Chiave di violino (chiave di violino) – treble clef
Chiavette (it. chiavette) – “keys”, an indication for transposition (15-16 centuries BC) )
Chiesa (it. Chiosa) – church; aria, sonata da chiesa (aria, sonata da chiesa) – church aria, sonata
Chiffrage (French cipher) – digital
Chimes (English chimes) – bells, bells
Chitarra (Italian kitarra) – 1) kitarra, kitharra – ancient Greek stringed plucked instrument; 2) guitar
Chitarrone (it. chitarrone) – a kind of bass lute
Chiterna (it. kiterna) – quintern (one of the types of lute)
Chiuso (it. kyuzo) – closed sound (reception of playing the horn)
Chocalho (portuguese shukalyu), Chocólo (shukolu) – chocalo (percussion instrument of Latin American origin)
Choeur (French ker), Chor (German Kor) -choir
Choir(English kuaye) – 1) choir (predominantly church), to sing in chorus; 2) side keyboard of the organ
Choir-master (eng. kuaye-maste) – choirmaster
Choisi, choisis (fr. choisi) – chosen, chosen ones
Choral (German coral, English coral) –
Choralgesang (German koralgesang) – Gregorian singing
Choralnote (German coralnote) – note of choral Gregorian notation
Chord (English code) – chord
Chorda (lat. chord) – string
Chordirektor (German choral director) – pianist learning choral parts at the opera house
Chord of the fourth and sixth (English code ov di foots and sixth) – quarter-sixth chord
Chord of the sixth(English code ov di sixt) –
Chorégraphie (French coregraphy), Choreographie (German coreography), Choreography (English coreography) – choreography
Chorist (German corist), Chorsänger (korzenger), Chorister (English coriste) – chorister
Chormeister (German kormeister) – choirmaster
Choro (Portuguese Shoru) – Shoro; 1) instrumental ensembles in Brazil; 2) pieces for similar ensembles; 3) the genre of cyclic instrumental and vocal-instrumental works in Brazil
Chorton (German corton) – a tuning fork; same as Kammerton
Chorus(English cores) – 1) choir; 2) a work for the choir; 3) in jazz – the harmonic basis of improvisation
Chroma (Greek chrome) – raised. or lower. sound by half a tone without changing the step; literally paint
Chromatic (English kremetik), Chromatique (French kromatik), Chromatisch (German kromatish) – chromatic
Chromaticism (English krematizm), Chromatism (krematizm), Chrofnatik (German kromatic), Chromatisme (French kromatizm) – chromatism
Chromatic sign (eng. crematic sign) – signs in the key
of Chrotta(Latin hrotta), crott (Old Irish
crott ), crowd (English crowd), crwth (Welsh. Krut) – crotta – bowed instrument of the early Middle Ages in Ireland, Wales (fr. chute) – 1) a special type of ancient decoration; 2) lift; 3) arpeggio Ciaccona (it. chakkona) – chakona: 1) an old dance; 2) an instrumental piece, consisting of a number of variations of Ciaramella (it. charamella) – bagpipes Ciclo delle quinte (it. chiclo delle kuinte) – circle of fifths Cilindro rotative (it. chilindro rotativo) – rotary valve for brass wind instruments Cirnbali (it. chimbali ) – Cimbali antiche cymbals
(it. chimbali antike), Cimballini (chimballini) – antique
cymbals Cimbasso (it. chimbasso) – brass wind instrument
Cinelli (it. chinelli) – whale. cymbals
Cinglant (fr. senglyan) – sharply, bitingly
Circolomezzo (it. chircolomezzo) – decorations in singing
Circulatio (lat. circulation) – circular movement of melody in music of the 17th-18th centuries, literally the environment
of Cister (German cisterns), Cistre ( French sistre), Cittern (English siten) – sistrum (medieval stringed plucked instrument)
Civettando (It. civettando), Con civetteria (con civetteria) – coquettishly
Clair(fr. claire) – light, clean, transparent
Clairon (fr. cleron) – 1) signal horn; 2) one of the organ registers
Clairon métallique (French Clairon Metalic) – metal clarinet (used in a military band)
Clameur (French Clamer) – scream, cry
Claquebois (French claquebois) – xylophone
Clarinet (English clarinet), Clarinette ( clarinet) – clarinet
alto (clarinet alto ) – alto clarinet
Clarinet basse (clarinet bass) – bass clarinet
Clarinet сontrebasse (clarinet double bass) – contrabass clarinet
Clarinet d’amour (clarinet d’amour) – clarinet d’amour
Clarinetto(it. clarinetto) – clarinet
Clarinetto alto (clarinetto alto) – alto clarinet
Clarinetto basso (clarinetto basso) – bass clarinet
Clarinetto Contrabasso (clarinetto contrabasso) – contrabass to
Clarinetto d’amore (clarinetto d’amore) – clarinet d’amour
