Intense cultural life

Today it has become fashionable to send your children to study abroad, including music. Czech educational institutions are highly valued. This way you can learn the culture of the country and study subjects from different fields. It’s amazing how a boy from a small town in Germany, David Garrett, could become a real star and winner of many awards!

Still, it’s a good school in Germany. It’s not for nothing that Bach, Beethoven and other composers came from there. Thus, famous Czech musicians teach music at the Prague Conservatory. Studying in all specialties lasts 6 years. Students study English, German. Note that the conservatory often invites foreign experts to master classes for students.

And next to the conservatory is the Czech Philharmonic. Students have many opportunities to get acquainted with the art of foreign musicians. By the way, the school year here begins on September 1st. You can study classical singing, acting, or composing and conducting.

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It is known that specialist musicologists are educated at the theoretical and composition department of the conservatory. They receive lecturing and teaching practice. They study such disciplines as polyphony, harmony, and instrumentation. Musicologists are the authors of studies on the work of composers from different eras. This includes authors of music textbooks, conservatory professors and music school teachers.

The work of a musicologist is very exciting! He edits notes and writes various critical articles. This profession requires the ability to understand both the music of the past and the musical phenomena of our time. Also, a true professional musicologist is unthinkable without fluency in the piano. In Soviet musicology, for example, there were many outstanding music scientists.

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