Italo Montemezzi (Italo Montemezzi) |
Italo Montemezzi
He studied music at the Milan Conservatory, where Op. first opera – “Bianca”. In 1905 there was a post in Turin. his opera Giovanni Gallurese. It was followed by: “Gellera” (1909, tr “Reggio”, Turin), “The Love of Three Kings” (1913, tr “La Scala”), “Ship” by D’Annunzio (1918, ibid.) , “Night of Zoraima” (1931, ibid), “Magic” (1951, tr “Arena”, Verona). In 1939 he emigrated to California, returned to Italy in 1949. One of the largest Italian. composers of the 20th century, M. was deeply nat. artist. The melodiousness of M.’s music brings him closer to the verists (especially Puccini), he creates a dramatic. characters. At the same time, Wagner’s work (in the field of harmony and orchestration) had a certain influence on him. The opera “The Love of Three Kings” is very popular. M. wrote the music for Rostand’s play The Princess of Dreams and others. Op. Lit.: Omaggio a I. Montemezzi, a cura di L. Tretti e L. Fiumi, Verona, 1952. St. G.