Clarinetto piccolo (clarinetto piccolo) – small clarinet
Clarino (it. klarino) – klarino: 1) natural pipe; 2) the middle register of the clarinet; 3) one of the registers of the
Clarion organ (eng. klerien) – 1) signal horn; 2) one of the registers of the
Clarone organ (it. clarone) –
Clarté basset horn (fr. klyarte) –
Clausula clarity(Latin clause) – the name of the cadence in the music of the Middle Ages
Clavecin (French clavesen) – harpsichord
Claves (Spanish claves) – claves sticks (percussion instrument)
Claviatura (Latin keyboard), Clavier (French clave, English clavier) – keyboard
Clavicembalo (it. clavichembalo) – harpsichord
Clavichord (eng. clavicode), Clavicordo (it. clavichord) – clavichords
Clavier á la main (fr. clavier a la maine) – manual (keyboard for hands in the organ)
Clavier des bombardes ( fr. clavier de bombard) – side keyboard of the organ
Clavis (lat. clavis) – 1) key; 2) key; 3) valve for wind instruments
Clef(French clef, English clef) – 1) key; 2) valve for wind instruments
Clef de fa (fr. cle de fa), Clef de basse (cle de bass) – bass clef
Clef de sol (cle de sol) – treble clef
Cloche, cloches (fr. flare) – bell, bells
Cloches á tubes (French flare a tube), Cloches tubulaires (flare tyubulaire) – tubular bells
Clochette (French flare) – bell, bell
Clochettes (flare) – bells, bells
Clochette suisse (French flare suisse) – alpine bell
Clog box (English clog box) – jazz percussion instrument
Close(English close) – end, completion, cadence
Close shake (English close shake) – vibrato on strings, and wind instrument
Cluster (English klaste) – simultaneous sounding of a number of adjacent notes; Amer. term. composer G. Cowell (1930)
Coda (it. coda) – 1) coda (end); 2) calm at the note; literally the tail
of Codetta (it. codetta) – a short melodic turn, the transition from the topic to the opposition
Cogli (it. stakes) – the preposition Con in conjunction with the definite article of the masculine plural: with, with
Coi (it. koi) – the preposition Con in conjunction with a definite masculine plural article: with, with
Col(it. kol) – the preposition Con in conjunction with the singular masculine definite article: s, with
Colascione (it. kolashone) – the genus of the lute
Colinde (rum. kolinde) – folk Christmas song (in Romania)
Col ‘arco (it. koll arco) – [play] with the bow
Col legno (it. kohl legno) – [play] with the shaft of the bow
Col legno gestrichen (it. – germ. kol leno gestrichen) – drive the bow shaft along the strings
Coll ‘ (it. koll) – preposition Con in conjunction with the definite article masculine, feminine singular: with, with
Coll’ottava (it, colle ottava), Con ottava (kon ottava) – play with
Colla octaves(it. colla) – the preposition Con in conjunction with the singular feminine definite article: with, with
Colla destra (colla destra) – [play] with the right hand
Colla parte (colla parte) – together with the party [follow ch. voice]
Colla sinistra (it. colla sinistra) – [play] with the left hand
Colla più gran forza e prestezza (it. colla piu gran forza e prestezza) – with the greatest strength and speed [Sheet]
Collage (fr. collage) – collage ( insertion of short quotes from other works)
Colle (it. colle) – the preposition Con in conjunction with the feminine plural definite article: with, with
Colle verghe (it. colle verge) – [play] with
Collera rods(it. kollera) – anger, anger; Con collera (con collera) – viciously, angrily
Collo (it. collo) – the preposition Con in conjunction with the masculine singular definite article: with, with
Colofonia (it. colophony), Colophane (fr. colofan), Colophony (eng. calófeni) – rosin
Color (lat. color) – 1) decoration; 2) in mensural musical notation, the general designation of notes that differ in color; literally color
Coloratura (it. coloratura, eng. coloretuere), Colorature (fr. coloratura) – coloratura (decoration)
Colore (it. coloret) – paint, color; senza colore (senza colore) – colorless [Bartok]
Col or is (French colori), Colorito (Italian colorito) – color
Color (English kale) – timbre; literally color, shade
Col pollice (it. col polliche) – [play] with your thumb
Col pugno (it. col punyo) – [hit] the piano keys with your fist
Col tutto Parco (it. col tutto larco) – [play] with the whole bow
Combo (English combo) – combo (small jazz, composition)
Come (it. come) – as
Come prima (come prima) – as at the beginning
