Is it difficult to learn how to play the guitar?
This is a section of “Interesting questions” that visit the heads of beginners and those who are just about to learn to play the guitar. And the item on the agenda – Is it hard to learn how to play the guitar?«
No, it’s not difficult. Seriously. Yes, no more explanation is needed. What can be difficult? What do you think, is there one occupation, at least one tool, which would be mastered completely without spending time, effort, attentiveness? I think no. It’s the same with the guitar. It is difficult to learn how to play the guitar only for those who do not want to. If you want to learn how to play the guitar, then you will learn anything.
It is not as difficult to learn how to play the guitar as you imagine. In fact, the question of learning the game is just a matter of time, diligence, perseverance – and a little bit of talent. Although the latter is not at all necessary, because any success is 95% labor and 5% talent.
Now it is much easier to learn how to play than it used to be, because any of us have the Internet – and we can learn to play on our own. You might be interested in reading the article “Is it possible to learn to play the guitar yourself.”
When I first started learning (10 years ago), I also thought about the question “is it difficult to learn how to play”? But to be honest, I didn’t bother as much as I practiced. I read, I tried new songs, I tried to invent something new… To be honest, I didn’t care what came out of it, whether it was difficult or not.
Is it difficult to learn how to play the guitar?
Is it hard to learn how to play the guitar? The question is both simple and difficult at the same time. Because learning to play is not difficult – everyone can do it. But whether you can learn or not is up to you.
To learn how to play the guitar, just start. Just start with the fight, then with the chords. Learn to tune your guitar. Then try busting, tablature. Or, in general, for the appearance of motivation, you can start with analysis of songs on one string. You will succeed! The main thing is to start!
I want you to understand that whether it is difficult to learn how to play the guitar or not is up to you. Yes, it will be hard, yes, there will be questions – but all this can be overcome, you can practice, learn! Good luck with your study!