Come sopra (come sopra) – as before
Come sta (come hundred) – strictly as written
Comedie (French Comedy), Comedy(English, comedy) – comedy
Comédie mêlée d’ariettes (French comedy mele d’ariette) – comedy with singing, comedy. opera
Comes (lat. comes) – 1) the answer is in a fugue; 2) imitating voice in the canon Cominciare (it. kominchare) – start
Cominciamento (cominchamento), Cominciato (cominchato), Comincio (comincho) – the beginning; for example, tempo del comincio – tempo, as at the beginning
Comma (lat. comma) – 1) comma (acoustic term) – interval less than 1/4 tone; 2) the sign of caesura (‘) in the vocal and instrumental composition
Comme (fr. com) – as if, as if, almost
Comme des eclairs(French com dezeclair) – like a flash [lightning] [Scriabin. Sonata No. 7]
Comme un écho de la phrase entendue précédemment (French com en eco de la phrase antandue presademan) – like an echo of a phrase that sounded earlier [Debussy. “Sunken Cathedral”]
Comme un murmure confus (French com en murmur confus) – like an indistinct rustle [Scriabin. Poem-octurne]
Comme un tendre et triste regret (French com en tandre e triste regre) – like a tender and sad regret [Debussy]
Comme une buée irisée (French comme buée irisée) – like a rainbow haze [Debussy]
Comme une lointaine sonnerie de cors (French commun luanten soneri de cor) – like the distant sound of French horns [Debussy]
Comme une ombre mouvante(French commun ombre muvant) – like a moving shadow [Scriabin. Poem-nocturne]
Comme une plainte lointaine (fr. commun plant luenten) – like a distant complaint [Debussy]
Commedia (it. commedia) – comedy
Commedia madrigalesca (commedia madrigalesca) – madrigal comedy
Commencer (fr. comance) – start
Commencement (commensman ) – the beginning of
Commencer un peu au dessous du mouvement (French comanse en pe o desu du mouvement) – start a little slower than the original pace [Debussy. Preludes]
Commencer Ientement dans un rythme nonchalamment gracieux (French Commense lantman danz en rhythm nonchalamman gracieux) – start slowly, in a casually graceful rhythm [Debussy]
Common chord (eng. comen code) – triad
Common time (eng. comen time) – size 4; literally the usual size
Commosso (it. kommosso) – excitedly, shocked
Commune (fr. commune), Comune (it. komune) – general, for example, pausa comune (it. pause komune) – pause for all voices
Comodo (it. komodo) , Comodamente (comodamente) – convenient, easy, effortless, at ease, slowly
Compass (English campes) – range [of voice, instrument]
Compiacevole (it. compiachevole) – nice
Compiacimento (compyachimento) – joy, pleasure
Comping(English campin) – rhythmically free accompaniment on the guitar (jazz, term)
Complainte (fr. complent) – 1) plaintive song; 2) a couplet song with a tragic or legendary plot Complesso (it. complesso) – ensemble
Complete (eng. camp) – complete
Complete cadence (camp cadence) – full cadence
Complete works (eng. camp wex), Complete set of works (camp set) ov ueks) – complete collection of op.
Compose (English Campouz), Composer (French Compose) – to compose
Composer (English Campouse), Compositeur (French composer), Compositore (Italian composer) – composer
composition (French composition, English camping), Composizione (Italian composition) – composition, music. composing
Con (it. con) – with, with, together with
Con affettazione (it. con affettazióne) – with affectation
Con abbandono (con abbandono) – at ease, surrendering to the feeling
Con acceleramento (con acceleramento) – accelerating
Con accuratezza (con accuratetstsa) – exactly
Con affetto (con affetto) – with a feeling
of Con affezione (it. con affetsione) – with tenderness, love
Con afflitto (con afflitto), Con afflizione (con afflicione) – sad, sad
Con agevolezza(kon adjevoletstsa) – easily, at ease
Con agiatezza (con adzhatezza) – convenient, calm
Con agilita (it. con agilita) – fluently, easily
Con agitazione (it. con agitatione) – excited, excited
Con alcuna licenza (it. con alcuna lichenza) – with some freedom
Con allegrezza (con allegrezza) – joyfully, cheerfully
Con alterezza (it. con alterezza) – arrogantly, arrogantly
Con amabilita (con amabilita) – kindly, affectionately
Con amarezza (con amarezza) – with bitterness
Con amore ( it. con ambre) – with love
Con angustia (con angustia) – in anguish
Con anima(con anima) – with a feeling
Con austerita (con austerita) – strictly, severely
Con brio (it. con brio) – lively, fun, excited
Con bizzarria (con bidzaria) – strange, bizarre
Con calma (con kalma) – quiet, calmly
Con calore (con calore) – animatedly, with heat, with fire
Con celerita (con chelerita) – soon, quickly
Con civetteria (con chivetteria) – coquettishly
Con collera (con kollera) – viciously, angrily
Con comodo (it. con komodo ) – leisurely; literally with the convenience of
Con corde (con corde) – [snare drum sound] with strings
Con delicatezza (con delicatezza) – gently
Con delizia (con desiderio) – joyfully, admiringly, enjoying
Con desiderio (con desiderio) – passionately, passionately
Con desiderio intenso (con desiderio intenso) – very passionately, passionately
Con destrezza (con destrezza) – with ease, liveliness
Con desvario (con desvario) – capriciously, as in delirium
Con devozione (con devotione), Con divozione (con divotione) – reverently
Con diligenza (con diligence) – diligently, diligently
Con discrezione (it. con discretsione) – 1) restrained, moderately; 2) following Ch. parties
Con disinvoltura (con dizinvoltura) – freely, naturally
Con disordine(con disordine) – in confusion, confusion
Con disperazione (con disperatione) – inconsolable, in despair
Con dolce maniera (it. con dolce maniera) – gently, affectionately
Con dolore (con dolore) – with pain, longing, sadly
Con due pedali (it. con due pedal) – press both pedals (on the piano)
Con duolo (con duolo) – sad, mournful
Con durezza (con durezza) – firmly, sharply, rudely
Con effeminatezza (con effeminatezza) – soft, feminine, pampered
Con eleganza (it. con eleganza) – gracefully, elegantly
Con elevazione (it. con elevacione) – proudly, arrogantly
Con energia(it. con energy) – energetically, decisively
Con entusiasmo (it. con enthusiastically) – enthusiastically
Con espressione (con espressione) – expressively, expressively
Con estro poetico (it. con estro poetico) – with poetic. inspiration
Con facezia (con fachecia) – fun, playful
Con fermezza (con farmezza) – firmly, firmly, confidently
Con fervore (con fairvore) – with heat, feeling
Con festivita (con festivita) – festive, joyful
Con fiacchezza (con fyakketsza) – weakly, tiredly
Con fiducia – confidently
Con fierezza (con fierezza) – proudly, proudly
Con finezza(con finezza) –
subtly Con fiochezza (con fioketstsa) – hoarse, hoarse
Con fluidezza (con fluidezza) – fluid, smoothly
Con foco (con foco) – with fire, ardor
Con forza (con forza) – strongly
Con fuoco (it. con fuoco) – with heat, fiery, passionately
Con franchezza (con francetstsa) – boldly, freely, confidently
Con freddezza (con freddezza) – cold, indifferent
Con freschezza (con fresketstsa) – freshly
Con fretta (con fretta) – hastily, hastily
Con fuoco (con fuoco) – with heat, fiery, passionately
Con furia (con furia) – furiously, furiously
Con garbo(con garbo) – politely, delicately
Con giovialita (con jovialita) – cheerfully, cheerfully
Con giubilo (con jubilo) – solemnly, joyfully, jubilantly
Con gli (it. con li) – with, with; the same
Con grandezza (it. con grandetstsa) – majestically
Con gravita (con gravita) – significantly
Con grazia (con grazi), grazioso (graceoso) – graceful, graceful
Con gusto (con thick) – with the taste of
Con ilarita (it. con ilarita) – joyfully, fun
Con impazienza (con impatientsa) – impatiently
Con impeto (con impeto) – swiftly, passionately, impetuously
Con incanto (con incanto) – charming
Con indifferenza (con indifferenza) – indifferent, indifferent, indifferent
Con indolenza (it. con indolents) – dispassionate, indifferent, careless
Con intrepidezza (con intertrapidezza), intrepido (intrepido) – boldly, confidently
Con ira (con ira) – angrily
Con lagrima (con lagrima) – mournful, sad, full of tears
Con languidezza (it. con languidezza) – languidly, as if exhausted
Con larghezza (con largozza) – wide, lingering
Con leggerezza (con legerezza) – easy
Con lenezza (con lenezza) – softly, quietly, gently
Con lentezza (it. con lentezza) – slowly
Con lestezza(con lestezza), lesto (lesto) – quickly, fluently, deftly
Con liberta (it. con liberta) – freely
Con licenza (con lichenza) – freely
Con locura (con locura) – as in madness [de Falla. “Love is a sorceress”]
Con luminosita (it. con luminosita) – shining
Con maesta (con maesta) – majestically, majestically, solemnly
Con magnanimita (con manyanimita) – magnanimously
Con magnificenza (it. con manifitsa) – magnificent, magnificent, majestic
Con malinconia (con malinconia) – melancholic, sad, sad
Con malizia (con malicia) – slyly
Con mano destra (it. con mano destra) – right hand
Con mano sinistra (it. con mano sinistra) – left hand
Con mestizia (con mesticia) – sad, sad
Con misterio (con mysterio) – mysteriously
Con moderazione (con moderatione) – moderately
Con morbidezza (it. con morbidezza) – softly, gently, painfully
Con moto (it. con moto) – 1) mobile; 2) the tempo designation added to indicates acceleration, for example, allegro con moto – rather than allegro
Con naturalezza (con naturalezza) – naturally, simply, usually
Con nobile orgoglio (it. con nobile orgoglio) – nobly, proudly
Con nobilita ( con nobilita) – nobly, with the dignity of
Con osservanza(con osservanza) – exactly observing the specified shades of performance
Con pacatezza (con pacatezza) – calmly, meekly
Con passione (con passione) – passionately, with passion
Con placidezza (con placidezza) – quietly
Con precisione (con prachisione) – definitely, exactly
Con prontezza (con prontezza), pronto (pronto) – agile, lively, fast
Con rabbia (con rabbia) – angry, furious, furiously
Con raccoglirnento (con raccolimento) – concentrated
Con rapidita (con rapidita) – quickly, swiftly
Con rattezza ( con rattetstsa) – quickly, lively
Con rigore (kon rigore) – strictly, precisely [observing the rhythm]
Con rimprovero (con rimprovero) – with an expression of reproach
Con rinforzo (con rinforzo) – strengthening
Con roca voce (con roca voche) – with a hoarse voice
Con schiettezza (con schiettazza) – simply, sincerely
Con scioltezza (con soltezza) – at ease, freely, flexibly
Con sdegno (con zdeno) – angrily
Con semplicità (con samplicita) – simply, naturally
Con sentimento (con sentimento) – with a feeling
of Con severità (con severita) – strictly, seriously
Con sforzo (con sforzo) – strongly
Con sfuggevolezza (con sfudzhevolozza) – quickly, fleetingly
Con slancio(con zlancho) – swiftly
Con snellezza (con znellezza), Con snellita (con znellita) – easily, deftly, quickly
Con sobrietà (con sobriet) – moderately
Con solennità (con solenita) – solemnly
Con somma passione (con somma passione) – with the greatest passion
Con sonorità (con sonorita) – sonorous, sonorous
Con sordità (con sordita), sordo (sordo) – dull
Con sordini (con sordini) – with mutes
Con sordino (it. con sordino) – [play] with muted
Con speditezza (con spaditezza) – quickly, nimbly
Con spirito (con spirito) – with enthusiasm, fervor, enthusiasm
Con splendidezza (con splendidetstsa) – brilliant, great
Con strepito (con strepito) – noisy, loud
Con sublimità (it. con sublimit) – sublime, majestic
Con suono pieno (it. con ship drunk) – full sound
Con tardanza (con tardanese ) – slowly
Con tenacità (con tenacita) – stubbornly, persistently, firmly
Con tenerezza (con tenerezza) – gently, softly, affectionately
Con timidezza (con timidezza) – timidly
Con tinto (it. con tinto) – shading
Con tranquillità (con tranquillita ) – calmly, serenely
Con trascuratezza (con trascuratezza) – casually
Con tristezza(con tristezza) – sad, sad
Con tutta forza (it. con tutta forza) – with all force, as loudly as possible, with full force
Con tutta la lunghezza dell’ arco (it. con tutta la lunghezza del arco) – [play ] with the whole bow
Con tutta passione (con tutta passionone) – with the greatest passion
Con uguaglianza (con uguallane), ugualmente (ugualmente) – exactly, monotonously
Con Umore (con umore) – with mood, whimsically
Con una certa espressione parlante (it. con una cherta esprecione parlante) – approaching speech expressiveness [Beethoven. Bagatelle]
Con una ebbrezza fantastica (it. con una ebbrezza fantastic) – in a bizarre intoxication [Scriabin. Sonata No. 5]
Con un dito ( it . con un dito ) – [play] with one finger
Con variazioni (it. con variations) – with variations fluently Con vigore (con vigore) – cheerfully, energetically Con violenza (con violenza) – violently, furiously Con vivezza (con vivezza) – lively Con voglia (con volley) – passionately, ardently Con volubilita (it. con volubilita) – flexible, sinuously Con zelo (kon zelo) – with zeal, zeal Concento (it. concento) – consonance, harmony, agreement Concentrando
(It. concentrando), Concentrato (concentrato), Con Concentrazione (con concentratione), Concentre (fr. consantre) – concentrated
Concentus (lat. concentus) – part of the Catholic. services performed by the choir (hymns, psalms, etc.)
Concert (French concert, English concert) – concert (public performance of musical works)
Concertant (French concert) – concert; symphonie Concertante (senfoni concertant) – a symphony with one or more concert instruments
Concertante (it. concertante) – concert
Concertato (concertato) – concert, in a concert style; pezzo concertato(pezzo concertato) – a piece in the concert style
Concertina (it. concertina, eng. concertina) – a type of harmonica [6-coal shape]
Concertino (it. concertino) – concertino: 1) in Concerti grossi – a group of solo instruments (as opposed to ripieno – to the entire composition of the orc.); 2) a small work in the nature of the concerto
Concert master (English – Amer. Conset maste) – accompanist orc. (1st violinist)
Concerto (it. concerto, fr. concerto, eng. kenchatou) – concert; 1) genre of music. works for instrument or solo voice with orc.; 2) a work for orchestra; 3) Concerto (it.) – public performance of music. Concerto da camera works
(it. concerto da camera) – chamber instrumental concert (music genre)
Concerto da chiesa (it. concerto da chiosa) – genre of church music
Concerto gala (it. concerto gala) – unusual concert
Concerto grosso (it. concerto grosso) – “big concert” – a form of ensemble-orchestral music of the 17th-18th centuries.
Concert spirituel (French conser spiritual) – spiritual concert
Concitato (it. conchitato), Con concitamento (
con conchitamento ) – excited, excited, restless finale) Concord (English kenkood) – Concordant harmony
(fr. concordan) – starin, called. baritone (voice)
Conduct (eng. kandakt) – conduct
Conducteur (fr. conductor) – 1) conductor; 2) abbreviated. score; violon conducteur ( violon conductor), piano conducteur ( piano conductor ) – part of the 1st violin or piano, adapted for conducting (French conduit) – one of the old forms of polyphonic compositions Conduire (French conduit) – to conduct Conduite des voîx (French conduit de voie) – voice leading
Confusamente (it. confusing) – in confusion
Confusione (confusing) – confusion
Confutatis maledictîs (lat. konfutatis maledictis) .- “Rejecting those who are damned” – the initial words of one of the stanzas of the requiem
Conga (kong), Conga drum (English kong dram)
Congatrommel (German congatrommel) – conga (percussion instrument of Latin-American origin)
Conjoint (French conjuan) – connected,
fused Conseguente (It. conseguente), Consequent (French consekan) – 1) answer in fugue; 2) imitating voice in the canon
Conservatoire (French conservatoire, English koneeevetua), conservatorio (it. conservatorio) – conservatory
Conserver (fr. conserve) – save, keep; en conservant (an conservant) – keeping, holding; en conservant Ie rythme (an koneervan le rhythm) – keeping the rhythm
Console (it. console, fr. console, eng . consoul) – performing console in the organ
Consonance ( fr. Consonanza (it. consonant) – consonance, harmony, consonance Consort (eng. consot) – a small instrumental ensemble in England Contano (it. contano) – count (i.e. pause) – an indication in the score for instruments that are silent for several measures Contare
( contare ) – count , observe a pause
_ _ _ (fr. continuo) – secretly, restrained Continuate (it. continuate) – continue, do not change the pace Continue (it. continuo) – constant, continuous, long Continuamente (continuamente) – constantly, continuously; basso continuo (basso continuo) – constant, continuous bass (digital); moto continuo
(moto continuo) – continuous movement
Continuous trill (eng. cantinyues tril) – a chain of trills
Contra (it., lat. contra) – against, contrary to
Contrabass (eng. contrabass), Contrabasso (it. contrabasseo) – double bass
Contrabass clarinet (eng . kontrabasso clarinet) – contrabass clarinet
Contrabasso da viola (it. contrabasso da viola) – contrabass viola; the same as viol one
Contrabass tuba (eng. contrabass tube) – contra bass tuba
Contra battuta (it. contra battuta) – a size that does not fit into the framework of the main meter of the work
Contraddanza (it. contraddanza) –
contrafagotto(it. contrafagotto) – contrabassoon
Contralto (it., fr. contralto, eng. cantraltou) – contralto
Contrapás (sp. contrapass) – old. Catalan folk dance
Contrappunto (it. counterpunto) – counterpoint
Contrappunto all’improvviso (counterpunto al improvviso), Contrappunto alia mente (counterpunto alla mente) – improvised counterpoint
Contrappunto alia zoppa (counterpunto alla coppa), Contrappunto sincopato (counterpunto syncopato) ”, syncopated counterpoint
Contrappunto doppio, triplo, quadruplo (counterpunto doppio, triplo, quadruplo) – counterpoint double, triple, quadruple
Contrappunto sopra (sotto) il soggetto (counterpunto sopra (sotto) il sodzhetto) – counterpoint over (under) Cantus firm us
Contrapunctum (Latin contrapunctum), Contrapunctus (counterpuncture) – counterpoint; literally a point against a point
Contrapunctus aequalis (contrapunctus ekualis) – equal, homogeneous counterpoint
Contrapunctus floridus (contrapunctus floridus) – decorated, flowery counterpoint Contrapunctus
inaequalis (contrapunctus inekualie) – unequal, heterogeneous counterpoint Contrario (it. contrarno) – opposite, moto contrario
(moto contra) – countermovement
Contratenor (lat. countertenor) – name. wok. parties, usually above the tenor (in music of the 15th-16th centuries)
Contrattempo (Italian countertempo), Contretemps (French countertan) – syncopation
Contrebasse (French double bass) – double bass
Contrebasse à anche (French double bass a ansh), Contrabasso ad ancia (it. contrabass ad ancha) – wind instrument of contrabass tessitura
Contrebasse à pistons (fr. contrabass and piston) – bass and contrabass tuba
Contrebasson (fr. counterbass) – contrabassoon Contredance (fr . contradance) –
Contre-octave(fr, counteroctave), controtiava (it. counterottava) –
counteroctave Contrepoint (fr. counterpoint) – counterpoint
Contrepoint égal (counterpoint egal) – equal, homogeneous counterpoint
Contrepoint fleuri (counterpoint fleuri) – flowery counterpoint
Contre-sujet (fr. counter- syuzhe), contro-soggetto (it. kontrosodzhetto) – opposition
Contro (it. contro) – against, contrary to
Cool (English cool) – a manner of performance in jazz (50s); literally cool
Coperchio (it. coperchio) – the upper deck of stringed instruments
Coperto (it. coperto) – closed, covered; 1) closed sound [on the horn]; 2) timpani covered with matter
Copula (lat. Copula) – cabbage: 1) in the organ there is a mechanism that allows you to attach the registers of other keyboards when playing on one keyboard; 2) one of the ancient forms of mensural music
Cor (fr. cor) – 1) horn; 2) horn
Cor a pistons (cork and piston), Cor chromatique (cor cromatic) – horn with valves (chromatic)
Cor d’harmonie (cor d’armonie) – natural horn
Cor à clefs (fr. cora clefs) – horn with valves
Cor ale espressivo (it. corale expressive) – side keyboard of the organ
Cor anglais (fr. cor anglais) – 1) eng. horn; 2) one of the registers of the organ
Cor de basset (French cor de base) – basset horn
Cor de chasse(fr. cor de shas) – hunting horn
Corda (it. corda) – string; una corda (una corda) – 1 string; in piano music means the use of the left pedal; tre corde (tre corde), tutte le corde (tutte le corde) – 3 strings, all strings; in piano music means not to use the left pedal
Corda ramata (corda ramata) – twisted string
Corda vuota (korda vuota) – open string
Corde (fr. cord) – string
Corde à vide (cord a view) – open string
Corde de boyau (fr . cord de boyo) – core string
Corde filée (cord file) – entwined string
Corde incrociate(it. corde incrochate); Cordes croisées (French cord croise) – cross arrangement of strings in the piano
Cordiale (It. Cordiale) – sincerely, cordially
Cordier (French Cordier), Cordiera (It. Cordiera) – sub-neck for bowed instruments
Coreografia (It. Coreografia) – choreography
Corifeo (it. corifeo) – luminary, sang in the choir
Corista (it. corysta) – 1) chorister; 2) tuning fork
Cornamusa (it. kornamuz), Cornemuse (fr. kornemyuz) – bagpipe
Cornet (fr. cornet, eng. conit), Cornetta (it. kornetta) – cornet: 1) brass wind instrument 2) one of the registers of the organ
Cornet (English conite), Cornet à bouquin (French cornet a buken) – zinc (wind mouthpiece instrument 14-16 centuries)
Cornet-á-pistons (French cornet-a-piston, English conet e pistanz) – cornet-a-piston (cornet with valves)
Cornetta a chiave (it. cornetta a chiave) – horn with valves
Cornetta segnale (it. cornetta señale) – signal horn
Cornetto (it. cornetto) – zinc (wind mouthpiece 14 -16 centuries)
Corno (It. Korno) – 1) horn; 2) horn
Corno a pistoni (corno a piston), Corno cromatico (corn cromatico) – horn with valves (chromatic)
Corno da caccia (it. corno da caccia) – hunting horn
sogpo di bassetto (it. corno di bassetto) – basset horn
Corno inglese (it. corno inglese) – eng. horn
Corno naturale (it. corno naturale) – natural horn
Cornophone (fr. cornophone) – a family of wind instruments
sogo (it. koro) – 1) choir, 2) choirs; sogo pieno (it. coro pieno) – mixed choir; literally full
Corona (lat., it. crown) – sign of
fermata Coronach (eng. corenek) – funerary song and music (in Scotland, Ireland)
Corps de rechange (fr. cor de reshange) – crown (at a brass wind instrument), the same as ton de rechange
Corrente (it. corrente) – chimes (old, French dance)
Corrido(Spanish corrido) – people. a ballad on topical topics
Corrigé (French coryge) – corrected [opus]
Corto (It. Corto) – short
Coryphaeus (English coryphies), Coryphee (French coryphe) – luminary, sang in the choir
Cosi (It. Kosi) – so , also, thus
Cottage piano (eng. cottage pianou) – a small piano
Coulant (fr. kulan) – fluid, smooth
Coulé (fr. kule) – 1) together, connected; 2) phrasing league; 3) train
Coulisse (fr. backstage) – backstage
Counterpoint (eng. countepoint) – counterpoint
Counter-subject (eng. counte-subjikt) – counteraddition
Country dance (English country dance) – 1) old, eng. nar. dance; literally rural dance; 2) ballroom dance
Coup d’archet (French cou d’arshe) – sound extraction techniques with a bow
Coup de baguette (French cou de baguette) – hit with a stick
Coup de fouet (French cou de fue) – blow of a scourge
Coup de glotte ( fr. ku de glot) – a hard sound attack among singers
Coup de langue (fr. ku de lang) – a blow with the tongue (when playing a wind instrument)
Coupé (fr. cup) – a form of a piece of music
Coupe (fr. coupe) – abruptly
Couper (coupe) – cut off, shorten
Couper sec et bref (coupe sec e bref) – cut off dry and short
Coupler(English drop) – copula (a mechanism in the organ that allows you to connect the registers of other keyboards when playing on one keyboard)
Couplet (French couplet, English caplit) – couplet, stanza
Coupure (French bills) – bill
Courante (French courant ) – chimes (starin, French dance)
Couronne (fr. curon) – fermata
Court (fr. chickens) – short
Covered stops (eng. cavered foot) – closed labial pipes of the organ
Cow bell (eng. cau bel) – alpine bell
Cracovienne (fr. krakovyon) –
krakovyak Crécelle (fr. cresel) – ratchet (percussion instrument)
Credo(lat. credo) – “I believe” – the initial word of one of the parts of the Mass
Crescendo (it. krescendo, traditional pron. crescendo) – gradually increasing the sound strength
Crescendo sin’al forte (it. krescendo sin’al forte) – strengthening to the degree of forte
Crescere (it. kreshere) – add, increase
Cri (fr. Cree) – cry; comme tin cri (com en cri) – like a cry [Scriabin. Prelude No. 3, Op. 74]
Criard (criar) – loudly
Crié (kriyo) – cry [Stravinsky. “Wedding”]
Crin (French kren), Crinatura (Italian krinatura) – bow hair
Crtstallin (French crystal) – transparent, crystal
Croche(fr. krosh) – 1/8 (note)
Croisement (fr. kruazman) – crossing hands on keyboard instruments
Croisez (croise) – cross [hands]
Croma (it. chrome) – 1/8 (note)
Cromatico (it. cromatiko) – chromatic
Cromatismo (cromatismo) – chromatism
Crook (eng. crook) – crown of a brass wind instrument
Cross fingering (eng. cut fingering) – fork fingering (on a wind instrument)
Cross flute (eng. cut flute) – transverse flute
Crotala (lat. crotala) – crotals: an antique percussion instrument such as castanets; crotals sometimes mean antique plates – cymbales antiques [Ravel, Stravinsky]
Crotchet (English crochet) – 1) / 4 (note); 2) fantasy, whim
Crusched (English krashd) – a type of decoration
Csárdás (Hungarian chardash) – chardash, Hungarian dance
Ccuivré (fr. kuivre) – 1) metallic. [voice]; 2) a closed sound on a horn with a metallic
overtone Cuivres ( French cuivre) – brass wind instruments
Culmination (French culminacion, English calmination), Culminazione (It. Climax) – the culmination
of Cupamente (It. Cupamente), Shiro (cupo) – gloomy, muffled, thoughtful
Cup bells ( cap belz) – bells
Cur mute (eng. cap mute), sir (cap) – a cup mute for a copper instrument
Cura(it. kura) – editing; and cura di… – edited by
Cycle (fr. sikl, eng. cycle) – cycle
Cycle des quintes (fr. sikl de kent) – quint circle
Cyclic, cyclical (eng. ) – cyclic
Cylindre á rotation (French silandr and rotation) – a rotary valve for brass instruments
Cymbala (lat. cymbals) – an antique percussion instrument (small cymbals)
Cymbales (French senbal), Cymbals (English simbels) – cymbals ( percussion instrument)
Cymbales antiques (French senbal antique) – antique
Cymbal cymbals suspended (English simbel seppendit), Cymbale suspendue(French senbal suspandu) – hanging plate